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myy blogg

Posts 67 posts

My Video!! Feb 20, 2010
please take just 18 secounds to watch my video i made!!
i didnt spend long on it so its not all that great but still...

Points: 0 3 comments
school. Jan 9, 2010
imagemost school started on monday but so far i havent had a full day at skool lol

i just thot id sharee that with u
Points: 0 1 comments
BT Jan 9, 2010
imageBT = Blondetourage (or however u spell it) i know that and practically every 1 on tengaged knows that
but also BT = british telephones i know that and practically every1 in england knows that
so when i skim overr new blogs and i read "BT" i think "y r they blogging about a phone company" and thenn suddenly realise wot they r actually talking aboutt
lol im such a spaz!!
Points: 9 13 comments
The Dark Knight Returns! Jan 9, 2010
imagewell im not exactly a dark knight but i have been gone for ever but i am back now so dont fret because justice always prevails!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Points: 0 5 comments
ive been abandonded Dec 15, 2009
i was talking 2 some of my m8s on my rookies game and i went to have a shower and wen i got bk they had all gone!
they didnt say anything they just left!

maby they were abducted by aliens!
Points: 22 3 comments
Randomize... Dec 12, 2009
should make a game just for the lower games. a game that the black and browns and ect. CANT join so that the lower levels wont be intimidated by them!

i think its a good idea!

wot do u think?
Points: 0 0 comments