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My Blog!!

Posts 46 posts

When you join a game.. Aug 22, 2010
When you join a game and your the last one to be in there and the game is starting, it sucks because people who have been waiting for the game to start have been trying to start new alliances and having to try to make allinces when your behind some people with aliances..but if your the first person to join a game and your waiting for everyone to join to get the game started, then its a good thing for you if your trying to make new alliances and already trying to put yourself farther in the game before it even starts... So when ever you join a game it can either be a good thing for you or a bad thing for you..Please comment if you like this blog or if you think theres somthing i should change in this blog
Points: 1 1 comments
What i think of Tengaged.. Aug 22, 2010
I think that Tenagaed is an okay website and heres why i think that,,
Tengaged has alot of things to do on here like making your own shops so that people can buy what they want to and you can make all the money you want..Also, Tengaged Has auctions were you can aution off things or you can buy stuff for half the price that it was at the store..Another reason why i like this website is because you can join games and interact with people all around the whole world (only if they have internet though).Whatever games you join you can make friends and enimes or you can make both.(whichever you chose to want) And from those games you join, you can get something called carma which you can use for alot of things like upgrading your color level and getting in to better games, and uploading a design for your shop (or shops if you have a shop and or shops.
Points: 0 3 comments
Big Brother Right now.. Aug 22, 2010
Big brother 12 is a very exciting game so far..With shifting alliances, HoH, Veto, and people not keeping promises..Everything about big brother will change starting with the brigade.Hayden and enzo are not fully trusting Matt the way they are trusting lane,but Hayden feels that he can trust Brenden more than he can trust matt.So far Brittany won HoH and put Brenden and Enzo up for eviction..But Brenden fought and won the Veto to save himself from the block,So who will Brittany put up next to enzo?
Points: 16 4 comments
top ten songs of the year...(so far) Jun 7, 2010
vote for your favorite songs now to make them number one!!To submit your vote or votes, leave comment with your song or songs that you have choosen.Top ten of the songs that are picked will be the top of the year so vote now and tell your friends to vote!Top ten will be annouced 6-14-10 so start voting!!!
Points: 21 3 comments