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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Movies You Can't Stand!

Feb 25, 2010 by miriam_w_09
imageI am curious to know what movies you can't stand.  Are there just those flicks that get on your nerves?  Why? 
My "pet peeve" movies are Tim Burton flicks.  Every time I watch one, it makes me feel really dark and creepy.  In my opinion, there is something wrong with his thoughts on entertaining movies.  Why all the creepy concepts like buttons for eyes and all that sort?
Anyways, please don't neg me for that.  We all have our own opinions right?


I'm over those Scary Movie type films!
Sent by 2008girl,Feb 25, 2010
Pretty WOman. I've only seen bits and pieces but it looks really crappy. Although I am a teenage male. so go figure. :)

Sent by ToughNubbs,Feb 25, 2010
I'm not going to neg you for it even though I do like Tim Burton.  A movie I can't stand is The Spirit.
Sent by Kahili,Feb 25, 2010
hmm,  I will that American Beauty was awful in my mind.
Sent by cournojo,Feb 25, 2010
Yes!!  I watched that movie this week and it WAS aweful!
Sent by miriam_w_09,Feb 25, 2010

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