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The chellbell's blog

Posts 12 posts

this tells it all on shaybayy so where all clear on the story Aug 4, 2009
so my first rookies game had a good allience which i might add any allience i make i stick with em and i dont backstabb. this chick shaybayy gets first hoh. she then pm almost everyone in the house for an allience , as being nice she pm long side 2 other ppl in my allience and 3 other ppl besides.. i was being nice and told her that she could join my allience that wasnt a problem .. the problem was when she put up one of my team mates because she was a strong player, needless to say that was mistake one. so my teammate made it through nomms and oh what happens i get HOH hmmmm  well of course because shaybayy put up one of my allience  she was going up  and got evicted much deserved i must say... well then she started throwing out pm on the main board some of were what i wrote but some i didnt and i couldnt figure out how my words got changed in the pm ... well after a week or soo figuring out what the hell was going on i come to find out that even denying that you cant changed pm and such  she writes a blog on how to do it lmao now if this doesnt show what kind of person this chick really is and that is why i state shaybayy is a pathological lier anyone states differnt are lieing to themselfs if you have this chick in a game with you watch out cause she will do anything to lie cheat and steal... in my eyes shes the worst tengaged player of all time...
heres a link to see that she knows how to change pm
Points: 62 8 comments
yes oh yes you got evicted for putting up ppl on my allience and you go and state that im the one to backstabb you posted a link that i supposely wrote  with mistake that you indented it to show you wrote it your self everyone on my game also seen it and called you out of being a lier you can state whatever you want about me im friends with ppl who are friends to me and you are no friend and im sure im not the first one your tired that shit with your a clear example of a  deceitful person ...... and its so funny how you can state that i fucked over my allience hmmm funny because you went and tired to make alliences with the whole house  and i was nice enough to go and let you join my team but no you put up one of my team members because there game play was strong  and when i called you out on it  you tryed to flip it around like you did nothing wrong ive stayed true to my word with my allience i even sent my whole pages  where the could read the whole page  of what i really wrote so your skeeming never worked  cause if i did backstabb which i didnt they would of been the ones leaving the house not you.... so you can put what ever you want about me and say whatever you want doesnt change the fact that your a pathalogical lier and the sooner you face that fact the better off you will be.... dont ever talk to me you are a type of person who looks for attention and when you dont get it you will go to great lengths to if it means adding in words  or just lieing your dam face off .. ive proved myself to my team i gave them proff they needed but you got found out with out me even needed to do anything if you went back and read the pages of what you wrote all you did was contradict yourself and everyone seen that... so you keep telling yourself whatever it is that you need to ,, to make your self feel better about the person you really are if you ask me your nothing but a insecure girl with alot of issues.. i have nothing more to say to you but deal with you own self imange because in the end you will be left with nothing
Points: 30 11 comments
when and if i ever get to stars :P im gonna take the house down Jul 17, 2009
imageim going to clean the house out of all bad weeds  hopefully make good friends  but in the end im Gonna Win the stars game and no body will beat me cause im the best and i soooooooooooooooooooo ROCK  love to hate me hate to love me ..... stars here i come ( someday ) :)
Points: 24 6 comments
ACDC concert in moncton new bruswick Jul 17, 2009
imageoh how i cant wait to go august 6th to see ACDC.. my summer has been pretty busy so far but this is an event that will kick ass.  awesome ending to my summer vaction... so there like 15 of us going hotels are all booked up tight so i guess its tenting for me hehe... ive been waiting to see acdc for a long time and everytime tickets seem to sell out quicker then i could get my hands on them.. this time is different this time i got tickets whoooo hoooo  shook me all night long here i come :)....
Points: 19 3 comments
road trip to newfoundland Jun 29, 2009
imageso my family and i are planing  to take a 2week trip to my beautiful home town in newfoundland im pretty excited about that trip i havent been home in a few years so its way past due. im extra excited cause i will be able to go and see my sister and my real dad whom i havent seen in 7 years.. long time hay so this is a long time coming trip and i cant wait .. this will be at the end of my summer but what a way to end it before i start up for school in september.  so far this summer is rocking and i get to share it with the ppl i love the most :) beautiful place with beautiful ppl.
Points: 15 4 comments
summer vacation Jun 28, 2009
imageso im planning a camping trip next weekend to the tobique. there will be about 11 of us going, when we arrive we set up, then going on a 8 hours canoe ride on the river:) lots of drinks and plenty of sunscreen. most of the days will be spent out on the river and our evenings sitting by the fire and relaxing from the long river ride days.. i have done this trip last summer and i have to say it was such a blast that i have to go again this summer :D this is my first blog so when i get use to everything ill post something different each day.
Points: 25 3 comments