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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Big Brother 16 Cast Ranking #14

Jul 22, 2014 by blakeinator6000

For those of you that don't know what the hell I'm doing, I'm ranking all of the bb16 houseguests from 16th to 1st. Mind you that these are all in my opinion, if you don't agree, just go off he blog page, no sense in calling me an idiot about it. I'm also doing 2 of these, one mid-season and one post season just to see if my rankings change.

Coming in at number 14..
Hayden! :(

Before you neg this blog and write a hateful comment PLEASE READ MY EXPLANATION!

Okay, Hayden is still in the game as this blog is currently being written, He's in the top 12 right now, but just think to yourself, what has Hayden done?

Now I've heard of the whole surfer dude curse, as in almost all surfer dudes getting out pre-jury. Is this true? Maybe, maybe not.

Hayden is the definition of a floater to be honest. He works both sides, he joined the bomb squad but did NOTHING with it, he has a "one night stand" With Nicole, and a 3 person alliance with Nicole and Christine, but I haven't seen him talk to them at all. All he pretty much does is sit around, waiting 'till nominations, flirts with Nicole, gets rejected again, then repeats the next week. I'm sorry to be brutal, but it's true

Now I think Hayden is an okay guy, he's just not the brightest color in the crayon box.

But as Caleb said, "My mom told me that even if I wasn't the brightest crayon in the box, at least I'm still in the box." these are some wise words to live by and I'll be using this quote in SEVERAL convos.


16th - Devin
15th - Paola
14th - Hayden
13th - ?
12th - ?
11th - ?
10th - ?
9th - ?
8th - ?
7th - ?
6th - ?
5th - ?
4th - ?
3rd - ?
2nd - ?
1st - ? *BEST GAMEPLAY* (During Season)


Now these blogs may change, you never know. So this is why I'm going to be doing 2 of these, a during season and an after season to compare each. Think that's a good idea?


Tagged (just ask to be tagged) 13/20 left



tag mee plz
Sent by Wicky,Jul 22, 2014
Tag me
Sent by westyman558,Jul 23, 2014
Sent by RaverKid,Jul 24, 2014

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