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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Well, Out At 11th, But Not Defeated

Oct 13, 2010 by p0tt34
I mean, yeah it sucks to be out of Stars 100, but I knew once I saw as much support Dino had, I knew I was screwed.  Especially with his blog hitting the top in like 25 minutes, I just felt like I was done.  Stick a fork in me.  I do appreciate those who did vote to save me, and I hope I have your support in future Stars games.

I did however grow closer to a few people I knew, trusted, but didn't know before.  Minsi, you are like my most awesome dude now.  I mean with this game I just felt something click that I think I've only had with like 5 people on this site truly.  I mean we had our Duel top 3 list savings, but that was about it.  But now, I know we're closer and I love it.  Bio, it sucked seeing you up against BlackWidow, but I feel like I've grown closer to you two as well.  Being able to talk more on a personal level with you two just helped form a friendship I know will last a long time.  I mean, I know me and BlackWidow will be meeting up in RL once I move to London, Ontario.  I can't wait man.  That's gonna rock!

P0tt34 Over and Out. :)


I love you <33 You are an AMAZING person. Thank you for helping me as much as you did. I know I can rely on you.
Sent by MinsiKid,Oct 13, 2010
great game man :)
Sent by DiNoM,Oct 13, 2010
i'll miss you in the game, im glad i know i could rely on you <333
Sent by dorkishbarbi,Oct 13, 2010
Sent by Fiona89,Oct 13, 2010

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