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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

What a bunch of idiots

Dec 30, 2010 by katysueperry
Wow, Final 4, we had a f3, alliance, The finals is random stupid asses, i dont know what to dom its like wtf, i got 6 POV's never nommed him but in the end i got 4th. I was the final Girl


whowas the alliance???
Sent by terminator,Dec 30, 2010
It was me, Eco, and Japs,
Sent by katysueperry,Dec 30, 2010
Sent by NathanDamnit,Dec 30, 2010
we never had an alliance!
You never even talked to me!
Sent by ecologydude,Dec 30, 2010
I know how u feel
Sent by alexdm,Dec 30, 2010
it sucks to be where your at i practially carried someone through a game and saved them from elimination countless times and they screw me for 4th place cause they are afraid i would win, but i hope they were happy with 3rd;)
Sent by MoBurrito18,Dec 30, 2010
Eco, U werent even in the alliance u were a side alliance, We didnt want you in the final 3, U guys r just afraid that a girl was going to win, and P.S. get over it 6 POV's makes me a threat? No that makes me a contender.
Sent by katysueperry,Dec 30, 2010
u are an idiot katy... u are the one who has one everyother POV u were ssure to win...u wouldve voted me out anyway
Sent by JapsRule,Dec 30, 2010
i won 0 POVs so u should be happy and i think eco will win anyway
Sent by JapsRule,Dec 30, 2010
No i wuldnt of Japs you were such a floater, u and TGBR both, ECO WIN IT!
Sent by katysueperry,Dec 30, 2010
Sent by JarrettSteam,Dec 30, 2010

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