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cheritaisdelicious's blog

  1. I noticed the unpleasant odor
  3. I always giggle when people are like
  4. Honestly I'm proud
  5. Happy Pride month everyone
  6. Got a ticket to see The National in September
  7. Thinking about
  8. I'm full
  9. My son always has half the site riled up
  10. someone tell me what sniffies is
  11. everybody hide
  12. I'm begging you
  13. POV it's the year 2024
  14. In 6 hours
  15. Who let her log on
  16. I will NOT STAND FOR
  17. I've been on this site
  18. Number One way to piss me off
  19. LMAO
  20. this fucking puta
  21. I miss my animals
  22. Why is Thirteen on Morant's account
  23. "I just think you care too much"
  24. Oh no what will I DO
  25. When our dad Cheap gets his powers back
  26. What the fuck
  27. Who wants a gift?
  28. Got my Hello Kitty mask on
  29. I have Covid
  30. Happy mother's day
  31. I鈥檓 being serious I really do isn鈥檛 know that..
  32. I love my short king
  33. Waves to all my friends in the new stars cast
  34. Sisters
  35. 馃槩 my top row of friends looking sad
  36. It's been ages since I made everything about me
  37. Has anyone read any books by Jeneva Rose?
  38. Oh I'm disgusted
  39. Blogs page has gone downhill
  40. What is this garctic

Last comments

  1. AmandaBynes in "I noticed the unpleasant odor" 8 hours
  2. gabrieltrezza in "WINNER" 11 hours
  3. Galaxies in "I always giggle when people are like" 13 hours
  4. cheritaisdelicious in "I always giggle when people are like" 13 hours
  5. ImmunityIdol in "I always giggle when people are like" 13 hours
  6. cheritaisdelicious in "I always giggle when people are like" 13 hours
  7. ConstanceMarie in "I always giggle when people are like" 13 hours
  8. ImmunityIdol in "Honestly I'm proud" 14 hours
  9. Pavanelli in "Honestly I'm proud" 14 hours
  10. Galaxies in "Honestly I'm proud" 15 hours
  11. Maliyah in "Happy Pride month everyone" 17 hours
  12. moup94 in "Happy Pride month everyone" 17 hours
  13. Malamente in "Thinking about" 1 day
  14. MatthewAlvarez in "Thinking about" 1 day
  15. brunodrads in "Thinking about" 1 day

Cherry's blag

Posts 1972 posts

He told me I have to become a gym bro or I can't hang out with the cool gay boys anymore

Points: 67 4 comments
Never letting my son Bryan ruin my beautiful face again. Prepare for more blogs, I am so fucking bored, ugh.

Here's a Glass Animals song for tonight, that no one will listen to cuz y'all have terrible taste :(

Points: 13 5 comments
Does anyone else send daily snapchats with their eyes closed? Mar 31, 2020
Or just nmh95?

Points: 54 5 comments
Likes and dislikes Mar 31, 2020
Name 10 things that you don鈥檛 like that everyone else are mine.

1. Animal Crossing. I still don't get wtf it is
2. Taylor Swift xo
3. Dua Lipa while we're at it, like, I don't know who the fuck that is, sry
4. Sausage pizza. So gross
5. Sour candy
6. Sandra Diaz Twine. I don't like, hate her, but she is way overhyped.
7. Robb Stark, he was never my king in the north, sry
8. All those snapchat filters that give you animal ears. Stop it.
9. Frappuccinos. There's like, 3 drops of instant coffee, order something that actually has caffeine, plz. You're drinking a fucking milkshake.
10. Full avatars. I like putting mine together and mix and matching pieces!

Let鈥檚 change it up some... Now name 5 things that you DO like that a lot of people don鈥檛 like...

2. Find Me
3. New England Patriots
4. Cauliflower
5. Joseph Pati :P

I was nominated by Hwest14. Now Tag 15 people to challenge. It鈥檚 your turn. 馃槝

Sorry if I tag someone who already did it and I didn't notice!
1. Arik2745
2. ticofernandez
3. Maturo
4. GloriaHole
5. WannaBeeFriends
6. nmh95
7. Rperduex11
8. StraightLoonie
9. ColinDress96
10. Washed_Ravioli
11. Bamold1999
12. MinnieMax
13. Alyssa95
14. LovelyKiss
15. Fetish

You鈥檝e been TAGGED. Post your answers and challenge more people. Xo
Points: 84 11 comments
Real talk, and I don't care if this gets rage negged Mar 30, 2020
Okay so I understand most of us are on quarantine, and thus are stuck in our houses and lives are more boring than usual. Which is probably why I am even bothering to make my own response, when I usually just try to shrug everything off.

But what is the issue with a certain group of people being kind of obsessed with me? I made one blog about your queen, one time. It was actually half intended as a joke. I may find Kindred7 a bit annoying at times, but I don't neg all her blogs, make blogs mocking hers, make comments shading her, etc. I accept that I may have upset her and her Lemon friend one time, but omg it was relatively minor in the scheme of things.

For the most part, I just go about my own life. I may leave comments on blogs of people in intersecting circles, but I usually genuinely like those people, or else the blog was amusing and I wanted to comment.

I have no idea what Survivor8's deal with me is, literally the first time I ever even encountered him was him sending me weird PMs.

I'm loud, I can be bitchy sometimes, but honestly, I think the real problem people have with me is that I am very self confident. I may not be skinny, but I love myself and my body, and I am very comfortable with my sexuality.

This isn't the first time in my life I've been pitted into a "nice girl vs the slut" situation, and I'm sure it won't be the last. I have no issue with any of my friends associating with someone I don't care for, I would never tell them not to do so.

But if you have an issue with me, feel free to talk to me. Don't leave shady comments on friend's blogs, don't make blogs mocking mine.
Points: 68 29 comments
Y'all when you join a game, do NOT make an alliance as it fills Mar 25, 2020
You have to wait to see if Lemjam6 joins or not. It's actually a tengaged rule, I am sorry I broke it, I should have known he might join the game and kept a spot open. I'm sry baby.
Points: 70 2 comments