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The angelofmercy's blog

Posts 103 posts

SPAM! Oct 2, 2009
imageSpam spam spam spam
spam spam spam spam
spam spaaaaaaammmmm
wonderful spam!!!
Do u have something without spam?
We have green eggs and ham and spam it doesn't have much spam!
Spam spam spam spam
spam spam spam spam
spam spaaaaaaammmmm
wonderful spam!!!
Points: 7 0 comments
Braden-"single eviction will be giggly" (what does that mean?) Oct 1, 2009
imageBraden was like a surfer dude
Sarcastically funny and rarely rude!
He liked to be tough and he liked to be bad,
but he was too laid back to ever get mad!
He sure loved to blog
With that he was a hog
He gave us links and asked us for plusses,
Then sat back and laughed at our fusses!
When I first met him he was getting his green card
Out playing pool in the big brother tengaged yard
If put on the block wahh wahh would he cry
and if he came off a big gasp he would sigh
I know it's tough, aye aye aye!!!
But now we must all  just say goodbye!
Be cool,
Don't Druel!

Surf's up!
Famouse Braden quote
"single eviction will be giggly" (what does that that like..let's go have a pool party?)
Points: 23 0 comments
I know my ABC's Oct 1, 2009
imageABC was a man of little words,
but he made an impression on all of the herds!
He sparked many a debate from wegies to reality nerds,
Until finally someone decided this was for the birds!
We know he can count cause he counted down each person until the house was full,
but in the end he just didn't have enough pull!
He stayed real long, but didn't play strong,
I don't know what was wrong,but in the end-he just didn't belong!
Points: 25 4 comments
Ode to kitty- Mss ya Kitty! Oct 1, 2009
imageKitty oh kitty
u were so witty
it is such a pity
that u can't hear this ditty
Points: 24 4 comments
I am taking up a collection for a good cause. Sep 30, 2009
If u have any spare t's laying around...pass them on!
I hope to return the favor when u need assistance in the future or pay it forward!
Points: 0 0 comments
Happy Chinchilli Day!-part 2 Sep 28, 2009
just in case I am still sick tomorrow-I could honor a second day of Chinchilli-lol!
Points: 6 1 comments