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The brade900's blog

Posts 24 posts

The Winner of Survivor Caramoan May 14, 2013
On sunday the season finale of survivor there were four left eddie, dawn, cochran, and sherri. Erik was pulled due to an illness. at the reward challenge cochran won a advantage for the immunity challenge. At the immunity challenge the four had to untie knots from bags to pieces to a puzzle but cochran had his 3 bags already untied due to the advantage. cochran wins the last immunity challeng. At tribal council they decide to elimate eddie 3-1 vote. After tribals over they go back to camp for goodnight sleep the next day they find food and shampange for the final three. That night they go to there last tribal council the jury asks questions to the final 3 then they vote. Jeff goes gets the Votes then he says well meet in Los Angeles to read the votes. They read the votes cochran won 8-0-0
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Please gift me May 5, 2013
I need some gifts please i never been gifted before
Points: 0 0 comments
A design gift giveaway Mar 30, 2013
if made auctions this stars jacket will be giveaway to a random person

heres the link
Points: 0 0 comments
im holding a gift giveaway design Jan 26, 2013
this design will be gifted ramdomly please plus and comment to have a chance
Points: 0 0 comments
gift giveaway Jan 20, 2013
i will pick a random person from whoever plussed it and left a commented i will gift i promise

heres the link
Points: 15 1 comments
i had a good new year Jan 5, 2013
had a great party at my house it was really fun
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