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The maloney's blog

Posts 58 posts

Top 5 BB11 Players (Entering Week 5) Aug 5, 2009
I'm probably going to start doing an annual Wednesday blog stating my Top 5 Big Brother players of the week. This will be based off of my opinion, and the actions and performances of the players. I will not be biased towards my favorite players whatsoever. To let you know who my favorite is right off the bat is Jordan. Cute and nice. Favorite. But here we go...
Number Five - Jesse
The man has had two women begging for his attention. Not to forget, he's played a decent game thus far. The only two time HoH winner in the house. He's going for his third tomorrow. He's got a big target on his back right now, and in my book is one of the smartest people in the house. I say this because he has been in the house before and with completely different people. He knows what to expect. If he wins HoH this week, he's going to ensure his safety for the third possible week straight.
Number Four - Kevin/Russell
To be honest, he hasn't done much at all. At all. But he has laid low for quite some time. The only notable person who wants him out is Ronnie. Who which is probably going home tomorrow. So, if Kevin can win an HoH or POV here or there, he can certainly be one of the strongest in the house. He's playing the game, and not many people know it. Laying low and keeping a short profile is doing good for him. Partnering up with Lydia is good. Because, if they both go on the block together, Lydia is most likely going home. Smart player thus far. As for Russell, you had to put him somewhere since he was the current week's HoH. He was doing a great job of playing until that dreaded 'Fight Night' came about. If he sticks to his guns and keeps his game with Jeff and Michelle, then he has a good chance in staying safe. But if Chima some how, some way wins HoH, he is going up.
Number Three - Jordan
Identical to Kevin, she really hasn't won or done anything. But here's the thing, she is clung to one of the top players in the house, Jeff. Not to mention, these two might have a real connection. Beside the point though. Her being with Jeff really helps her out, because Jeff is a total package and has proven he can win. With Jeff, she can ensure her spot in any alliance Jeff wants to be a part of. On her own, she is playing a very good game. Acts pretty dumb at times if I may say, but she is definitely capable of pulling off an upset when her time comes. If Jeff wins HoH, it's basically her HoH too.
Number Two - Jeff
He has really impressed me as a fellow Chicagoian. He can really hang with the big boys, no pun intended. He had proven him self as a strong competitor. He really isn't dumb at all, and he is very tough. It looks as if he is probably going to win the Coup d'Etat, which will make him a lot better than he already is. A very smart player, if he can maybe make a deal and keep with Michelle and Russ, then he is looking good. He's got the hottest chick in the house too, which is a plus. :)  Pretty much no doubt that he will win the 'Wizard Powers' do he'll basically be in charge whether he's HoH or not.
Number One - Michelle
Sometime I forget she's even in the house. She's playing brilliant right now, and she needs to keep doing what she's doing. Michelle is playing a very low profiled game and it's doing wonders for her. She has won two POV's already! I heard someone say she's already the POV queen, which is a bit much, but good for her. She really needs to convince Russ to stick with her, and she could be easy crusin' to a half million G's.
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Thank you so much for reading. Please plus, and comment. I'll return the plus if you post blogs. Thanks. :)
Points: 49 1 comments
He's a cat. Aug 4, 2009
Points: 22 3 comments
An Addiction. (Read & Then Post Yours!) Aug 4, 2009
So, I have taken great notice in something. I have an addiction. It's nothing bad at all. I don't smoke, drink, or so drugs. I am addicted to Arbys. Not Arbys all together. But their Bacon Cheddar BBQ burger. It's just delicious. Ever since I had one, I can't stop. It's so good. You top that off with curly fries and a Sierra Mist. To me, nothing can top it at the moment. Care to prove me wrong, or want to throw in your two cents? It'd be greatly appreciated, and encouraged. So please, leave a comment and let me know what you're currently addicted to. Doesn't have to just be food either. Be creative. :)

- Maloney
Points: 31 6 comments
My first day. Aug 4, 2009
Well, this is my first day on this website. Found it by going on Wikipedia and looking at the Big Brother page. I enrolled into my first game, and the people I am grouped with seem very friendly and helpful. Couldn't ask for a better first group. But who knows, things may get ugly. :P

The people in my game really helped me out on understanding the rules. Just from about an hour on the website, I got the basics. Now, it's game time. I hope I can place well for my first game. Not much else to say. The site is nice looking, and clean. The avatars are a nice little touch. The chat is awesome, it updates for you, rather than having to refresh. So, as I close this blog. I'd like to thank the makers of the website. Seems like a great place so far, and very fun. I'll see you all next blog. :)

- Maloney
Points: 23 5 comments