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The coutureisthekey's blog

Posts 26 posts

Where are all the ALL TIME LOW fans? Mar 7, 2012
does anyone like the band All Time Low on here? just wondering(: if so, comment your favorite song!!
Points: 0 0 comments
Dumb Joke #5 Mar 5, 2012
What did the ocean say to the other ocean?

Nothing, they just waved.

Did you get it?

Are you shore? Ha! Sea what I did there?

Well. You don't have to be such a beach about it.
Points: 13 1 comments
Cranberry Juice and toothpaste... Nov 20, 2011
soooo, i just brushed my teeth for the night, and made the mistake of taking a gulp of my cranberry juice...
ever had orange juice after you brushed your teeth? Exactly like that but worse!
Points: 0 1 comments
Dumb Joke #4 Nov 20, 2011
What did the grape do when the elephant sat on it?

Nothing, just let out a little WHINE.
Points: 16 1 comments
Dumb Joke #3 Nov 20, 2011
What do you call a nosy pepper?

Points: 16 0 comments
Dumb Joke #2 Nov 19, 2011
One booger told another booger a joke.
The booger replied with, "That's SNOT funny,".
Points: 30 5 comments