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Peter's Blog!

Posts 147 posts

When you plus/neg a blog...... Jul 10, 2009
Do you base your vote on who created it or the content you see?
Points: 123 23 comments
Mission Accomplished Jul 5, 2009
605 T$ spent on this avatar in total.

What do you think? Discuss.
Points: 104 28 comments
500! YAY! Jul 4, 2009
I finally reached 500 friends, thanks to everyone who added me as a friend :DDDDDDDD
<333333333 you all :)

Num Friends: 200
Num Reciprocal Friends: 459
Users having petergrunow as a friend: 502
Points: 83 14 comments
R.I.P. M. Jackson Jun 25, 2009
Just to follow up on what Essexgirl was saying, a person has died and people are disrespecting this. Music is something that people care about in their lives and yes he has made some mistakes but to pass away at the young age of 50 is a tragedy for anybody, especially a legend such as Micheal Jackson who was due to perform concerts in mid July.

You should all respect the fact that someone who has sold millions of records has left us in such a tragic way. He will always be remebered as one of the greatest musicians.
R.I.P. From Great Britain
Points: 133 14 comments
So many red noses......... Jun 25, 2009
Just shows that you can't beat the system :P
Points: 58 6 comments
WTF? Jun 22, 2009
imageI was looking through the blogs when I found this. How can you have -48 points with 4 votes?
The maximum a blog can be negged by is -10, isn't it?
Points: 260 17 comments