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The cxnnxr's blog

Posts 23 posts

After Evicted Jul 20, 2015
Who else gets mad when they get evicted, and exposes there alliance?
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Audrey is officialy self evicitng Jul 20, 2015
On live feeds Audrey came out of the DR and officially told the house that she is quitting.
Points: 0 1 comments
Heat Boils in BB After Dark 7/19 Jul 20, 2015
imageOn last nights episode of Big Brother After Dark, the majority of the house met in the HOH room to talk about how Audrey has been manipulating and passing her ways through evictions.
While the house was talking about Audrey's ways they were also talking about getting her out this coming up eviction.
With this, it has been the first time I actually saw Becky talk game really smartly, comment if you think she will win.
The house is practically fully against Audrey, following that Audrey is the target, and the majority of the house are working to get Audrey out, who will be the target next week?
During the episode, Audrey had exposed the 5 person alliance with Clay, Shelli, Austin, Vanessa, and Liz. She had also told Clay and Shelli that Austin and Vanessa are planning to backdoor Clay next time one of the two wins HOH, is it true, or is it just one of Audrey's lies? Comment what you think.
With Jeff out of the house, Shelli got the chance to talk heart to heart with Jackie on last night's episode and Shelli thinks that they can possibly work together.
After all the drama unfolded, brilliant and sociable Meg decided to gather everyone in the living room to play charades!
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Jecky Jul 19, 2015
imageJust imagine these two having a relationship. I am almost positive that they are working together, and almost positive that they will become a thing while in the house. I want them together so bad, they are so cute. Who else agrees?
Points: 3 0 comments
Real Talk: Big Brother 17 Jul 19, 2015
imageReal talk, who is your favorite houseguest of Big Brother US season 17

Audrey- the lieing transgender
Megan- the sociable taylor swiftie
James- the asian country boy
Jason- peewee hermans gay son
Clay- the texas jock
Shelli- the popular girl
Becky- the girl next door
John- the funny dentist
Jeff- the no good rat face
Steve- the smart nerd
Dav'onne- the crazy and fun black girl
Vanessa- the smart poker player
Austin- the airhead wrestler
Liz (and Julia)- the twins
Jace- the crazy surfer
Jackie- the floater
Points: 9 1 comments