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The islandsurvivor's blog

Posts 768 posts

so everyone has been talking about the Jody showmance. But what no one really knows is that the Jody showmance is actually between Cody and Josh. I wonder how this will shake up the game?

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So these are my predictions of who is gonna die next week.

I feel like its super obvious that Ellaria Sand and the other sandsnake who is still alive will be given to Cersei and she will probably kill them right away. Then there is a chance that Yara dies but since they didnt kill her last episode i feel like she's safe for now.

The other death im expecting is Greyworm. So in the next episode he's gonna be leading the Unsullied to Casterly Rock for a huge battle. And based on how he left things off with Missandei and the sex scene. Also that i feel like his storyline doesn't have much else to go. I think that he's gonna sacrifice himself in the battle which the unsullied will end up winning.

Who do you think will die next week?

Points: 15 0 comments
Most Likely To Die On Game of Thrones Tomorrow Jul 15, 2017
Who do you think is gonna die tomorrow????? If anyone but i feel like someone will.

Im not sure since it seems like most of the major characters will be around for most of this season but i wouldnt be surprised to see the Sand Snakes, the ruler of house Martell or Olenna Tyrell

And for people im expecting to die this season i wouldnt be surprised if at the end of this season Bran, Yara Greyjoy, Euron greyjoy and hell maybe even Cersei are all dead

Points: 49 12 comments
You guys will never be happy with bb Jul 9, 2017
Lets face it unless the one person all of tengaged roots for everyone season which now seems to be alex wons hoh then you are gonna complain. Paul wins HoH and goes after Cody and you all complain how its rigged and you dont want Cody to go. Yet what happens if Jessica wins HoH and targets Alex? You would complain that HoH was on the same side of the house two times and the season is predictable. No matter what happens you guys complain

Points: 36 1 comments
Tengaged confuses me Jul 6, 2017
So you all want Jillian to stay which i find stupid cause she literally did nothing but say how she was nominated next to so many people, but whatever. So you guys also like the underdog side of the house which is fine. But then you get mad when Paul wins HoH??????????? He is gonna keep the underdogs safe and nom the showmances??? Then you say how much of a bitch Jessica is and then you are like NO PAUL DONT NOM JESSICA!!

Make up your minds

Edit: so you all hate Paul fine but wouldnt you rather have him win HoH then someone on the showmance side??

Points: 30 7 comments
Frat game Jul 4, 2017
What ranked frat do you have to be to be eligible to play in the frat game? And how many of the top frats play each time?
Points: 12 1 comments