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josh's blog

Posts 76 posts

finals week Dec 2, 2023
imagei hope you鈥檝e all been doing well!! i鈥檓 hoping to be a bit more active over the break, i need to get my castings on! 馃槑
Points: 0 2 comments
international travel tips? Aug 11, 2023
i was fortunate enough to win a national study-abroad scholarship which will allow me to actually be able to study abroad this upcoming spring semester (there is absolutely no way i could have afforded it otherwise), i'll be living and studying in italy for four months!! while i'm incredibly gracious and excited, i'm also overwhelmed with all of the things i need to arrange and prepare for. does anyone have any tips/suggestions for things to do before i leave in late january?

i just got my passport in the mail, but other than that, i haven't done anything other than university stuff to prepare. (money? phone plan?? i need insurance?? help!) thank you for the help if you have anything to suggest!! i'm SO excited!
Points: 28 1 comments
stars 767: taking my time! Jul 26, 2023
image nicolef you are free to not like me because i beat you in a poll or made a comment after you talked about me in your own blog, but calling me a toxic asshole is just dramatic. we've never talked, you have no idea who i am, and i don't appreciate you acting like you weren't wanting to work together or viewed me as some horrible person all this time. i've not done anything towards you or anyone in this cast to be called those things, and i'd just appreciate you separating a game from who i am as an individual. it's just a game, but i never made any decisions because of how awful of a person i am or how horrible of a personality i have. i'm not spamming people to survive in a poll nor am i publically begging in servers or chats. it's just a game, and i'm actually treating it that way. my life will not change in the slightest whether or not i win this game or not. please don't blog about me like you have ANY idea who i am. thanks!
Points: 48 2 comments
stars 767: thank you 39.6%!! Jul 26, 2023
hi tengaged! i鈥檓 currently nominated for 10th in stars, and i would love your support in the polls today!! i tried my best to come back in and make a move, but after several discussions and what i thought was a solid (new) group consensus, our set didn鈥檛 go through last d/c.

i address some concerns from other members of the cast and general questions about my gameplay in my vlog, so i encourage to check that out! i came back into the game trying to work with both sides to put myself in a better position moving forward, but both sides of the house have their own preferences, and trying to make a change for either group results in a bigger target on your back and is ultimately why i'm back in this position.

i鈥檇 love to keep at it with your support today. please click ben鈥檚 button at the link below! best of luck! 馃槉


(again, it's 5am so please give me some grace!!! lol)
Points: 22 8 comments
stars 767: thank you 61.9%!! Jul 25, 2023
hey guys! i tried to be open to both sides of the house this past d/c after hearing my name go around for a possible set, but clearly that move wasn't enjoyed by several members of the cast. staying open to the best decisions for my personal game is clearly threatening some of the other cast members, and i strongly believe that's why i'm currently nominated.

i'd love your support in going back in and making some moves to propel myself further in this game! i promise to give my absolute all over the next few days with your support, please click nicolef's button below! best of luck eddie!!

poll link:

Points: 353 8 comments
stars 767: meet josh! Jul 22, 2023
well, might as well end the summer out on a bang! here we go again! i鈥檓 about to head back to university next week, so why not end my spare time with a game of stars? thank you to everyone for the support messages/blogs, hopefully this will be another fun stars experience for all of us!

my name is josh, i鈥檓 19 years old, and i鈥檓 from kentucky! i am a communication major in college and i鈥檓 getting ready to study abroad in florence, italy this spring! reality tv has always been my guilty pleasure, and so i鈥檝e always found myself back on tengaged when i have spare time to waste lol. i鈥檝e had so much fun this summer, but i鈥檒l be back once i have more time after school starts back!

i鈥檓 currently at urgent care (i鈥檓 ok lol) but i鈥檒l try and vlog as soon as i can. thank you for all of the love and support! 鉂わ笍
Points: 348 7 comments