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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Why Big =/= Better

Mar 1, 2014 by dazzabazza
imageWe are accustomed to thinking that bigger is better in almost every aspect of life. However, there are many situations in which this is not true. Frats on tengaged is an example.

I have only been in two frats in my tengaged life: my current frat (The Green Team) and my first frat Heroes. When I joined Heroes I was excited to be part of a small, friendly frat that included many of my friends. However Heroes became huge very quickly, and in a short amount of time it was one of the largest frats on tengaged. Although that wasn't what I was looking for, the frat still suited me.

Unfortunately all good things must come to an end. Heroes' reign as a great, friendly frat is over. In the pursuit of glory, the frat has allowed unruly people to run amok with little threat of punishment or accountability. These people, including Snap, ILoveSurvivor23, neathery, rodger1234, sosyomomma and KickAss93 have continually abused very good people, however they are still accepted at Heroes. Heroes has lost track of its core values in my honest opinion.

This is where small frats have an advantage over larger frats. For example in my frat, entry is controlled and we only accept people we know and trust. This means we all have each other's backs, and nasty people are not allowed in. I would choose this type of environment over a large frat every single time.

I am not saying everyone at Heroes is bad. Some of my closest friends are still members. However, the frat needs to think about where it's headed if it wants to avoid becoming a large, shallow husk. The frat needs to find its inner Hero and let it shine.


dazzabazza..... ily babe xxx
Some of my closest friends are or were heroes.....
It is a shame that a few ruin it for the rest. It would be great to see it go back to being what it once was.
Sent by me2013,Mar 1, 2014
how am i a bad person and when have you ever played with me to experience how bad of a person i possibly am
fuck your green team
Sent by Snap,Mar 1, 2014
your comment says it all
Sent by dazzabazza,Mar 1, 2014
I totally agree, to everyone but sosyomomma. He is boss.
Sent by mradamman12,Mar 1, 2014
i love this blog!
Sent by Swagthatbossman,Mar 1, 2014
LOLOLOL if im not mistaken the frat rules dont apply to group games, and dazza ive never spoken to you or played with you, but coming from this blog u sound kinda pretentious and whiney, enjoy your green "were to cool " team frat, #girlbye
Sent by sosyomomma,Mar 1, 2014
oh btw im not a "hero" i left them as yeah some people dont follow the rules, dont call me out over nothing if you have no proof or rhyme or reason,
Sent by sosyomomma,Mar 1, 2014
dazzabazza making blogs like this to get attention, dont make you a hero btw
Sent by sosyomomma,Mar 1, 2014
lol, the people mention are the ones that start being mouthy and saying our frat is crumby = point proven.

Great blog Baz, and beautifully written :) I agree, though I loved Heroes. It just got too out of hand and was recruiting some bad attitudes.
Sent by LilSteph95,Mar 1, 2014
LOL no i actually like a bunch of the heros and i actually like all of you guys, you chose to be pissed over nothing, im not bashing the heroes, it just changed alot since i joined and i didnt feel like sticking with it,
Sent by sosyomomma,Mar 1, 2014
we aren't pissed, we basically left for the same reason you did sosyomomma. Dazza is just expressing himself, it's not about attention, he's the least attention-seeking person I know
Sent by LilSteph95,Mar 2, 2014
Love you Dazza :)

Love the Green Team and am happy to be counted among you guys as your close friend :)
Sent by robulusjgreisonne,Mar 2, 2014
Seriously the green team needs to stop acting relevant just please stop blogging about people in your old frat
Sent by IloveSurvivor23,Mar 2, 2014
it really is coming off desperate and i love how none of them will comment back or prove anything , its just a bunch of rubbish dazzabazza
Sent by sosyomomma,Mar 3, 2014

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