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The rillup's blog

Posts 13 posts

anyone else... Aug 2, 2011
...think that dani made a mistake?  I just watched Sundays episode where Danielle wins puts up Brenchel. I think Danielle should have let Kalia win.  Because Kalia making it to 2nd in the comp seemed like a miracle.  KAlia probably would have put Brenchel up too considering what rendan has said about her.  Kalia and Danielle have been sorta forced into an alliance.  Just my opinion.
Points: 0 0 comments
bb 13 episode 1 Jul 7, 2011
Hello, I'm Rillup.  Since no one i know likes big brother like i do this is how I'm going to get my opinion on bb13 out there.  If you don't like it don't like it just don't read it.  The comment box is there for constructive criticism not insults.

Okay lets get started.

The 8 new house guests.  Everyone i thought Id like im not as fond of and everyone i thought id hate i kinda like.  I like Kalia, Shelly, and Cassi.  Dominic's personality is complete opposite than i thought. 

The returning are iffy.  There is only so much Rachel you can take without Britney commenting.  Brendan is probably whipped now because of "Molly Sheppard"  Jeff and Jordan are likable enough.  Dick and Danielle are awesome players but seem to have fallen back into there old habits.  Not diggin the black hair on Danielle.  But Dick isn't probably going to last long I would get rid of him personally but he's entertaining for the viewers.

These Twists are very intresting indeed.  Its like they fixed the problems of BB9.  The partners added alot of intrests.  But they fixd the fact that people get dragged down by there partners.  That all the comps have to be a team thing.  But the final twist of golden keyes is kinda stupid if u ask me.  reasons---

1-makes ultimate floaters.  They basically just live in the house no comps.

2-It be boring to have a key.  I mean ya you are like gaurented a spot in the jury or final two but no veto's HOH's and I'm not sure but also possibly no food/luxaries.  (She said all comps right?  MAybe she just meant Veto and HOh I'm not sure)

3-The problem instently arises that the new guys are going to go after the returners.  So enless old people get the next three HOH's there being targeted.

4-I would have preffered an all out all stars then this sorta thing.

just my thing keep you poster :)
Points: 0 0 comments
Dynamic Duos Jun 30, 2011
Big Brother dont do this to me!!!!
8 new houseguest and a few pairs from the past!!! Really?
There aren't that many pairs in big brother when you get right down to it.  If you weed out the duos that haven't already been dried up.  on the website there are duos to vote for(and my opinion!):

Brendan & Rachel: I actulley liked Rachel like she was annoeying but one of the very fw actual competors in bb 12.  Brendan is kinda a tool ad I' pretty sure they broke up at one point beause of the nude pics...

Dr.Will & Boogie: Both past winners, both have already had there second chance, put together they have won about 3 comps. Dont want to see them

Jessie & Natalie: Not even a pair.  At least the other pairs made it far jessie got evicted in week 4 and 5. And this would be his 5th(!) entrance back into the house

Evil Dick & Danielle: Liked both of them, but lets face it they have been sorta drained BB wants every drop they can get from those two

Jeff & Jordan- Out of all the duos I like them the most.  There likable and have both had fights with Russel and we know will kick at least some ass

Enzo & Hayden: Ehh....Enzo was funny.  Hayden is a past winner.  Both bragade.  even though the bragade ran the game it was only because honestly there was 7 the main four and there partners Britney, Kristen, and Ragan, They only ran it because they had numbers.  Id rather see lane and Britney here.

The new contestents look okay.  My opinons!: (pics here! )

Adam-  I dont really want to say anything negative probley bigger in person but he looks like he's a nice guy under the beard(?)

Cassi-She's got like an Olivia Wilde thing going on.  She sounds like a flirt but since none of the past contestents are single or look like someone youd want to date I think that leave everyone else to manipulate

Dominic-Apparently an adrenaline junkie. If he's good at comps I think he'd be one of my favorite new comers.

Kaila-Addicted to technology.  I bet her video of her getting her key is being with a child or her going for a phone....

keith-Im rooting for keith.  Good or bad at comps looks like a cool guy but apperntly likes chill town and robley will kiss up to them which would put chill town in power.....again.


Porsche- Looks blond and preppy.  Kinda like the dumb blond but after reading her bio she seems like a nice person

shelly- The mother.  She is gong to cook and clean like every other 40ish house guest before her.  She sounds kinda funny though.

Here is my guess on stradegies.  New 8 decide to go against the returning 8 (I'm going to 90% assume that 8 are returning and 7% sure that they are only bringing back one duo because the houseguest keep getting smaller and smaller)


The returning may or may not form together but if any of the new guys show an intrest in joining the returns, the new guys are screwed.  But if no huge alliance of returns and news forms then i think an intresting game will surface but i would rather have a full out allstars next season then have a half one this season.
Points: 0 1 comments
.......embarassing Jun 20, 2011
k so i just lost a fast casting....i got 4th.  Now let me continue. I had made an alliance with DJ and Devil.  I had to go against my othr alliance of Kathey and Amy who i abondened instently.  To both my alliances i said 'get rid of (@@##@$) guy who was kinda a jerk.  Then aked to get rid of inactives.  OVer and over again.  So final five; Me, Devil, DJ, KAthey, Inactive.  DJ get pov KAthey is evicted.  Then inactive gets POV.........ya.  vote 2-2-2 and m and Devil get put up.  DJ votes to keep Devil because they knew eachother better.

Do i blame ether of them?  No.  I just want you to know.  Floaters/inactives must go!  Thank you
Points: 7 0 comments
lost Apr 28, 2011
6th, i dont now how.  i beat alot of people. Oreo fix the heart break.  I guess its because i havent been on for 2 days.
Points: 0 0 comments
another round dodged Apr 23, 2011
i survied another round in my first game.  I was sure i was going up what with my low points on the comp and not very social game much more of a make a comment when i have soemthing to say sorta deal.  I bombed another compation but considering the fact the two people dodging elimentation just got back on the block puts me in high hopes.  I feel like enzo, not becomes im awesome and from jersey but because im horrible at comps but somehow make it through, wish me luck.

Points: 20 6 comments