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Just me :)))

Posts 26 posts

Tributes. Dec 22, 2012
I love when I go back to a game I got evicted in and read the tributes, and the people in the f3 had the game wrong the entire time. Happens ALL THE TIME. I mean, congrats to them for getting to f3, but it's just that they didn't get there for the reasons they thought.
Points: 0 0 comments
Mailing someone Dec 22, 2012
How do you mail someone? I know that you have to be friends with them and they have to add you back but I can't find the icon.

Thanks in advance for help and let me know if there is anything I can do for you :)
Points: 0 0 comments
Christmas!!!! Dec 20, 2012
Is everyone ready for Christmas? Whether you are a teen or adult, Christmas is still fun, and everyone should appreciate being with their family.This will be my second Christmas without my mom. For those of you who have lost a loved one, just know that it gets easier and easier every year.

Lots of love,

Points: 0 0 comments
Donate please, I'll help you too! Dec 20, 2012

please donate! I will help you just mail me or comment. :) I'm new and just trying to move up!
Points: 0 0 comments
What does power mean on color levels? Dec 20, 2012
I noticed you get more power the higher level you are. What does the power do, for example, in a fasting?
Points: 0 2 comments
Color Levels (question) Dec 20, 2012
So right now I am at white. Yellow is 30T and orange is 40T. I have like 31T right now, so if I buy yellow for 30 right now, will orange still be 40 or will it go down to 10?  Basically need to know if I should just hold off and wait to get the orange until I have 40. Thanks for the help!
Points: 18 3 comments