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The alaymarie's blog

Posts 17 posts

Seriously??? Oct 16, 2010
Is what some people take way too literally w/ this site.
When I first joined Tengaged, I loved it. I had great castmates, I won my first game. [Almost] Everyone I encountered was SUPER supportive.... all sunshine and daises.
But then... well. I started coming across people who take everything, including this silly little website, WAY TOO F+++ING SERIOUSLY. Like, really?
I usually just try to ignore rude comments, unless it's personal attacks on one of the friends I have made here. Then I become a heartless b++++ and will cut you to the quick. Which is beside my point... WHY DO YOU EVEN HAVE TO START ATTACKING PEOPLE'S CHARACTER IN THE FIRST PLACE?! Is this really that important to you that you think you are better than another Tengager and need to try to tear them down?

I am getting REALLY sick of seeing all this negativity being strewn about. Behind every character on this site is a person. A human being. We are all just humans being and you are no better than ANYONE else... but you certainly do make it easy for someone to assume you are worse.

So can we all just play nice boys and girls?
Points: 22 3 comments
Harper's Island Oct 13, 2010
image[K. So someone might have had this idea already. If you did, or know of someone who did then that's fine. But I hadn't seen it. SO PLEASE BE KIND.]

A year or two ago on CBS there was this show called Harper's Island. It was this murder mystery show which viewers played along with, guessing who would be next to be killed and who the killer was and what not.
Well... wouldn't it be fun if there were something sort of like that here on a Tengaged? I think so.

Here's sort of how it would work... There'd be like 20 players [maybe less, but it'd be more fun w/ more players] and algo would automatically assign a ''victim'' and a ''killer'' each round. The victim would automatically be up, along with the lowest scorer of a competition, and the least active player in a round.
The highest scorer, most active, and ''victim'' for each round would get to take a guess at who the killer is. If someone guesses the killer then they have to go up [a fourth nomination] but if the killer isn't guessed then there would only be 3 nominations. Then everyone votes. If they vote out the killer, then only the killer dies. If they don't vote out the killer then the victim and whoever has the most votes dies.
Players wouldn't:
be able to see other player's scores.
know who gets a guess.
get keys, apples, or check marks.

I know this sounds kind of complex. Is is lol. Also, it's not EXACTLY like the show was, or any other murder mystery game, but I thought this way was how it would best work w/ an algorithm.

So... what do you think?
Points: 11 2 comments
Rookies. Oct 11, 2010
I didn't like rookies before the change.
And I don't really care for it after the change.
It kind of makes my head spin.
So ugh... I'm not play them :)
Unless begged to do so by a friend.
Points: 14 2 comments
Today... Oct 9, 2010
imageI AM 20 YEARS OLD!
SO exciting.
So who wants to send me a gift ;D
Well, about the gift part... not the EXCITED TO BE 20 part.
Points: 40 6 comments
WOOHOOO Oct 3, 2010
Back from my wonderful weekend away. Had a REALLY great time in Orlando w/ my fam.
I had to leave during the final few ''days'' of my latest castings. But am so happy to find that I had final day finishes. Thanks a bunch guys. You rock. Truly.
I'm going to take a few more days off from Tengaged and enjoy my beach before we get our cold fronts.
Peace, Love, and Giggles -AlayMarie
Points: 10 2 comments
Still not right. Sep 27, 2010
Simon's banning is still not sitting right w/ me.
I'm past the anger stage (well, mostly). I'm into the clear thinking stage of all of this.

To further state his innocence in the matter I have this. It was said in public chat in casting 17920 which can be found on both of our pages:

by SimonJames 4 days 4 hours ago
    I gays are sound people. Rather go clubbing with them than dickheaded chavs wearing polo shirts and bobbing their head in the corner not dancing ¬_¬

There was lots of joking between him and pok3rf4ce.

So I say to the moderators, UN-ban him. If it was one of you who banned him in the first place, you clearly banned him on wrong grounds. If he was banned because of another tengager's complaints, well they are clearly wrong too.

Points: 36 5 comments