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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

a message to ladygagita

Oct 11, 2010 by scribbleman
this is about the whole cancer argument going on. dont know about it? read these blogs

First of all, there is a plus/neg button on here for a reason and if a person finds something offensive have every right to read it and argue it. sooo listen to some extent i actually understand what you are saying, i really do. However, it is the way you are conveying your opinion that is setting everyone off. You want to get your opinion across? Dont sit there and bash an entire community about an undeniably good hearted idea. Whether or not you like it, it makes you look like an ass, it is just the way society works. No one is forcing you or lemon to make your avatar pink and if you have that much of a problem with being asked you can create an intellectual response whether than attempting to tear apart an idea and certain people


Agreed with this here.  I have my own issues with the pinkfest, but I'm not gonna go crap on other people over it.
Sent by Noontar,Oct 11, 2010
thanks noontar :)
Sent by scribbleman,Oct 11, 2010
Ehh I don't know if this idea was whole-hearted from the beginning. The fact that it was being spammed ruined the concept in my opinion. And she does bring up a good point. It's not like the blog is going to make people more aware. Everyone knows the effects cancer can have on people and their families. It is horrible; I would know, but broadcasting it to get a "top blog" on a virtual reality gaming website defeats the purpose, regardless of the true intention.
Sent by Scheuerman14,Oct 11, 2010
My only complaint is that there are lots of cancer types out there... ones that are more common than breast cancer.  Breast cancer gets the notoriety because it had a better marketing push.  I don't want to downplay the suffering of any particular cancer type victims, or of their families, but the "pink" push is a bit overplayed sometimes, while other cancers now get ignored.  I am more for a comprehensive cancer fund raising effort than any specific type.
Sent by Noontar,Oct 11, 2010
i like hearing your guys' input thanks :)
Sent by scribbleman,Oct 11, 2010
+6. . love it
Sent by cubzfans26,Oct 11, 2010
not plussin this but im not neggin either since I usually don't do that.

Okay. Here's my problem. If you want to make people aware, make a blog talking about cancer and it's effects and give facts. Don't tell people to go pink. It's much more effective the other way. I went ahead and made a blog with facts which, I believe, is much better than cubz's.

I understand it may make me look like an ass. But the honest, HONEST truth is, I do not care so much. Because if voicing my opinion makes people against me, then so be it. I want my voice to be heard, and cubz goes ahead and erases my comment. So the only logical way I could get my voice to be heard was to make a blog talking about it.

And I know there's a neg button so people can use it when offended. In fact, at the end of the post I stated "I expect to get many negs" or something along those lines. I just said that if you think you'll find it offensive it's better if you go away. Because I did not feel like dealing with sensitive people who would come to the blog and complain to me about how mean I am.

I mean, I want people who can read it and respectfully either argue with me or agree with me. I do NOT want people whining about how mean I am. I might have come off harshly but I wanted to get those people to go away so I won't deal with them later on.

I think my arguments were strong enough and if people still have a problem with the way I think then let it be. There's nothing I can do to change your mind if you're one of those people.
Sent by LadyGagita,Oct 12, 2010
ok im going to break each of your paragraphs up and comment on them

1st paragraph
well as i stated in a comment on your blog, having a bunch of avatars pink is actually a quicker and easier way to spread awareness because people will start asking questions like "why is everyone pink?" and THAT is when you can explain the details and how to help the cause

2nd paragraph
I never said i had a problem with u making a blog about it. As I stated in this blog, it isnt the fact you are voicing your opinion but the WAY you are going about it. and honestly this statement is more directed towards lemon but you also defended him and Im just trying to explain the reason why people are freaking out about it is because lemon and kind of you too are ridiculeing an entire community of people. Also I could care less if your blog is "better" than cubz blog or not. i plussed your blog but right here im not talking about that blog or cubz blog.

paragraph 3
ok. thank you for explaining that. but I still think if people disagree with a something they have every right to look at the other side and argue it. Furthermore, i hope you realize saying "do not read this blog" psychologically makes a person want to read it.

paragraph 4
I understand what you are saying here but you have to understand no matter what you post someone will whine about it. also most people won't argue in a logical way which is why i am glad i have been given a chance at this conversation.

paragraph 5
Once again, it is not the way you think that people have a problem with. They are your thoughts, you have a right to think them and a right to say them. It is the fact that you are simply mocking what many are participating in. and if you are planning to respond to this with something along the lines of "well im not trying to mock them, I really just think the idea is stupid." Saying an idea is stupid and giving vague reasons why is mocking. Furthermore, i explained in my commentary on your 1st paragraph specifically how turning your avatar pink does in fact spread awareness
Sent by scribbleman,Oct 12, 2010
Okay now I'll break up yours lmao:

Paragraph 1 -
Imagine you don't know it's breast cancer support month. You see pink people and ask why. You'll probably find out something like "Oh, it's breast cancer awareness month, it's a very bad disease that many die from." That's nice to know, but you really aren't learning anything new. Now imagine you ask why someone's pink. They tell you "oh I heard about it from some blog it has really good info on it here's a link". And they link you to a blog with lots of info. You learn stuff this way. Which is why i think if both ideas were combined it would be much better, because the idea would spread quickly and then the facts would too.

Paragraph 2 -
But I don't think we're ridiculing anyone. We're telling people what we believe will happen if you go pink. We want our opinions to be heard so we made blogs about it. We may have come off as harsh and I agree that there's reason to be mad at it. But anyways since this is more directed at lemon i guess ill stop here.

Paragraph 3 -
lmao I realize that saying that makes people want to read it. But I put it there specifically so when people DO read it I can say "hey, I warned you not to read it, it's your problem not mine." lol

Paragraph 4 -
I was expecting more people to whine about it tbh lol. but it's nice to see this from other's points of view too.

Paragraph 5 -
I didn't actually mean to mock them. I suppose it WOULD be mocking if I just called it stupid. But the fact I gave good reasons (in my opinion) as to why it is pretty much pointless to do that, then I believe it makes my point not "mocking" as it is explaining why I think what they're doing is not making a big difference.
Sent by LadyGagita,Oct 12, 2010
paragraph 1
agreed... which is what ive been trying to get across, a combination of turning pink and explaining how to help the cause. :P

Paragraph 2
ya like i said more directed towards lemon and im sorry if my straightforwardness comes across as rude but this blog
is practically the definition of mockery :P

paragraph 3

paragraph 4
ya... lol

paragraph 5
Well as i said saying it is stupid and giving VAGUE reasons. "Here's what it all comes down to. I know cancer is a very iffy subject no matter where you are. I mean no offence by all of this. But I'm saying what I believe. Imagine yourself, rushing to the avatar page here, making yourself pink, being aware of cancer. You finish. WHOO. CONGRATS. You did something AMAZING FOR THE WORLD! (<-- sarcasm) You have to realize that things like that make no difference. If you're pink, the only difference you've made is become pink. There is no sudden epiphany that comes with being pink. Nothing in anyone's life has changed, and, hard as it is to believe, nobody's life has been saved. The only time something like this works is when you hang something in your car or do something of the sort that people recognize as the symbol for a charity which will then get more money from more donors and get closer to finding a cure." You are further explaining yourself now when talking to me but this is all you said before about the subject. While this did actually make me laugh because you made it sound absurd I found myself realizing you never really made it clear WHY it is absurd: you gave an absurd example to make something look absurd, which is simply, mockery.
Sent by scribbleman,Oct 12, 2010
I was trying to like say how by making yourself pink, there is no epiphany that comes along with it where you suddenly realize something about cancer, and there is no big sudden change (hence "you have to realize that things like that make no difference.")

guess i did write it out kinda iffy lol
Sent by LadyGagita,Oct 12, 2010
ya haha but its ok i just wanted to get my point across and have u see a different side of the argument im glad i got to see ur side as well
Sent by scribbleman,Oct 12, 2010
kay me too lol we talked a LOT :O
Sent by LadyGagita,Oct 12, 2010

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