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Who the hell are you

Posts 2296 posts

Im broke, and I can't help it! (I was screwed!!) Apr 13, 2009
I'm typing this in a public library right now, since Tengaged is giving me some errors on my regular home computer, so I shouldn't be on till the repairman fixes it, in about a week.... So, I apologize to my first Rookies game for not being there, wish I could enjoy it too. :( And now, since I will be voted out soon, I NEED T$!! So please plus and comment my blog, it would be a big help! Thanks for everything, and see you all in a week!

And btw, didn't that preview for The Amazing Race look so awesome!!?! I feel a little bad for picking Kisha and Jen to win!
Points: 56 4 comments
um... Apr 8, 2009

Um, hate to bring attention to this game, but is a reason as to why there are no comments being +ed or -ed? Is it an unwritten rule not to, and have a random HoH? Or is it you cant vote b4 the game starts, or even something else?? Does anyone know?

And do +s or -s have to do with anything in a Rookies game besides giving out Hoh and POV? :/
EDIT: btw everyone, they wanna start their game, 3 more people need to join (and i cant join now) ;)
Points: 32 4 comments
I am Yellow today!!! Apr 8, 2009
Now a new part of Tengaged is opened up to me, and I feel great! Although, I don't really like that Ive finished 3rd THREE times in a row! I think the algo hates me lol!

What was your experience like finally reaching Yellow?
+ for +, comment for comment
Points: 33 5 comments
STARS 21 Prediction Center Apr 4, 2009

Now that the stage is set, what predictions do you have about STARS 21? It can be anything youd like to post, the winner, last place, the flavor of the game... anything you want to put, so everyone can know YOUR view on the next installment of STARS!
Points: 32 3 comments
STARS 20 Prediction Center??? Mar 28, 2009
Since about a dozen blogs have popped up about the new STARS 20, what about having just ONE blog to put in any predictions, about who will win, who will lose, or any other predictions that you can make about STARS 20? I feel random right now, and this just popped up in my mind... so whatever

Good idea?? or Bad idea??
Points: 36 4 comments
Please explain??? Mar 28, 2009

why have so many people been banned from my game???? and sry if the link may not work

It's very unusual that so many people would get banned from one game!! Someone help!!
Points: 47 8 comments