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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

After 381 days....

8thJun 4, 2010 by p0tt34
...I'm finally Black!  I was REALLY hoping to make it to black level by my one year anniversary (May 19) but, as usual, I failed.  I know it's not such a big thing since umm...yeah Rando added the other color levels... :(...but it's big to me!

Some people I want to thank for being there...
Nixx ~ First of all...yes, you're not around anymore, but I miss your toastiness.  I wish you would come back. :(

Mikedistanz - Mikeypoo!  I met you somehow...I think through AlanaDee...not sure but yeah, I enjoy talking to you and playing with you every time.

BioDork - A really great friend, even though it's been a while (I think) since we've played...we should play again.

SuperGoten - Heather-Chan!  I have so much fun with you...I love playing together on here or in ORG-world.

GurlBai - You always support me...not sure how we met...we need to play again also.

AlanaDee - OMG one of my first rookies and that was epically fun.  We shared some good times together...and we've lost touch. :(

Dragonldy640 - Yeah, we have our fallouts, but we're still pretty good...even if it lasts for a bit LMAO.

BengalBoy - Dru!  You always, ALWAYS support me...for some reason, I love your cheekiness, you silly thing you.  We need to play soon...oh wait LMAO.

AgentMaroon - Such a good guy, I loved it playing with you...even if you did get out early :-X

Lemonsalsa - I won a raffle of hers for my blog pic (not currently up) and I've treasured it ever since.  Such a posh designer.

Fizzeray -  I love playing with you cause you are pretty damn good at you couldn't make merge.

WillyEx - I do love your blogs and can't wait until you put me in a screenie of yours.

Jubbzy - The funniest thing I remember is calling you a she that one night blogging.  I didn't know, honestly, but it was still funny all the same.  Thanks for the Stars Giveaway...tho I never made it too far.

Metsfan/Aquamarine - I love getting your spam...tho it was funny cause when you went under Aqua, I was so confused at first LMAO

Shayybayy - One of my other spamming peoples that I'll save in Stars and plus anything you send me....I wish I could have made it longer in the OC game.

Wonderland - For no other reason than being an awesome rock!

Peenk - I hated your guts...but after I realized that you were only trying to help with constructive criticism, I began to like're so posh.

Jhaybiie - Another posh friend that I'll plus all your spam...I remember the time you heard I was "calling you a multi of someone"...and I raised hell since it wasn't true lol

Finklestein - A friend I made in a rookies...and ever since then has been pretty cool...however the whole avatar made me think of a guy till you changed your Skype pic one day LOL.  Boy was I wrong :-/.

PeaceLoveHappiness - A cool dude that I could spam and they'd plus forever.  Loves ya.

Kaffreya - A really odd but cool friend...completed a blog chain that was totally different in meaning...but still funny as hell. ILY, Marty!

Qwert12 - Another who tried finishing my blog chain, but didn't know it wasn't a countdown, still funny LMAO.  I always loved your blog pic behind the news desk.

If I've forgotten anyone, say so, and I'll add you.  I'm so glad to get the chance to get into Stars tomorrow night...Let's hope I win the click race! :-D *Crosses fingers*


<333 congrats!!
Sent by TripleXXX,Jun 4, 2010
congrats ^^
Sent by Coin,Jun 4, 2010
GRATS POTT <3. luvsit
Sent by jhaybiie,Jun 4, 2010
Sent by sam_cutie567,Jun 4, 2010
great job ed! and good luck on the ot :D
Sent by BengalBoy,Jun 4, 2010

Sent by jason_2_12,Jun 4, 2010
Congrats Pott!!
Sent by gagaluv,Jun 4, 2010
Sent by jdog,Jun 4, 2010
Sent by andy154,Jun 4, 2010
YAY Congrats :D
Sent by supergoten,Jun 4, 2010
congrats. mind plussing and playing? :D
Sent by ryatur20,Jun 4, 2010
Sent by Scheuerman14,Jun 4, 2010
p0tt <3
Sent by mikedistanz,Jun 4, 2010
t-blog potensh
Sent by Holder,Jun 4, 2010
Sent by NoelSarah,Jun 4, 2010
+8 grats man
Sent by chhsfreshman2009,Jun 4, 2010
Sent by LucyX3Jean,Jun 4, 2010
Sent by realitynerd,Jun 5, 2010
Sent by Abrogate,Jun 5, 2010
cooooongratzzz too u!!
Sent by pinkie_paws,Jun 5, 2010

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