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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

BGT-Semi-Final One

May 25, 2009 by steady01
imageWell last nights semi-final was highly eventful! We saw Darth Jackson dancing with some storm troopers and faces of disco playing the role of Simon Cowell once more. However, the night was stolen by Susan Boyle and Diversity a street dance group who made their way into the final! Personally I wanted Natalie a singing ten year old to go through over Diversity but it was the judges decision. As for Susan Boyle well hate me all you want but I can't stand her! She's clearly going to win so we might aswell end the contest here...


Looks like you have pasted all this text from an external source!
Sent by Tom8478,May 25, 2009
What? I wrote all this myself Tom :S
Sent by steady01,May 25, 2009
So you wanna be on top?
Sent by Tom8478,May 25, 2009
I would love to be on top but unfortunately I'm male so I can't enter a top model contest :P
Sent by steady01,May 25, 2009

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