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The desklamp2010's blog

Posts 30 posts

Observations From The Desk: "Food for Thought" Apr 22, 2009
So I picked up a Snickers candy bar today and I turned it over and noticed it had the word "Peanutopolis" on the back of it. I've never seen this  and I was wondering if anyone else has noticed this text before. I came home just recently and Googled Snickers wrappers and I guess there's always been a word on the back.

Huh...any other food observations that you've come across recently?
Points: 14 6 comments
-Day 6 Apr 22, 2009
Not nominated!'s getting tough tho now because we've made it half way through houseguests wise and everyone is vying to make it to Day 9. I really hope friends remain friends in that we're telling the truth and not misleading ppl. I know it's definitely apart of this game but we as a group are really tight ad i dnt want to see us fall apart. Idk those are my thoughts. Good luck everybody and may the next few days in the house make or break us.
Points: 12 5 comments
-Day 5 Apr 21, 2009
I survived! It feels soo good to be in the house still and I've really gotten to know a majority of everyone really well and it's great because I am making so many good friends! WOOT. So I've avoided noms this week so that's a relief and it seems as tho those who were nominated is just on inactivity because everyone that seemed to be online for the last couple of hours of that day were not nominated. It's still nerve racking even when you are not on the block but I'm excited to still b in and I'm gonna give it all I've got. Hit me up I love hearing from you guys.
Points: 9 2 comments
-Day 4 Apr 21, 2009
So I am on the chopping block :( which is disappointing but I hope to make it through this eviction so I can continue on. I don't want to go home this early so if you are in my game and are reading this I'd love to stay! Vote for me to stay :)
Points: 28 5 comments
-Day 3 Apr 20, 2009
I've made it thru yet another eviction and nomination. Which I am releaved about but I have lost a really good friend in the process. TheKid you are such a great friend and I'm really disappointed to see that you had to go home so early. I hope to compete with you in the future and see you achieve victory in a game you that you play in later on. Talk to everyone soon.
Points: 12 2 comments
-Day 2 Apr 20, 2009
Whoop! I made it through the first eviction, sorry to see the first houseguests go and good luck to the new noms. I've avoided nominations once again and it's great to know I'll be safe for another week. I'm the only one online for my game so I have nobody to talk to. Actually I have a question for anyone who will read this...

Do you play more than one casting game at a time? (Can you?)
-I don't only because I think it may be confusing and difficult to keep up with both.
Points: 18 6 comments