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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

fun fact

Aug 7, 2015 by befree420
You can pretty much blog whatever you want if you word it right. For example: rumour has it that maxiphone27 had sexual relations with both a transexual puerto rican and a dog in a mcdonalds bathroom isnt bannable. Prefacing any blog with rumour has it means that you cant be banned for defamation of character because you didnt say it, you merely said what the rumour is. Also you guys could get in trouble for reporting this blog because it isnt pornographic or racist or meet any other requirements you must select when reporting.


It's not a rumor if it's true
Sent by maxiphone27,Aug 7, 2015
1. those are legal rules, not Tengaged rules
2. one could, if they wanted report this for being obscene
Sent by Utsumi,Aug 7, 2015
also, I'm pretty sure I could report this as harassment if I wanted to. (I'm not harassed by it so I'm not going to report it, but just for the sake of argument, i could.)
Sent by maxiphone27,Aug 7, 2015

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