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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

love being empressbabi real chick!!

Oct 4, 2009 by empressbabi
I love being myself on BB because I know what am here for to play hardcore and to win being in a game and with alliances is not a problem but if I know am in and alliance I might tell u as well as I might play u until your off the game but am to nice to do that lolol but anyways as I was sayin am not a fake b**ch like some people I dont have time to pretend for nothing or no one just doing what I have to do to come 1st. Joinin a game can sometimes be difficult and its hard to put trust into some persons when they dont deserve it at all!! but I love being friends with people I find real and worthy to play with like waffles gb and others I dont like the fact that when a person be nice and backstabs at the end but its all good though aint came here to kiss no one ass really but am here to kick ass hehe yea EMPRESSBABI WAS HURR!!!!!!! <3


u g0 girl!=]
Sent by GurlBai,Oct 4, 2009
Sent by ChapStique,Oct 4, 2009

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