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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

HvV Week 1 (Days 1-13)

Jan 23, 2015 by dabombsurvivor
In the first big twist of the season, just like in All-Stars, there would be 2 HoHs for the first week. The chalenge was called "Hero/Villain" and around the house were bags of puzzle pieces. 4 Bags fo Heroes and 4 for Villains. From there each contestant would go into the backward and solve the puzzle. The first villain and first hero done would be Co-Hoh.
Puzzle Bags-
Villains- Daniele, Dick, Amanda, Mike
Hero- Elissa, Rachel, Jordan, Shane

Mike and Rachel both solved their puzzles first. Each HoH would nominate 1 person from the other side. 2 Villains alliances were created: Dick, Mike, Will, Daniele for "Villtown" and Janelle, Amanda, Daniele, Dan, and Danielle for the other. Both alliances included Daniele, and Dan affiliated "Villtown". Rachel made an alliance with Brendon, Elissa, Jordan, & Jeff called "Halo Allies".
Wanting revenge from season 13, Rachel nominated Daniele. Knowing that Rachel and Elissa are sisters, Mike nominated Elissa.
After nominations, Halo Allies called out Mike by calling him a coward. At the Will accidently said that "Villtown is going to kick your heroic [heroic was sarcastic] ass" Good news for Daniele, the heroes, but Brendon and Shane, heard chilltown.
Veto- "Haunting Veto of Ghost's Past" each contestant would answer a question to a past season, if the got it correct each person would throw a frisbee. The frisbee would an either an area of 5, 3, 1, 0, or -1. First person to 25 pts wins. Rachel and Mike chose names out of a hat: Dick and Dan. After six rounds,  Dick had 20pts and Rachel had 21pts. Dick got a five while Rachel got a 5 as well. BUT its first to 25 not 26, so Dick won the golden power of veto. Knowing Daniele was coming off the chopping block, Rachel was thinking about nominating Will or Danielle.
Veto Ceremony- Dick vetoed Daniele (unsurprisingly) Rachel nominated Danielle as the replacement, knowing Mike and Will were close to her.

Will votes- Danielle
Brendon votes- Danielle
Jeff votes- Danielle
Jordan votes- Danielle
Shane votes- Danielle
Daniele votes- Elissa
Dan votes- Danielle
Dick votes- Elissa
Amanda votes- Elissa
Cody votes- Danielle
Janelle votes- Elissa
Victoria votes- Danielle

By a vote of 8-4, Danielle you are evicted from the Big Brother House (Day 13)

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