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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

We are all fools

Aug 9, 2010 by amberlynn594
"We are fools whether we dance or not, so we may as well dance."-Albert Einstein
No matter who you are , where you live , how much money you make , or who you are seen with , there is going to be at least one person in the world who doesn't like you . If this is true , then why is it that some will sacrifice so much in order to be accepted member of society? A girl will spend hundreds of dollars on the hippest clothes or the cutest make up , she will change the way she acts in public , or the way she talks and she wont give it a second thought . She will completely alter her own being just so she will be liked , but still she will face judgment and taunting . Why have we as a people made this a normal thing ? When did it become such a bad thing to stand out in the crowd or to have your own ways of thinking ? I for one am not going to alter myself to make one group of people like me , because if I have to change , then it isn't really me that they are liking . It's a sick creation of society .
My name is Amber Noon and although I am a teenage girl , I have the mind of someone beyond my years . Some people may call me crazy , but I want to change the way people are thinking about some of the key aspects of our society and I'm using my words to do it . Join me as I face the ups and downs of life , let me give you something to think about at night . You won't regret it .


im hooked...
Sent by ducksfan2091,Aug 9, 2010
Just don't do anything without thinking, and you should be fine. Sounds like (not-so-) common sense.
Sent by Philomena,Aug 9, 2010
I don't understand this whole normal thing either. I enjoy being different. :D
Sent by matthewthegenuis,Aug 9, 2010
Sent by nelson1987911,Aug 9, 2010

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