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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Survivor Peru --105-- "Blindside of the Century"

Dec 13, 2014 by dragotistic
image[Last Episode]:

SATIPO (Teal Buffs)

HUARAL (Burgundy Buffs)

Simon - Day 3 - Satipo - [5-4]
Sammie - Day 6 - Huaral - [8-1]
LaTanya - Day 9 - Satipo - [6-1-1]
Damien - Day 9 - Huaral - [4-3-1]
Rosie - Day 12 - Satipo - [4-3]

Jeff: Previously on Survivor! Korey’s decision to throw his vote shook the tribe as both sides were angry at him. Korey stood by his decision and defended himself, but he went on the radar of the other people on his tribe. A tribe swap shook the game up as allegiances were destroyed and new ones formed. Over at the new Huaral, Korey went to work on his new tribemates as he danced his way into the goodwill of the tribe. Back at Satipo, Mitch planned to throw Rosie under the bus and got Sydney in on the deal. After Huaral pulled out a win at the immunity challenge, the odds looked stack at the out-numbered 3 former Huaral on a 7 person tribe with 4 old Satipo. Rosie tried to take control and convince Cody to go along with them, and in the end, a vote swap of Benji was canceled out a vote flip from Mitch, and Rosie was sent home.

13 are left. Who will be voted out tonight?
-Night 12: Satipo--

*everyone walks in and place torches on trees*

Cody (Confessional): Tonight was a close one. I was nervous as hell for a bit there.

Cody [to Wyatt]: That was a close one, man.

Wyatt: I know right. I’m glad we’re still here though.

Cody: I’m glad I’m still here too.
Benji (Confessional): Well, tonight, I flipped my vote to Cody cause I was tired of all his antics. And it was a last chance decision. And the day I want Cody gone, someone flips over to take my place. Is it prophesied that Cody will always be safe? I mean, seriously!

Benji [to Sydney]: I thought it was Cody going!

Sydney: I did too, I really think Mitch flipped.

Benji: Why would he do that?

Sydney: Probably blinded by the lights.

Benji: What an idiot, I can’t be the only one who sees through Cody. He’s just acting crazy, but he actually is a good player.

Sydney: I know, he’s a threat. It’s a shame we couldn’t have gotten him out now.

Sydney (Confessional): I was a bit skeptical of Rosie as was Mitch, but I didn’t think he’d be willing to flip! I felt safer with the devil I knew, instead of the devil I didn’t know, but Mitch was tempted. So, looks like it’s just me and Benji sitting out here on our island while our ship is being bombarded by evil beasts.
-Day 13: Satipo-

[Mitch and Wyatt]

Wyatt: Dude, way to pull through. I thought it was going to be 5-2, but I’m so glad things turned out the way they did.

Mitch: I am too, I was really nervous flipping. I didn’t think someone else flipped too. Who do you think it was?

Wyatt: I saw Benji talking to Sydney. Obviously it wasn’t me or Cody, and Elise was probably has no idea that people even flipped this vote.

Mitch (Confessional): I mainly flipped due to Wyatt and I becoming such good friends, and I was beginning to hate Rosie trying to ride me like a horse.

Wyatt (Confessional): Benji is really dumb for flipping. He’s now in the minority with Sydney, and it’s quite sad, cause I actually kind of liked him.

Mitch: We need to tell Cody fast because if not, he’ll come after me and I could be voted out. (Confessional): I decided not to tell him about my idol, even though we trust each other slightly, it’s too big of a risk.

Wyatt: I’ll go talk to Cody right now. See ya man.

Mitch: Take it easy.
[Wyatt and Cody]

Wyatt: Cody, there was a lot more to last night’s vote. Benji flipped to Sydney and Rosie for whatever reason, and Mitch flipped over to us.

Cody: Wait…...what? *half slurred* I just woke up man.

Wyatt: I know, but I don’t want Benji to try and lie to you about last night’s vote.

Cody: Yeah, yeah, I got it, but Benji? If anyone was going to flip, I would think it would be Elise?

Wyatt: Elise doesn’t even know, she would’ve told me by now.

Cody: Well, why don’t we tell her!

*Elise walks in*

Elise: Tell me what? (Confessional): I walked into a conversation between Wyatt and Cody and apparently, it was about me. I’m really confused right now.

Cody: Wyatt was telling me that Mitch flipped over with us.

Elise: That can’t be true! It was a 4-3 vote last night.

Wyatt: But Benji flipped to Sydney and Rosie.

Elise: What? (Confessional): This hit my harder than my ex-boyfriend!

Cody: It shocked me as well.

Wyatt: It’s confusing, but Benji sold his fate.

Elise: Yeah.

Cody (Confessional): I’m ready to turn the tide of the game yet again. I’m smarter than I was yesterday, and I’m open to anything.
-Day 13: Huaral-

Julie: Who wants rice!

Korey: Lemme at that rice.

Stef: Same!

Heidi: *eats rice*

Stef (Confessional): One thing I noticed today is that Heidi eats a lot of rice. So much rice.

Heidi: *eats rice*

David: *eats rice while looking Heidi*

Heidi: Hmmm.

Korey (Confessional): Heidi is a pig, literally. She’s eating so much food, and our bag is dwindling.

David: How much rice do we have left?

Darci: *checks bag* Oh, jesus, we only have about 3 cups worth, maybe 2 more days.

Zach: What! That’s supposed to last 39 days, it’s only day 13.

Julie: Man, I think we’re going to have to ask for more rice, I guess.

Darci (Confessional): We never realized how fast we’re going through rice, we’re going to need to portion it out now.

Zach (Confessional): A certain person is eating thrice the amount of rice everyone else, and her name is Heidi. She’s going to kill us all.
[Heidi & Korey]

Korey: Heidi, I think we have to expand our alliance. I don’t like Zach or Darci, well, Darci, I can live with, but I want to vote Zach out. All we need is one vote.

Heidi: I can try to talk to Julie. Do you want to ask Darci?

Korey: I can talk to her. Let’s do this, girl!

Heidi: Good luck, sir.

Korey: May we succeed in Operation Execution!

Heidi: I like that!

Jeff: Come on in, guys!

*Huaral enters*

Jeff: Huaral, get your first look at the new Satipo tribe…

*Satipo enters*

Jeff: Rosie, voted out at the last Tribal Council.

Stef: What! Did not expect this!

Darci: Are you serious?

Jeff: Satipo, getting some reactions from Huaral, what do you think?

Wyatt: It’s just a game. That’s all I have to say.

Jeff: Alright, are we ready to begin today’s reward challenge?

Everyone: Yeah!

Jeff: Alright, here is how it works. Scattered in an arena are numerous pairs of matching objects hidden under covers. One at a time, you will enter the field and uncover two items. If they match, their tribe will score a point. If the items do not match, they are re-covered and the next contestant takes their turn. The first tribe to score nine points will win reward. Wanna know what you’re playing for?

Everyone: Of course!

Jeff: The winning tribe will return to camp where a Peruvian tribe family will come to the camp, and teach you valuable information you will need in order to survive, and they will cook you a feast.

Elise: A feast!

Julie: Oh my god!

Zach: That’s a god-damn good reward. Let’s win this Huaral!

Jeff: I’ll give you a moment to get ready.
Jeff: Okay, survivors ready?

Benji: Yeah!

Jeff: Alright, Satipo, you’re going first. Mitch heading out to the arena.
Jeff: Mitch finds an orange. Mitch lifts another basket. Bone. No match! Stef is up for Huaral.
Jeff: Stef: Bowl & Charcoal. No match. Cody is next.
Jeff: Cody: Mask & Skull. No match. Julie is next.
Jeff: Julie: Idol & Pyramid. No match. Wyatt is next.
Jeff: Wyatt: Pyramid & Leaf. No match. Korey is next.
Jeff: Korey: Staff & Leaf. No match. Benji is next.
Jeff: Benji: Skull & Charcoal. No match. Heidi is next.
Jeff: Heidi: Flint & Idol. No match. Elise is next.
Jeff: Elise. Idol & Idol. Satipo scores a match! David is next.
Jeff: David: Pyramid & Pyramid. Huaral scores! Sydney is next.
Jeff: Sydney: Mask & Mask. Satipo scores! Darci is next.
Jeff: Darci. Orange & Orange. Huaral scores! Cody is next.
Jeff: Cody: Sheep’s Horn & Pot. No match. Zach is next.
Jeff: Zach: Staff & Staff. Huaral scores! Huaral leads 3-2. Mitch is up.
Jeff: Mitch: Bone & Bone. Satipo scores!
Jeff: David. Twig & Twig. Huaral scores!
Jeff: Wyatt: Feather & Feather. Satipo scores!
Jeff: Benji. Flint & Flint. Satipo scores! Satipo leads 5-4!
Jeff: Julie: Alligator & Alligator. Huaral scores! We are tied 5-5.
Jeff: Stef: Bowl & Bowl. Huaral leads 6-5!
Jeff: Korey: Sheep’s Horn & Sheep’s Horn. Huaral leads 7-5!
Jeff: Wyatt: Skull & Skull. Huaral leads 7-6!
Jeff: Sydney: Pot & Pot. We are tied 7-7!
Jeff: We are tied 7-7! Zach is up for Huaral.
Jeff: Zach: Leaf & Charcoal. No match. Elise is up for Satipo!
Jeff: Elise: Monkey & Leaf. No match. Darci is up for Huaral!
Jeff: Darci: Leaf & Leaf. Darci scores! Huaral leads 8-7. Huaral needs one more to win reward! Benji is up for Satipo!
Jeff: Benji: Monkey & Monkey! Benji scores! We are tied 8-8. David is up for Huaral. Only one match left. So.
Jeff: Huaral wins reward!

Stef: Yes!

Julie: Woo!

Darci: I’m so proud of you guys!
Jeff: Huaral, you now have to send someone to Exile Island from Satipo.

*Huaral huddles together*

Korey: We have decided to send Cody to Exile Island.

Cody: All right. All right. I’m ready. Let’s get this over with.

Jeff: Alright, Cody, now is a little twist in the game. Instead of the winning tribe Huaral sending someone from their own tribe to Exile Island. But Cody will choose someone from Huaral to go with him to Exile Island.

Cody: Damn, Jeff, can’t I just go alone?

Jeff: You gotta choose someone Cody.

Cody: Alright, I’ll take David.

David: Great. *grabs stuff and walks over to Cody*

Jeff: David & Cody will go to Exile Island, you will return in time for the next immunity challenge. Head on out.

*Cody and David exit*

Jeff: Huaral, later on today, a local family will come to your camp later tomorrow. Grab your stuff, and head back to camp.

*Huaral leaves*

Jeff: Satipo, got nothing for you. Head back to camp.

*Satipo exits*
-Day 13: Satipo-

Wyatt: That was a tough one to lose. I mean, I think that we really could’ve used that reward. It’s such a shame we lost.

Mitch: Let’s just cook up some rice, and relax and rebuild our energy for the immunity.

Wyatt (Confessional): I’m feeling really safe right now, I don’t think I’m in trouble, and I can definitely use some relaxation.

Mitch (Confessional): Wyatt and I are doing the smart thing by relaxing, saving all of our energy for the immunity, but the other three, Benji, Elise, and Sydney, all they’re doing is wasting their energy.

Wyatt [to Mitch]: I thought we had enough firewood, why are we collecting more?

Mitch: Dude, I don’t even know, I guess they’re just trying to prove their worth to us.

Wyatt: I guess so, I’m going to go talk to them. See what’s going on.

Mitch: Alright. *covers face with buff and falls asleep*
[Elise, Sydney, and Benji collecting wood]

Wyatt: I thought we had more than enough wood.

Benji: It’s smart to build up on wood in case we need extra. It’s something you got to do daily out here.

Elise: Why don’t you help?

Sydney: We could really use all the help we can get. We need to build up on our stores.

Wyatt (Confessional): Right now, I need to make people view me in a positive manner, despite the side they are on. My loyalty is like a coin flip, I’m either helping you or voting you out next.

Wyatt: Definitely.

*Wyatt joins in helping collect firewood*
[Mitch and Sydney]

*Mitch is sleeping in the shelter, relaxing*

Sydney: *goes into the shelter* Mitch, we need to talk,

Mitch: Sure…*sighs*

Sydney; Why did you flip? In what way does it benefit you?

Mitch: 1. I did not like Rosie. 2. I saw an opportunity and I took it.

Sydney: Well, guess what, Rosie is gone, and I’m stuck in the minority with Benji, if you flip back, we can turn this game on its head. You know its true, don’t even try to deny.

Mitch (Confessional): Sydney definitely brings some valid points. But I’m not here to play anyone else’s game but mine. I’m going to choose who I want to work with, not with who I started the game with.
-Night 13: Satipo-
[Elise entering the shelter, everyone else is already in it]

Elise: Ouch!

Mitch: What’d you do, Elise?

Elise: I just hit my knee really hard on the side of the shelter.

Wyatt (Confessional): So, we were just sitting in the shelter when we hear this yelp of pain from Elise, turns out she hit her knee really hard on the shelter, and I felt it, and it seems to be bleeding a little bit. I’m definitely concerned about it.

Elise: Is it bleeding? I hate blood!

Benji: Girl, I think we should just have someone come and take a look at it.

Sydney: It’s the best thing for you right now.


RAMONA: I hear Elise has a bleeding knee?

Elise: Yeah, and I hate blood, I feel like I’m going to pass out!

RAMONA: Well, try not to pass out, that would not be helpful.

Elise: Okay, I’ll try.

RAMONA: *takes out flashlight* Let’s take a look at it. *shines it on Elise’s knee*

Benji (Confessional): I’m definitely scared that Elise could be pulled from the game! It’s a humbling fact that we are in the wild, and anyone of us could be injured. It sucks, but it’s the truth of the situation.

Elise (Confessional): So, the medical team took a look at my knee, and it’s looking better, I think they just put a few stitches in. Hopefully this doesn’t transgress into a bigger problem.

RAMONA: Elise, we’ll take a look at it in a few days, and just check for any infections that may have shown up.

Elise: Alright, thank you so much.

*Medical Team exits*
Elise: Ay, ay, ay, I think I need to sleep now.

Sydney: Amen.
-Day 14: Huaral-

Darci: Good morning guys!

Julie: Good morning.

Zach: I wonder when the tribe is comin’.

Julie: Hopefully soon.

Heidi: How are we looking on rice?

Korey: We have enough for maybe 3-4 days, so let’s try to ration it out. We’re getting a feast today, remember guys.
[Julie & Darci are in the water]

Julie: What are you thinking right now.

Darci: I’m thinking on uniting the girls right now, but I don’t know if it’s a good time. If we do lose the challenge, I think we can lose a guy. It really shouldn’t matter.

Julie: I agree.
Stef (Confessional): This game is a lot harder than I anticipated. I expected to go through this game and win the million dollars easily, but the lack of food and with people I don’t like.

*Stef walks around the camp*

Zach: Everything alright there, Stef?

Stef: I’m so tired!

Zach: We’re all tired, we’re just choosing to deal with it in positive ways. You should do that to.

Stef: What do you do?

Zach: I work hard, I fish, I tend to the fire. It’s a coping mechanism.

Stef: Thank you Zach. *hugs Zach*

Zach: Anytime. (Confessional): Stef really isn’t looking to sharp right now. We may have to vote her out soon. But I really don’t want to.
Darci (Confessional): For winning the reward challenge, we’re going to have a local family come and help us out and teach us how to survive.

Heidi: Are they here yet?

Julie: I see them!

*family arrives on the beach*

Korey (Confessional): We see the family arrive. And a short man pops out of the boat and says his name.

Tautau: I am Tautau.

Julie: Tautau! I’m Julie. This is Heidi, Korey, Zach, Darci, and Stef.

Tautau: Er, Jule-e, Heid-e, Core-y, Zaach, Darsi, and Stif?

Stef: Close enough.

Tautau: Alright, here is wife Hia, our son Shya, and our daughter’s family, Cia, and John, with their daughter Alla. I now show you skills. *points to the guys* You, and you, with me and Shya, and John. Everyone else with Hia and Cia.

Zach (Confessional): This guy has the worst English I’ve ever heard, and I’ve been to Iowa. But it’s worth cause he’s teaching us skills to survive.
Tautau: *walks to a bush* This is eatable. *munches on a leaf and passes some around to the guys*

Korey (Confessional): Tautau rounded up all the guys to come and take a tour of the jungle with him. He’s showing us plants and roots to stay way from, and those that can be eaten.

Tautau: *digs up root and chomps on it* Like a carrat. Right.

Zach: *laughs* Yeah.

Tautau: Now we teach to fish.
[The lake]

Tautau: *takes of shirt* This is fish catcher.

Zach (Confessional): He took us to our lake, where we’ve been struggling to catch fish with our fishing gear we won. And he caught at least two dozen fish with in a matter of minutes. It’s really impressive.

*Tautau catching more fish and tells the Zach and Korey to start catching some*

Korey: Holy shit, look at all this fish!

Shya: This is very few we usually catch.

Korey: You’re kidding.

Shya: Nope. We eat like kings.

Korey: Maybe we’ll get to eat like that tonight.
[The guys walk back into the camp where the girls are starting to cook, and the camp looks more organized]

Heidi (Confessional): I found it kind of sexist how Tautau only took the guys, not the whole tribe. We all could’ve used those skills. But it’s alright, I like the mother, and I’m vibing well.

Hia: Stif, here. Slice up the fruit.

Stef (Confessional): Hia and Cia both helped us find more comfy leaves for our bedding, and brought a ton of local fruit like oranges and starfruit, and they’re teaching us how to cook rice better, how to boil the water better, our lives are pretty much improving.

Julie: Is all that fish for us?

Zach: Yeah it is!


Darci: Wow, look at that. We’re gonna be eating like royals!
Darci (Confessional): I found the daughter’s baby to be so cute. It reminded me of my own children, and how much I miss them and love them. It’s a nice reminder to know who I’m playing for back at home.

Darci: Hey, who’s a cute baby?

Baby: *giggles*

Stef: It’s time for the feast!

Korey (Confessional): We’ve been waiting forever for this feast to be ready. And we’re lucky enough that they did all the work and cooked us a delicious meal. There’s fruit, veggies, stuff we found in the jungle earlier, all the fish we caught. We’re now survivors!

Julie: Hmm, so good!

Tautau: We’ll be leaving now.

Korey: No! Don’t leave us, stay with us for 25 more days!

Tautau: Silly Australian, we can’t stay. You have learned everything you needed to learn.

*The family exits*

Darci (Confessional): That was the best thing that could’ve happened for us. We’re rejuvenated, our bellies are full, and we’re ready to crush the other tribe’s spirit.
-Day 14: Exile Island-

David (Confessional): I hate Exile Island. The only positive over here is that I’m here with my closest ally Cody. Cody is an enigma. He can be a leader, but he can also be a mental patient, or even a mastermind. It’s luck of the draw with him.

David: Cody, what’s going on at Satipo.

Cody: Dude, something crazy happened last Tribal. Wyatt got Mitch to flip with us, but Benji of all people flipped to Sydney and Rosie. And Rosie was trying to get control. She was talking to me to try to get me to flip over, but she then voted me.

David: Are you serious?

Cody: Yeah. It’s hilarious.

David: People are crazy. Let me tell you. Huaral is weird. Stef is slowly deteriorating, and Julie is always hanging with Darci, and Korey and Heidi are attached at the hip.

Cody: You are my closest ally man, I want you in the Final 2 with me.

David: Same. We just got to make it a few more days then we can take the game by storm.
Cody (Confessional): I got the clue to the idol. I’m hoping this can lead me to the top, along with David.

Cody: *unwraps Idol Clue*

Satipo Idol Clue #3
Behind the tree which you pass by day by day
Below a branch that removes you away
Stuck by the ocean, under the tall or short tree
Is the idol of immunity

Open up to other sights
It’s high above the crater
Be observant and diligent
And what you will find will help you later

By the tree that waves hi
With it’s fingerly wave
Don’t give up trying
It could be you who needs the save

Cody (Confessional): Looks like it’s back at camp. I’m going to look for it for a while.
-Night 14: Exile Island-
David (Confessional): This game is a lot tougher with the added element of Exile Island. I’m just missing my wife of 30 years, and my three sons so much right now. But it’s them who fuel me to drive forward in the game. It’s time for me to kick it into high gear and force my way to the top.

*David falls alsleep*

Jeff: Come on in, guys!

*Huaral and Satipo enter*

Jeff: We now bring in David and Cody returning from Exile Island.

*David and Cody enter*

David: Rough. Hope you guys enjoyed that reward.

Cody: Miss me? *laughs*

Jeff: Okay, I got to ask, Elise, what happened?

Elise: I cut my knee open by hitting it on the side of the shelter.

Jeff: Glad our medical team could help.

Elise: I am, too.

Jeff: First things first, Huaral, I will take back the Immunity Idol.

*Jeff takes back the idol*

Jeff: Alright, once again, immunity is back up for grabs. Are we ready for today’s challenge?

Everyone: Oh yeah.

Jeff: Here’s how it works. One person will be designated to shoot a ball from the slingshot into a swamp where the rest of the tribe will be stationed at one of five flags and will compete against each other to catch the ball with wicker nets. It does not matter what color ball you catch, as long as you catch it, you will score a point. The first tribe to FIVE will win immunity. Losing tribe will vote someone out tonight. Huaral, you have one extra member, you must sit someone out of this challenge. Who will it be?

*Huaral huddles*

Stef: I’m sitting out Jeff.

Jeff: Stef, take a seat on the bench, everyone else, I’ll give you a moment to strategize.
Jeff: Alright, shooting for Satipo is Elise, and shooting for Huaral is Julie. Everyone else is out on the field. Matched up at the flags are Mitch for Satipo and David for Huaral. Sydney for Satipo and Darci for Huaral. Wyatt for Satipo, and Heidi for Huaral. Cody for Satipo, and Korey for Huaral. and Benji for Satipo and Zach for Huaral. Survivors Ready?

Everyone: Yes!
Jeff: 3...2….1…Shoot!
Jeff: Elise and Julie both launch. Will anyone catch one?
Jeff: No one catches one! Next round.
Jeff: Next round. 3…..2…..1….Shoot!
Jeff: Julie and Elise launch!
Jeff: Elise goes high and wide to Mitch! Mitch gets it! Satipo scores!
Jeff: Julie launches to Korey! He gets it! Huaral scores! We are tied 1-1. Next round.
Jeff: Next round. 3….2...1….Shoot!
Jeff: Elise shoots to Wyatt! But it’s blocked by Heidi!
Jeff: Julie goes for Korey again! Korey catches it! Huaral scores! Huaral leads 2-1! Next round.

Wyatt: Come on, Cody. Block him!

Cody: Gotcha Wyatt.
Jeff: Next round. 3...2...1...Shoot!
Jeff: Julie shoots to Korey! Cody is not letting it get away! Cody takes down Korey! No point there.

Korey: God, man. Calm down.

Cody: Gotta win immunity man. You know?

Jeff: Elise shoots to Mitch! Mitch tackles David to the side! Mitch has a free ride to the point! Mitch scores for Satipo! We are tied 2-2! Next round.
Jeff: David, you alright?

David: Yeah, I just took a hard fall.

Darci: Good job David.

David: Thanks Darci.
Jeff: Next round. 3...2...1...Shoot!
Jeff: Julie practically tosses the ball to Darci! Sydney not having any of it! Darci and Sydney are racing toward the ball! Both girls are looking to catch it! Both miss. No point.
Jeff: Elise going for the long shot to Benji! Benji pushes Zach down into the swamp! Zach can’t get up! It’s looking like another easy point for Satipo! Benji catches it! Benji scores for Satipo. Satipo leads 3-2! Next round.

Zach [to Benji]: What the hell, man.
Jeff: Next round. 3….2….1….Shoot!
Jeff: Elise shoots to Cody! Korey looking for revenge on Cody! Cody and Korey are sloshing through the swamp! Cody falls down! Korey catches it! Korey scores for Huaral!
Jeff: Julie shoots high and short to Heidi! Wyatt not paying attention! The ball falls right into Heidi’s net! Huaral scores two points this round! Huaral leads 4-3! Next round.

Wyatt: Let’s go Satipo! We can’t stop now!
Jeff: Next round. 3….2….1….Shoot!
Julie: Shit!
Jeff: Julie’s shot is way off course, not even close to the field!
Jeff: Elise shoots to Wyatt! Wyatt bolting straight to the ball! Heidi can’t catch up! Korey is trying to help Heidi by getting to Wyatt! The ball is in and out of Wyatt’s net! Wait! Wyatt flips his net to catch the ball! Incredible catch by Wyatt! Satipo scores! We are tied 4-4. Next point wins. This round could end it. Next round.

Korey [to Heidi]: Heidi! Switch with me!

Jeff: Korey and Heidi switching spots! Korey is now defending against Wyatt.

Wyatt: *looks at Elise and points at Cody*

Elise: *nods*
Jeff: Next round. 3...2...1...Shoot!
Jeff: Elise shoots to Cody! Will Cody get it? Cody and Heidi fighting for it! Both of them are reaching for it! It’s dead. No one gets it.
Jeff: Julie shoots high and wide! It looks like it’s for David! Mitch is running for it as well! David looks like he has it! Wait, no! It falls out! Mitch is diving for it! Mitch with an incredible save! Satipo scores!

Mitch: Hell yeah!

Cody: Heck yeah!

Benji: Woo!

Jeff: Satipo wins immunity!

*Satipo runs in and hugs Mitch*
Jeff: Alright, Satipo, you have earned immunity. *gives idol to Sydney* You can head back to camp.

*Satipo exits*

Jeff: Huaral, you have a date with me at Tribal Council. You have the afternoon to figure it out. Grab your stuff and head back to camp.

*Huaral exits*
-Day 15: Huaral-

David (Confessional): Walking back into camp was really weird. I just got a weird feeling from the tribe. It’s hard to explain. I just need to cover my ass for tonight.

[David, Stef, and Julie]

David: What’s going on?

Stef: About what?

David: About the vote. What is y’all’s consensus?

Julie: I’m going to be straightforward, the consensus is either you or Stef.

Stef: So it’s one of us?

Julie: That’s what I’m hearing.

Stef (Confessional): I need to work my ass off to get David off.

David (Confessional): It’s interesting to learn the tribe dynamics when you return from Exile Island. I’m very intelligent, and I can definitely tell that Stef is struggling. It should be easy convincing everyone else on the tribe to vote her out.
[Korey and Zach]

*Korey and Zach watching David, Julie, and Stef*

Korey: Why are they talking in the open? Do they even know that we can see them?

Zach: They’re dumb. I’ll be glad if anyone of them goes.

Korey: What are you thinking. I’m going for more of a Stef type vote. She just looks like she doesn’t want to be here, and she acts like it too, moping around camp, barely eating or drinking. She’s not even herself anymore.

Zach: But why not vote out David? He’s strong and he’s not loyal to us. What use do we have for him?

Korey: Challenges. The dude is good at challenges. If we keep Stef around, she’s going to quit more than likely. Why not spare her the trouble, and at least have equal numbers, than have some lady quit and be down a number.

Zach: I see your point. I’ll let it marinate like a good steak and I’ll decide. (Confessional): Obviously either Stef or David will be an easy vote, both have their positives and their negatives, and I’m definitely going to need to think about the best choice for my game.
[Julie and Darci]

Julie: I want David gone.

Darci: I do too. It’s too much of a risk to have him go back to Satipo. He’s really intelligent.

Julie: Him and Cody are like attached at the hip. It was a lovefest between them at Satipo. *laughs*

Darci: *bursts out laughing*

Darci: It’s going to be me and you to the final 2. David’s going home tonight. It should pretty much be unanimous.

Julie: Exactly. *hugs Darci* (Confessional): My tightest alliance is with Darci, we just click so well together. And I’m really looking forward to breaking up the alliance between Cody and David.
[Korey and Heidi, sitting in the shelter]

Korey: I want to check in and see where your head is at.

Heidi: I’m leaning towards David, but I don’t know if it’s set in my mind yet.

Korey: I want to make form an alliance between me, you, and Zach, and we can add David for a majority. David is vulnerable, he’ll give us his word for anything at this point.

Heidi: But why David?

Korey: He has connections over on Satipo. If he trusts us, he can get us an inside look at the other tribe. I don’t trust anyone else but you and Zach at this point. I’ll be willing to trust David, but only to a certain extent. You are my closest ally, your opinion does matter to me.

Heidi (Confessional): This alliance does sound like a good deal to me. I’m looking more long term, and I see Korey and me at the end.

Heidi: I’m in.

Korey: Great! (Confessional): Heidi accepting my offer for an alliance really shows that she trusts me. I’m happy she trusts me.
[Korey and Zach]

Korey: I think that we could work out a deal with Heidi and David. David is looking for an alliance on this tribe, he’ll be glad just to be with us, and in the majority. Heidi has already agreed.

Zach: Awesome, I’m in.

Korey (Confessional): The plan to create a four person alliance is coming together. I just love it when a good plan comes together!
[Heidi, Zach, Korey, David]

Korey: David, we’d like to offer you a spot in our Final 4 alliance.

David: Hell yeah. I need this!

Zach: Great.

David: Thank you guys for including me. Are we all voting out Stef?

Zach: Yeah.

Heidi: Definitely.

Korey: She doesn’t want to be here. She’ll quit if she stays.

David: It feels so good to have an alliance.

Korey: Anytime bro. (Confessional): It’s very suspicious the way David acted. I don’t trust him as much as I wanted to, but he’s in our alliance, and I have a set target for tonight, and that’s the way it’s going.
[David and Darci]

David: I need to talk to you.

Darci: Sure.

David: I know this is a long shot, and you probably won’t listen to a word I have to say, but would you consider voting with me tonight?

Darci: I’m sorry, my vote is already going to you.

David: I understand. But what if I told you that I’m not sure that I want Stef out.

Darci: What?

David: I want to pull a blindside on Heidi or Korey. They are really fishy. They are really tight. And the biggest bombshell I have to drop is that those two and Zach just offered me an alliance to vote out Stef. You know they want Stef out for moping around camp and complaining. It’s a downer to them, but I don’t mind it. All I want is the right person to go home, and tonight, that’s either Korey or Heidi.

Darci: That’s an interesting proposal. I think you may have changed my vote. I’ll pledge my vote to you.

David: Thank you! Do you want to see if Julie and Stef would be on board?

Darci: Let’s go together, I think they are in the shelter.
[Julie, Stef, Darci, and David]

Darci: Keep it down, Zach is literally right by the fire.

Julie: Okay.

Darci: David, tell them what you just told me like ten minutes ago.

David: I want to vote out Korey or Heidi. They offered me an alliance with Zach to vote out you, Stef.

Stef: ~Surprise!

David: So, I want to ask you two to vote with me. Darci already decided to do it. And if you two vote with me, we can break up the power couple.

Julie: If we do go with you, who do we vote?

Stef: I really don’t like Heidi. She’s annoying, always talking about her big nose.

Julie: I’m fine with that, we need Korey’s strength in challenges. He’s gonna help us get to the merge.

Darci: So, it’s settled, we’re going with this plan?

Stef: Yeah. I’m fine with it.

David: Great. This will be the blindside of the century.
Darci (Confessional): This is a great plan. I never saw Korey and Heidi as a close pair before David brought it to my eyes. And the fact that David wanted me to be in the majority instead of going with them shows a lot about his character. I think I can trust David right now. I hope I’m right about him.

Korey (Confessional): This is going to be a telling vote. It’s going to show where loyalties lie, and who is with me and against me. I’m pretty sure nothing else is going on behind my back.

David (Confessional): I turned a position of being in jeopardy, a mere mortal in the eyes of the Huaral gods, into a position where two alliances are vying for my vote. I’m the swing vote. I’m the one who people want. Be prepared for a shocking vote.

*Huaral enters with their torches and sit down*

Jeff: Welcome to Tribal Council. Heidi, how was the reward?

Heidi: Sexist. The guy only showed the guys about survival skills when the women were left at the camp. I found it disgusting.

Zach: Well, it wasn’t our fault, we were forced to go. There was nothing we could do.

Heidi: It’s not just that, it also makes you and Korey more valuable than before.

Zach: Oh well, just don’t act like it’s my fault.

Jeff: Darci, what just happened?

Darci: We just saw the reaction to mistreatment of us women at the reward. It was a great reward, don’t get me wrong, but we felt slighted in a way by not being included and being divided by sex.

Jeff: David, two days at Exile, where is your place in this tribe?

David: My place in the tribe is one where I’m in jeopardy tonight. I know my name is going to be written down more than likely. It will take a miracle for me to be safe.

Jeff: What do you do in that situation?

David: Whatever you have to.

Jeff: Zach, who do you think has an idol?

Zach: Jeff, anyone can have an idol at this point. It’s all up in the air.

Jeff: Korey, what kind of case can someone from old Satipo make to you? Obviously the old Huaral are a unit and are majority, am I right?

Korey: Jeff, you’re wrong. Old Huaral is not a unit. It’s like me, Heidi, Zach, and Darci has her girls over there.

Jeff: So the guy who thinks he’s in trouble is the middle man.

Korey: I don’t think David’s the middle man, nor do I think that David is in trouble tonight.

Julie: But what do you know? We don’t know where anyone’s true loyalties lie until the votes are read.

Korey: But I like to think that I know where I stand, and my allies stand.

Jeff: Stef, are you in trouble tonight?

Stef: This is Survivor. I know I’m in trouble tonight.

Jeff: Why do you think you’re in trouble?

Stef: It’s been very public that I have been struggling really hard in the game. Everything is getting to me. The hunger, the sleepless nights. Everything.

Jeff: Julie, what’s the next step for this tribe?

Julie: Voting the right person out.

Jeff: Alright, it is time to vote. Korey, you’re up first.
*Korey walks back*
Julie: *holds up vote, not shown* This vote is strictly strategic. I’m going to miss you though. *folds vote and places it in urn*
David: *holds up vote, not shown* You’ve become way too close to someone. It’s worrying to me. It’s worrying to everyone else. See you on the flip side. *folds vote and places it in urn*
*Zach walks up to urn*
*Darci places vote in urn, and walks back to seat and sits down*
Jeff: I’ll go tally the votes…
*Jeff returns with the urn* If anybody has a Hidden Immunity Idol, and would like to play it, now would be the time to do so.
*Zach looks at David*
*no one stands*

Jeff: Okay, once the votes are read, the decision is final, the person voted out must leave the Tribal Council area immediately. I’ll read the votes.
Jeff: First vote…
*flips vote*


Jeff: That’s one vote Stef. Second vote.
*flips vote*


*Heidi looks dumbfounded*
*Zach looks at Darci in shock*

Jeff: That’s one vote Stef, one vote Heidi. Third vote.
*flips vote*


*Heidi smiles*
*Korey nods at Zach in agreement*

Jeff: That’s two votes Stef, one vote Heidi. Fourth vote.
*flips vote*


*Stef looks nervous and bites her lip*
*Korey and Zach fist bump*
*Julie shakes her head*

Jeff: That’s three votes Stef, one vote Heidi. Fifth vote.
*flips vote*


*Korey begins to look worried*
*Darci stares at Jeff*
*David looks at the ground*

Jeff: That’s three votes Stef, two votes Heidi. Sixth vote.
*flips vote*


*Heidi stares at David*
*David’s head looks up at Jeff*
*Zach looks at David*
*Stef closes her eyes*

Jeff: We are tied, that’s three votes for Stef, and three votes for Heidi. One vote left. Final vote.
The Sixth Person Voted Off Of Survivor Peru...
*flips vote*


*Korey glares at David*
*Julie sports a huge smile and hugs Stef*
*Stef puts her hand on David’s knee*

Jeff: Heidi, you need to bring me your torch.

Heidi: Wow, I cannot believe it. I trusted you David.

*Heidi brings Jeff her torch*

Jeff: Heidi, the tribe has spoken. *snuffs torch* It’s time for you to go.

Heidi: *waves to Korey*

*Heidi exits Tribal Council area*

Jeff: This tribe certainly has some things to figure out by the look on some of your faces. Some faces have jubilance on them, others have pure shock on them. Keep in mind, the game is never over. Grab your torches, and head back to camp. Good night.

*Satipo exits Tribal Council area*
Heidi (Exit Interview): I thought I could trust David, it was a mistake. I knew I should’ve convinced Korey and Zach to vote him off. I just put my trust in the wrong person, and they screwed me over. I was certainly surprised my name was written down, I would think they would vote out Korey. All in all, I learned so much about myself in the 15 days I was out here. I’m happy I got this far, and I’m proud of myself.

Heidi: Stef
Julie: Heidi
Korey: Stef
David: Heidi
Zach: Stef
Stef: Heidi
Darci: Heidi

~Next Time On Survivor~
What will happen when Mitch’s biggest secret is revealed and new discoveries are made?

What was the biggest shock of the episode?
Thoughts on the episode?
Who is your favorite Survivor Peru castaway?
Rate this episode on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the best.



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Sent by Jinxh,Dec 13, 2014
yes queen julie
Sent by semajdude,Dec 13, 2014
original Huaral slaughter < 3333 Bye boring bitches. Pray for Benji to flip at the merge and work with Darci/Julie/Stef up to the F4 < 3333333

David flipping the vote was pretty surprising, but a move I enjoyed because David sticking with Heidi/Korey would have totally resulted in a mass Heidi/Korey/David/Cody/Zach/Mitch/Wyatt/Elise alliance at the merge since Zach has connections with Mitch and David has connections with Cody.
Sent by Patrick319,Dec 13, 2014
Flop. :P
Sent by Loopulle,Dec 13, 2014
Sent by CarsonWorld,Dec 13, 2014
Tag me please
Go Wyatt! even tho he don't win
Sent by aiwfwyattroh,Dec 16, 2014

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