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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

you cant have an opinion without an onion

Jul 14, 2011 by omnomnom
lalala i dyed my hair darker blue.. iz pritty and such.
i want porsche to win cuz her name is sooooo cyooot. am liek zomg you're pritty even though i like guys..
i like lots of things though.. like dinosaur noises, and zebracons, and heptapuses who lost a tentacle due to my evil wife (grrrr octo-killer) ooh i haz a wife, so how am i gay?
.. oh we married and divorced on faceybook cause she was like "nuuuuu you ish bad husband" and i was like "nyan nyan nyan nyan ^_^"
I'd like a facial piercing, i think.. but i dont know what would suit my face >.<
I have nice lips..
Hmmm anyways, what do you think?

thanks for reading and pressing a colorful butttton :D you're so nice.


we haven't talked in like.
Sent by zimdelinvasor,Jul 14, 2011
oh hello zimmyzimzim :)
Sent by omnomnom,Jul 14, 2011
hi :P
i text you sometimes
but you don't reply
so i deleted your number
Sent by zimdelinvasor,Jul 14, 2011
ohrlly. i hate my phone.. too many people try to talk and the touchscreen is screwed up so i'm like.. *ignore*
Sent by omnomnom,Jul 14, 2011
this is why i don't use touch screens~~
feel free to like
text me or skype me some time
or message me here.
if you care at all lol
Sent by zimdelinvasor,Jul 14, 2011
okiiii ^.^
Sent by omnomnom,Jul 14, 2011
i love your hair :)
Sent by FrenchMaid,Jul 14, 2011

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