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People stop freakin out wen u get nommed

Posts 43 posts

omg STRASBURG IS A BEAST Jun 28, 2010
who is ur fav pitcha?
Points: 7 0 comments
would u rather be a contestant on survivor or BB Jun 28, 2010
tell me wat u would rather
Points: 32 4 comments
NEW Group Game Plez plus my blog Jun 27, 2010
this game begins like survivor and then changes into big brother there are 2 tribes of 10 and it is played completely like survivor there will be 2 hidden immunity idols in the game 1 in hidden in one group and one hidden in the other. then once the merge occurs the game shifts to big brother were there will be an hoh challenge and a pov challenge and then there will be eliminations then once it is down to 3 people the jury will decide the winner.
Points: 29 7 comments
im so pumped for BB US Jun 27, 2010
it starts on july 7th and i cant wait who were ur all time favs?
Points: 29 6 comments
Gangstaboy235 is incredibly pathetic and told me to die in a hole Jun 25, 2010
this is his apology speech the next day

*unscrolls speech*
We start off with Lexxy
Lex Im sorry i got pissed off with you cause u nommed me and it is a game and it is bout winning so i am really really sorry and i know i am nommed
also im sorry that i took adarsh side.
Dizzle i am sorry i told you to die in a hole that was inappropriate of me no one deserves to die and i am a fking dumb noob
advantage even though your not ere i am also sorry for what i done aswell to you.
Gamesrock I really am sorry what i said also i am a dumb shit
and the rest of the housemates I am really sorry what i done i will not do it again
Hopefully with this long speech you will forgive me!
P.S: Im sorry to everyone on tengaged including randomize

ok wow u just made a fool out of urself and i didnt accept his apology nor did anyone else in the game but have no fear there is more

by GangstaBoy235 4 hours 3 min ago
I am literally crying now i done everything for that speech

ok well then someone needs to take a righting class and then i preceded to tell him to stop because he was embarrasing himself and then he said

by GangstaBoy235 4 hours 2 min ago
you need to learn to forgive others!!

well i know how to forgive othas but u need to learn how to not tell people to die in a hole but wait it gets better

by GangstaBoy235 4 hours 4 min ago
god forgives all so why cant you

ok now lets get real did he really just say that, then while laughing i said "did u really just say that" then his response was

by GangstaBoy235 4 hours 3 min ago
so u dont give a f*ck bout god then?

okay srry dude but im pretty sure god could give a crap about wether i nommed u in a TENGAGED GAME. but just wen u thought it was ova he just has to cap it off with another stupid comment

by GangstaBoy235 4 hours 6 min ago
I will be much successful then you lot

wat does that even mean? and then his follow up words were

by GangstaBoy235 4 hours 6 min ago
I will not be back so i hope u rot in hell

okay well now u just sound like the exorcist but he doesnt stop

by GangstaBoy235 4 hours 5 min ago

okay well i think enough said that gangsta boy is a lil nuts and i repeat this is not a hate blog this is a "did he really just say that" blog
Points: 0 7 comments
People stop freakin out when u get nommed in rookies its not the end of the world Jun 25, 2010
ok well a few days ago this guy named gangsta got nommed and then told me to die in a hole and then today i nommed this girl because she would not shutup about me plussing her and now she is pming me sayin how she was kiddin around. OMG CLEARLY U WERENT KIDDIN BECAUSE IF U WERENT KIDDIN U WOULDNT SEND ME 21 PM'S AND 4 MAILS TELLIN ME TO PLUS U SHE IS NICE AND ALL BUT PLEZ SHUTUP. THEN THE OTHER KID (GANGSTA) WROTE A PARAGRAPH TELLIN EVERYONE HE WAS SORRY. OK ITS BEEN 3 HOURS SINCE U TOLD ME TO DIE I THINK IM OVER IT O WAIT NOOOTTTTTTTTT.
Points: 23 4 comments