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Blog of the Dramallama

Posts 297 posts

Questions for a Noob Jan 20, 2009
imageSo I may be doing a segment on Tengaged Radio, and I basically have to sumbit it before it's actual confirmed. But I'm making a sample segment/version of the segment thing that may be on the radio show just to like, basically explain what my idea is.

The idea of it is "Noob of the Week" in which I interview and spotlight some newbie who I think is particularly not-noobish. Basically, someone who by talking to them and playing with them, you would never guess that they are new to tengaged. Oh and who are dubbed all around awesome by myself, and I'm quite the harsh judge.

Now, I'm not going to tell any of you who my Noob of the Week is yet, but I'm sort of running out of ideas for questions. I only really have a couple so far. So I thought I'd ask y'all some questions that YOU would like to ask someone who's on the newer side of their membership on Tengaged.

Questions so Far:
1) How did you find Tengaged?
2) What's your favorite kind of cookie?
3) What's something you'd like Tengaged Radio listeners to know about you?
4) Who's the first person you met on Tengaged? (credit Emmaleigh)
5) Did anyone act as a mentor to you when you were super new? (credit Emmaleigh)
6) What's your most memorable game? (credit NoelSarah)
7) Who's your favorite person that you've met so far? (credit TommyG)

The interview I conduct will be used to aide me in my segment and getting to know the super special noob of the week. Basically anything is void atm for me to do. So just let me know of your ideas and now I'm rambling so I'll stop. I'll credit your questions.
Points: 39 6 comments
The Joy of Internet Friends - Part One Jan 19, 2009
imageI've been making friends on the internet for upwards of three years now so I consider myself a seasoned expert. Well, sort of at least. I have to say, it's quite an odd thing. I have become close with some people and totally haven't with others. And I just think it's damn cool personally. Well, it's also just a wee bit sketchy, but still pretty cool.

I think the really unique thing that the internet brings to making friends is a clean slate. Whenever you meet someone in real life, you judge them. If there's anything that I've learned from Wellness class, it's that you really can't help that, be it by how they look or their clothes or their voice or just their immediate evident personality traits.

But that can't really happen on the net. When you see just a screnname, you can't judge them. Well, okay, you can. But not as much the person who's behind the name.  So you start off with a clean slate, and are forced to judge who they really are, or at least who they portray themselves as, not their looks.

I know that pretty much everyone must feel judged in real life. So there's a certain element of relief that you won't be judged AS MUCH  here than out there.

Anyways, you may agree, may disagree, but I could go on this rant forever. Next time I'll continue on this line but better. Thanks for reading guys. Feel free to share your thoughts XD
Points: 55 5 comments
"Juno"llama on Tengaged Radio Jan 16, 2009
imageI called in today! And I feel super special. So I just thought I'd sorta be all "BAMF I CALLED" and Jake said I sound like Juno. You know what else? I look like Juno, I dress like Juno and also, I act like Juno. And you know who came first? ME! No lie. I just thought I'd mention that.

And it was a lot of fun. Now that I know what I'm doing, I'll call in the future as well. Thought my parents hopefully won't be like "MEHR" at all or whatever.

So I just wanted to know if I sounded like an idiot and if you can guess my age based on my voice XD That will be all.

Oh and for the record, no, I don't have a hamburger phone. I have a red cellphone. It's not nearly as cool.
Points: 50 7 comments
I finally got it. After deciding I'm trying to seem like less of a noob than I really am XD And now instead of having my glorious 100 T$ (I just spent to get into a game, hence down from 120) I have 66$. Wow. This makes me feel poor :P

Yay me! *gets chips and salsa* anyone wanna celebrate with me?
Points: 41 8 comments
I should really level up. Jan 14, 2009
I'm still at yellow level and I have 120 T$ and 125 Karma. Sometimes, I sit here and think that I should really level up already. But then I get all "Well if I don't do well in this game, then I won't." So. Let's hope I do well in the game I'm in right now so I can finally buy orange!
[/end random rantish interior monologue thing]
Points: 51 11 comments
The secret to winning the game... Jan 13, 2009
Be Inactive. You'll get 5th or at least fairly high. People keep the inactive person in for safety and because, well, who knows why. It's fun that way. So my advice for your next game: enroll and then disappear. You're sure to make it a couple of days :)
Points: 44 7 comments