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The machine146's blog

Posts 15 posts

Doctors visit Jan 30, 2009
Well I just got back from the doctors. It was just suppose to be refilling my medicine but now I found out that I might have a bacterical infection in my stomach. I get the results Monday.
Points: 12 2 comments
My Survivor results over the years Jan 28, 2009
1st Game
5th Place. I managed to go to all but one Tribal Council due to a horrible team but was voted out after the target who my allience was going for won immunity and I was the guy no one could beat in the final 2

2nd Game
2nd place. This was a conterversal game due to getting screwed in the challenge after the guy changed it from a word scramble to a guess the number 10 minutes after I posted my answers. Also the guy with immunity is a tie breaker.

3rd game
4th place Made a solid alliece that went all the way to the final 4 but was voted out due to no one thought they could beat me in the final 2.

4th game
13th place tribal switch put me on a team where 6 of my teammates were in an allience together

5th game
10th place I was placed on a horrible tribe full of inactives and quitters. But I did do damage by turning the main allience agianst each other which was fun to watch.

6th game
8th place I had a good team but they weren't loyal. In the end the person who came crying to me a week ago was one of the people to backstab me. She didn't win after she got the final 2.

7th game
14th place I did nothing in this game and yet I was voted out but a horrible twist that gave one person the power to vote one person and they thought I was the biggest threat. I wasn't my allience which was 3 veterans from my 3rd game. The two others in my allience made it to the final 2. I wasn't real happy with the twist. The hosts wanted to give me a place in the jury but I rejected in protest.
Points: 3 0 comments
Werid Hours Jan 28, 2009
Wow this year at college is going to be the strangest. I have all evening classes. My earliest class is at 3pm. Good news is. I get to sleep in. Yay!
Points: 3 2 comments