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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Survivor Samoa Episode 3 Blog

Oct 1, 2009 by gerber
imageAnother good episode of the Russell i mean Survivor.  I don't care how much attention he gets.  He's the one providing the entertainment, and besides, the other castaways'll get their day.  But still, 3 episodes in, and we still have no idea who Brett is or Monica or a bunch of other shmucks over there at Galu.  Strange.  I also miss the survival aspect of survivor.  All we know is that Foa Foa eats lizards ocassionaly, and we don't know what Galu eats.  I think i may know what the big bang is gonna be from Russell.  He has the hidden immunity idol, but i have a feeling it's only meant for a person on Galu, and the one at Galu is only allowed for someone at Foa Foa.  When Russell goes to play it, Jeff'll tell him that he is inelible to use it.  Maybe not who knows yet?  Why Foa Foa hasn't gotten rid of Natalie yet, I have no idea.  The challenge this time could have been better.  I would like a reward challenge and an immunity challenge not combined in one.  Haha


i bet they just gave him clues while cameras were off or something just so he could stay longer.
Sent by lemon5029,Oct 1, 2009
Sent by Scarlett,Oct 1, 2009
idk, if i was there i would look for it too without even knowing if there is one.  you can tell he's watched every episode because he did that.
Sent by gerber,Oct 1, 2009

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