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KDBB2 Week 7 Oct 21, 2019
Previously on #KDBB2, FireX got his fire burned out by a vote of 4-2. The Houseguests then competed in the "Women and Children First" Head of Household Competition. It was a very tight race between noah_kondon, LaGafas, & BadGirlsClubfan, but ulitmately noah_kondon had one more person in his lifeboat and for the second time in a row, and fourth time this season noah_kondon claimed the Head of Household.

Immediately after, he named his nominations of skimmilk4 and Badgirlsclubfan, but all week long Tengaged has been voting someone as "King of the World" after the nomination ceremony, the King of the World secretly removed BadGirlsClubfan from the block and nominated Tester in her place. The King of the World also had the power to sit out one person from the veto competition and they picked LaGafas.

At the Power of Veto Competition on Day 20, the houseguests had to solve a slider puzzle in "Sinking of the Titanic" and noah_kondon proved he was an unbeatable competitor and won the Power of Veto. A few hours later at the Veto Ceremony, he took Tester off the block and put BadGirlsClubfan right back up!

Who will be evicted skimmilk4 or Badgirlsclubfan? And what other tricks does the King of the World have up their sleeve? Plus it's Double Eviction night baby! A weeks worth of #KDBB2 in one hour!

Tonight at 5PM EST.
Points: 31 1 comments
Lifeboat Blog Oct 18, 2019
Women and Children First!
Points: 130 42 comments
KDBB2 Week 6 Oct 17, 2019
Previously on #KDBB2, bklimas was giving the boot by a vote of 4-2, but before he could walk out of the house, Big Brother revealed that when Hunterhansen16, kevinlord190, zacped, parkerstack7 and NanoNerd were evicted they didn't go home. Instead they each boarded a lifeboat numbered 1-20. And now Captain FireX was tasked with bringing a lifeboat back on board. He wasn't aware of which lifeboat sat which evictee. It was then revealed that if he brought back an empty lifeboat bklimas would stay in the game. Captain FireX brought back Lifeboat 7 which contained no one, which meant bklimas bobbed right back in the game. The house was then told that the class and captain twist was officially over and they had reached the jury stage.

At the "Inside the Pursers Cabin" HOH Competition, noah_kondon counted his third win! Moments Later at the nomination ceremony, he nominated AlejandroWalker for his lack of trust and being a comp beast, and nominated FireX since he's been gunning for him since week 1.

On Day 17, AlejandroWalker, Bvance1212, Skimmilk4, BadgirlsClubfan, and noah_kondon competed in the "And the Veto Goes to..." Veto Competition. In this competition, the Houseguests played elimination style, but when they were eliminated they got to pick an Oscar, which they could keep or trade for any already revealed Oscar. The winner was able to pick from any Oscar, including the Power of Veto Oscar.
In the end,  FireX looks fire with the Best Costume Oscar, and had to dress up as Rose from the Titanic for a week, AlejandroWalker walked away with the Social Butterfly Oscar, he can no longer compete in any more Veto Competitions for the remainder of the game. BadGirlsClubfan got the Shipwreck Oscar, and immediatly dived down after the competition, noah_kondon got the Comp Beast Oscar and will be allowed to compete in all the remaining competitions, skimmilk4 received the Best Director Oscar and chose which Veto we were playing for and bvance1212 won his first competition this season, and won the Forced Power of Veto.

Later that evening, bvance1212 saved AlejandroWalker from eviction and noah_kondon nominated BadGirlsClubfan in his place, trying to flush whatever power she received in the Shipwreck.

Who will be evicted from the #KDBB2 House? FireX or BadGirlsClubfan? And who will rise to power in the next HOH Competition and what exactly is "The King of the World"

Find out tomorrow, 10/18 @ 6pm EST.
Points: 34 2 comments
KDBB2 Week 3, 4 and 5 Oh My! Oct 14, 2019
Previously on the last few weeks of #KDBB2 @AlejandroWalker, @skimmilk4, @Badgirlsclubfan, @NanoNerd & @Noah_Kondon competed in the "Plunder for Letters" Veto Competition, and @Nanonerd proved he was a nerd and won the Power of Veto, he chose not to use it.

On Day 10, @Parkerstack7 was parked outside the house in a vote of 6-2. The Houseguests then learned that Brian's safety was officially over, the classes could now nominate each other and a poll would open during the HOH comp where the winner of 1st class would earn safety for the week, the winner of 2nd class would receive a punishment and the winner of 3rd class would be the 3rd nominee. The Houseguests then competed in the "Never Let Go" Head of Household Competition. At this competition it was played in eight rounds with a houseguest getting eliminated in each round. The first five houseguests to be eliminated would chose from a block of ice that contains either a prize or a punishment. @LaGafas was the first one eliminated and he received a punishment that he would have to sit out of the next HOH Comp, @Tester was the next one eliminated and he received a punishment of not being able to vote in the next eviction, @Bklimas was the third one eliminated and he recieved a prize that he would be visiting the shipwreck this week. @badgirlsclubfan was the fourth one eliminated and she was required to sit out of this weeks veto competition. @AlejandroWalker was the fifth eliminated and he was required to wear an icesuit for the next week. Ulimately, @Noah_Kondon never let go and grabbed that HOH Key! The poll was over and it was revealed that @Noah_Kondon won the poll and was granted safety, even though he no longer needed it. @Bvance1212 won the 2nd class poll and was given a punishment of being "Frozen" for a week and would not be able to compete in the Veto, Vote at the eviction or compete in the next HOH. Finally, @Tester, from 3rd class, was named the 3rd nominee. Shortly after the competition, @bklimas entered the Shipwreck and claimed the Telegraph prize, which allowed him to stop any upcoming HOH or Veto from happening and be crowned the winner until six players remain. Shortly after @noah_kondon nominated @bklimas and @FireX alongside @Tester.

On Day 11, @Bklimas used his power from the Shipwreck to stop the veto competition and claim the Power of Veto. @Noah_Kondon then nominated @NanoNerd in his place.

On Day 13, the birthday boy @NanoNerd blew out his candles and was evicted by a vote of 3-1-1. Sparking a major house meeting blow up. The Houseguests calmed down for a minute to compete in the "Women and Children First" Competition and @AlejandroWalker walked himself to a win. However, before he could make his nominations it was revealed that this week's evictee would have a 75% chance of staying in the game. Later that evening, @AlejandroWalker nominated @bklimas and @Tester for eviction.

On Day 14, @Noah_Kondon was the winner of "Telegram Me a Veto" Competition.

On Day 15, @Noah_Kondon saved @Tester from eviction and @AlejandroWalker nominated @LaGafas in his place.

Who will be evicted from the #KDBB2 house, @Bklimas or @LaGafas and will they even leave? And who will rise to power in the next Head of Household Competition?

Find out tomorrow on #KDBB2
Points: 1 0 comments
KDBB2 Week 2 Oct 7, 2019
Previously on #KDBB2, Kevinlord190 was evicted by a vote of 8-2. Immediatly after Kevinlord190's eviction, the Houseguests participated in the "Escape the Titanic" Head of Household Competition and AlejandroWalker won making the 2nd class safe this week. After the HOH Competition, Captain FireX sent skimmilk4, bvance1212 and bklimas into the Shipwreck poll. Later than evening, AlejandroWalker nominated bklimas and parkerstack7 for eviction.

On Day 5, AlejandroWalker, Badgirlsclubfan, Noah_Kondon, LaGafas, and zacPed competed in the "Titanic Dining Hall" Power of Veto competition. After a twist in the competition, AlejandroWalker walked away victorious. He decided to save Bklimas and nominate zacPed in his place.

On Day 7, ZacPed was sent Peddling by a vote of 5-4. At the "Titanic Telegrams"  HOH competition, Skimmilk4 became the new HOH, but before he could nominate two houseguests for eviction, a power was used that allowed someone to nominate two houseguests of their own and they nominated Tester and Parkerstack7

Who will be the final person to enter the Shipwreck? And will the Power of Veto be used to save one of the two nominees?

Find out tonight at 6PM EST on #KDBB2
Points: 35 1 comments
Who is more likely to get off the Titanic as soon as the iceberg hit? Oct 4, 2019
skimmilk4 or alejandrowalker

Points: 0 0 comments