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The jake_WD's blog

Posts 36 posts

Natalie White Dec 11, 2016
Is an underrated queen
Points: 14 1 comments
I had a Survivor Game Changers intro made for me! Nov 30, 2016
I actually really love it!
Points: 11 0 comments
My First Time Trending Oct 9, 2016
It's really amazing to see and it makes me really happy. Thank you everyone who's been supporting me so far!
Points: 9 0 comments
I played my heart out in this game, and I deserve a second chance! Please it would mean so much if you voted for me here. I'll plus anything in return or do whatever you'd like.
Points: 5 0 comments
Big Brother 5 AU Sep 17, 2016
imageOnce Jury hit duo's were targeted. Natalie placed 8th and then Drew placed 7th, this led to Jase's downfall as he was hiding behind the duo's and was put up as a pawn against both pairs. He was evicted by Lori, who was running the house, and Karen evicted Diane fifth. Will won the final four HoH and put up Karen and Adria, Lori won the veto and evicted Adria. Will had not done much the whole season, but when he won the last HoH that meant Lori was nominated for the first time and evicted, this (I'm assuming) earned the jurors respect and allowed him to win.
Points: 11 1 comments
Big Brother 4 AU Sep 17, 2016
imageThe girls ruled the house with a boy being evicted four times in a row. Things changed when Dana decided to evict Jun over Scott, outcasting herself and disrupting the apparent girls alliance. Scott when out, but then Alison decided to evict Michelle and then Nathan evicted Dana, Justin won HoH and put up Erika (who was the pawn of the season being nominated six times) against Amanda. Amanda was evicted and two duos made it to the final four. Erika won final four HoH and nominated Nathan and Justin, however Justin won the veto and made the mistake of evicting Nathan over Alison. Alison won the last HoH and evicted Justin, everyone voted for Alison to win except for Justin and Nathan. Alison won 1 HoH and two vetoes, she was nominated twice and never had a vote cast against her.
Points: 0 0 comments