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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


Oct 1, 2014 by jayrox932
Hoh competition 1 first to 11 points wins

Avijeet: 6
Jay: 9
Hajir: 11

Congratulations hajir now moving to the second competition first to 12 points win

Avijeet: 10
Jay: 12

Congratulations jay now the final competition to determine if hajir or jay wins hoh first to 13 wins

Jay: 13
Hajir: 12

Congratulations  jay you have won the last HOH of the season

I vote to evict avijeet im so sorry

The jury will now vote a winner

Adrionna: jay
Nick: hajir
Randy: jay
Destany: hajir
Kareen: jay
Hailey: jay
Eric: jay
Sauman: jay
Avijeet: jay

Jay congratulations you have won this season of big brother

The houseguests still in the game


16. Zach
15. Katherine
14. Sarah
13. Cameron
12. Tanner
Jury starts here
11. Adrionna
10. Nick
9. Randy
8. Destany
7. Kareen
6. Hailey
5. Eric
4. Sauman
Final 3
3. Avijeet
2. Hajir
1. Jay

Week 1
Hoh 1: katherine
Hoh 2: Adrionna
Nomanies 1: Zach and Destany
Nomanies 2: Sarah and Eric
Bob: Sarah and Eric
Nomanies: Zach and Destany
Pov: katherine
Final Nomanies: zach and destany
Evicted: zach

Week 2
Hoh 1: cameron
Hoh 2: jay
Nomanies 1: katherine and kareen
Nomanies 2: Nick and eric
Bob: Nick and eric
Nomanies: katherine and kareen
Pov: kareen
Final Nomanies: katherine and jay
Evicted: katherine

Week 3
Hoh 1: randy
Hoh 2: nick
Nomanies 1:avijeet and destany
Nomanies 2: eric and jay
Bob: eric and jay
Nomanies: avijeet and destany
Pov: Destany
Final nomanies: avijeet and sarah
Evicted: sarah

Week 4
Hoh 1: avijeet
Hoh 2: hajir
Nomanies 1: nick and cameron
Nomanies 2: randy and tanner
Bob: randy and tanner
Nomanies: nick and cameron
Pov: destany
Final nomanies: nick and cameron
Evicted: cameron

Week 5
Hoh 1: randy
Hoh 2: jay
Nomanies 1: destany and avijeet
Nomanies 2: nick and tanner
Bob: destany and avijeet
Nomanies: nick and tanner
Pov: hajir
Final nomanies: nick and tanner
Evicted: tanner

Week 6
Hoh: avijeet
Nomanies: adrionna and kareen
Pov: kareen
Nomanies: adrionna and nick
Evicted: adrionna

Double eviction week 6
Hoh: eric
Nomanies: nick and kareen
Pov: hailey
Nomanies: nick and kareen
Evicted: nick

Week 7
Hoh: avijeet
Nomanies: kareen and randy
Pov: sauman
Nomanies: kareen and randy
Evicted: randy

Week 8
Hoh: jay
Nomanies: kareen and avijeet
Pov: eric
Nomanies: kareen and destany
Evicted: destany

Week 9
Hoh: eric
Nomanies: sauman and kareen
Pov: hailey
Nomanies: sauman and kareen
Evicted: kareen

Week 10
Hoh: hajir
Nomanies: hailey and avijeet
Pov: hajir
Nomanies: hailey and avijeet
Evicted: hailey

Week 11
Hoh: jay
Nomanies: eric and avijeet
Pov: sauman
Nomanies: eric and avijeet
Evicted: eric

Week 12
Hoh: avijeet
Nomanies: hajir and sauman
Pov: avijeet
Nomanies: hajir and sauman
Evicted: sauman

Week 13
Hoh comp #1: hajir
Hoh comp #2: jay
Hoh comp #3: jay
Nomanies: hajir and avijeet
Evicted: avijeet

FINAL WINER IS!!!!!!!!!!!


These houseguests are based on friends and enemys in my life and jay is based on me but I did not choose who won and who was evicted I was making how itwould end up being in the end.
Sent by jayrox932,Oct 1, 2014

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