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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Big Brother: A Greek Tragedy - Week 6

Jul 21, 2013 by underwzc


AJ- Rockslide
Alex- Lakewood
Dara- Dara4ever
Kent- KBeastW
Patricia- patriciasigmond
Ryne- Rain2222
Sam- SamSam14
Sami- Kooldude1991
Skyler- Skyler_TW


Scott- LacrosseAllStar - 10th
Sara- dragonberry - 11th
Matthew- GentlemanG - 12th
Omar- 5651Omar - 13th
Pierce- DaBOMB - 14th

Won by: Rain2222

Ryne: "Welcome to the Nomination Ceremony. As HoH it is my duty to nominate two people for eviction."

Ryne: "I am nominating you, Sam ( SamSam14), I've never liked you, and plus you're inactive and everyone wants you out so bye :P"

Ryne: "...and Skyler ( Skyler_TW).... I'm so sorry but I just have to do's you hun."

Ryne: "Good luck, everyone! This meeting is adjourned."

Won by: patriciasigmond

Alex- "Thank god I lost veto lol Ryne wants to backdoor Kent :x I want Kent out next, though ;) but this round sam has gotta go, it's not worth being targeted for being the ones who kept the inactive"

Skyler: "Basically, the whole house has made a pact to evict Sam this week. (Which they better ALL stay true to) so it would be an easy week for the rest of us without all the hassle of whatever else may be going on. Also, it'd allow the game to continue as normal. & I'm sure Sam would be active before time to vote for the winner."

Patricia: "This is pov ceremony, as holder of pov, I get to choose if I want to block one of ryne noms, with that saying i am giving each nom a reason why i should use pov on them"

Sam: "Save me!"

Skyler: "Patricia, I would loooove if you'd use the POV on me, bcos I am active & really do enjoy playing, so I hope to play longer. Thanks (:"

Patricia: "One of you gave a great speech, the other ummm............. ok getting to my decision, I decide to use pov on...........Skyler ( Skyler_TW). Ryne since that I vetoed one of your nominees you have to put up a replacement nominee."

Ryne: "I'm sorry but I have to nominate Kent ( KBeastW) :("

By a vote..
Sam ( SamSam14)..
You have been evicted from Big Brother: A Greek Tragedy.

[Voted Sam: AJ, Alex (3x), Dara, Sami, Skyler]
[Voted Kent: Dara (2x), Patricia]

Ryne- "If there is one thing that I'm really upset about it is when I got HOH, Man, if I would have known mine was the instant eviction one I would have thrown that challenge :P Ugh it screwed up my game and honestly I can't believe that people kept Kent in the game... Well I didn't have too many options, probably the best would have been to not win.  But if I really wanted Kent out then I should have nominated Skyler and Kent first and then Pat would take off Skyler and I would nom Dara.  Everyone loves Dara so Kent would have left.  But i'm sure everyone would still hate me for not getting rid of Sam. I feel like I wasted it on getting Sam out who wasn't a threat."

Won by: Skyler_TW

AJ- "Fucking shit, I'm getting nominated but he says that I'm not the target. How many evicted guests in actual BB can say they got out when they weren't the "target?" Alot."

Kent- "Yesterday was very hectic, it was a fast forward day. HOH ryne ended up winning which wasnt a good thing for me and my alliance. The original noms were fine but being me i knew a backdoor was a possibility. So i tried to win the pov but i came 2nd and yea as i thought i was the replacement nominee. Perfect chance to get rid of the best competitor this game and bahahaha they didnt do it. I was definetly surprised about that and its a mistake that will haunt them i believe. Skyler is the current HOH and i planted some seeds to take some heat of me. I knew Sami used the diamond on him but i made it out that it was alex or ryne. Ryne being ryne blew up and this was a good thing because it made him stand out that he did use the diamond on Skyler and now Ryne is the target. The main people i trust is Sami, AJ and Dara, everyone else i want gone. I lost a trusted ally in SamSam but he was becoming inactive and wasnt really helping us out anymore. I plan to win reward and hope a joker or star or what ever is up for grabs, then i plan to win veto and yea Ryne will go home at 8th."

Ryne- "I don't think the others realize this, but I'm actually really smart. And I'm a Big Brother Pro I think anyway, I know what I'm doing."

Sami- "Double eviction night and it brings lots of dramaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. The 2 ppl I waned to win HoH the least (skylar and Ryne) win back to back hohs.... :| and the bitch skylar wants to pawn me... like wtf... he trusts the person who was gunning at him since day 1 like how the fuck does that make any sense at all. I am DONEZO with these ratchet ass dumb bitches who don't take me seriously like FUCKING SKYLAR. If Skylar puts me up as a pawnhe is my full target to get out of the house next week if I stay"

Skyler: "Ello, welcome to the nomination ceremony. This is the nomination ceremony. I, as Head of Household, have the duty to nominate 2 players for eviction. This decision was not easy. I will pull the next key, that person is safe. They will pull they next key, & so on & so forth."

Key 1: Patricia
Key 2: Dara
Key 3: Alex
Key 4: Kent
Key 5: Sami

Skyler: "I have nominated you, AJ ( Rockslide), I know we have talked about this. My choices were so limited, it was tough for me to choose. I hope there are no hard feelings."

Skyler: "I have nominated you, Ryne ( Rain2222), first things first, I think you need to settle down in this game & quit freaking out on everybody. You are only digging urself a bigger hole. Nevertheless, you are in good w/ a lot of people in this game & I do worry about you. So it is in my best interest to nominate you."

Skyler: "Good luck in POV. This meeting is adjourned. (:"

AJ- "Today, I got Poseidon so I just need to win POV and save my ass. I really feel like I have a fighting chance now with a God on my side. I'm trying to secure the votes for me to stay in case I don't get veto: I have 1 from Sami, 2 from Kent, hopefully 2 from Alex, Dara may vote me out but idk how many gods she has."

Won by: KBeastW

Won by: Dara4ever

Alex- "From what Dara's told me, she won't use the POV. She wanted to save Ryne but apparently someone threatened her if she used the veto, so now she's going around "making sure everyone's saving ryne anyways." But I'm super nervous."

Kent- "So after surviving that fast forward day, I needed to regroup after losing SamSam. So i decided to create a new alliance, a new final 4 called Beauty and the Beasts. Consisting of me, sami, skyler and dara. The target this week is Ryne but i needed to win the reward competition. So i did what i do best and won it. I can juggle in real life so was a fitting challenge lol. I believe i am now equal to Ryne in stars, which gives the possiblity for him to be eliminated. So today was the veto competition and anyone but Ryne and Alex should win this one. I was hopeing to win my 5th veto but yet another 2nd but it didnt matter because Dara won veto, so i thought all is well Ryne will get evicted. How ever this is not the case as Dara wanted to save Ryne, this is terrible for my game and this can not happen. I think i convinced Dara not to use the veto and that we would save Ryne with the votes, this is a lie to get Dara to not use the veto, so lets hope that works. The unknown owners of certain gods makes plans tricky and not knowing where people stand will make this eviction not a certainty. I also exposed Alex list to kinda cause chaos for the person that everyone seems to trust."

Ryne- "If they are smart they will vote me out cause I do consider myself a huge social threat anyway... I haven't really won anything but I am close to a majority of people left. But my game that I played in the beginning came back and bite me in the ass too... I tried to make all the guys fall in love with me :P  First it was Omar, then Scott, tried to even get Kent on my side. AJ even.  But the only one I've ever been loyal too is Alex. I wanted to get all of these guys against each other so they could take each other out and get all the muscle out of the house :P  I did get Omar and Scott out so it kinda worked."

*****POV CEREMONY*****
Dara: "Heeey beauties. I amm so happy to have won. Plus all you are beautiful and fierce in your own ways."

AJ: "Dara, I hope that you will use the veto on me since we were supposed to be together until you found out that we weren't gonna be partners the whole game. I wish you wouldn't use it on Ryne because if Ryne is saved then I'm completely fucked eternally."

Ryne: "Hey Dara, you know I'll love you no matter what you do.  I hope that i'm important enough to you for you to save me this week.  Thanks for your time."

Dara: "I love both of you! I have decided NOT to use Pov I feel it is the most logical thing I can do at this point of the game. But regardless both of you are fierce. Ryne you my fierce beauty that I love talking too, You are my PARTY buddy. While Aj your my triathlon buddy, we worked so well together and I think your such a beautiful person inside and out, despite all you've been through."

AJ- "I'm nominated and I'm basically completely fucked unless somehow Kent gets a star so Ryne won't have the most and I won't be auto out."

Alex- "I'm still about 80% certain I'm screwed though, People are going to be exchanging notes. Realizing how hard I've been playing them xP"

Dara- "ommg beauty the cuties better watch out because they have been lying to me LOL. Thats why I didnt use POV since cutie Sammi was gonna go up. I'm like the wrong person to mess with. They better watch out! I'm gonna be FIERCE DARA!  This week was a whirlwind. So thanks to you Tengaged by voting me the favorite I got a buy one get one free coupon. I decided I'm going to use it and buy 2 diamonds which will disqualify 2 players from the next HoH, I will use them on Kent and Sami :X"

Patricia- "made a f4 deal today with Kent, Sami and my star partner Skyler. We all want alex/ryne out for sure with 7th/6th place. Then Dara out for 5th since technically she is hugest floater more than me. Kent knows he not my target and also he told me he has most stars. So even if noms are same or pov used on ryne or kent, were getting the two pairos out. Just only person standing in way is alex. Hoping he doesn't win pov."

Ryne- "I'm really nervous for the eviction tomorrow... I really hope people aren't lying to me about saving me. I hate for AJ to leave but I'd rather have him go so I can stay. I really want to vote Skyler's ass out next week because of this. I can't believe after everything I've done for him that he would campaign against me just because I used my bomb on him... LOL. I think I have the votes to stay though.... Alex, Sami, and Dara. Hopefully Kent too. My game isn't over yet, and I want to show these losers that I'm a force to be reckoned with ;)"

Sami- "Dara's POV speech was very... interesting... not exactly professional but I'll take it LOL. I am SO happy she didn't use it!! All though my trust for Skylar is slowly growing I do not trust him to keep me safe if the POV was used. I sucked in that competition though. I'm hoping the crazy person goes home tonight and AJ stays. If I'm murdered in my bed tomorrow night y'all know why!"

Skyler- "Ryne must go out this week or else my HOH was a complete bust, & I'll most likely be out next week"

By a vote..
AJ ( Rockslide)..
You have been evicted from Big Brother: A Greek Tragedy.

Alex- (voted: AJ 3x) "AJ, if you're reading this, then you did get evicted. You've been a good friend to me and a loyal ally and I'm going to miss you :( this eviction sucked and I hope we can still be friends after."

Dara- (voted: AJ 3x) "ILY BOO:) My triathlon fierce partner:) We kicked butt boo and even made it into the house."

Kent- (voted: Ryne 2x) "Oh man we were meant to be final 4 but back to back evictions you and Sam, ASSK is crumbling. I was really hoping Ryne would be evicted this time but i guess he had too strong of an alliance. I trusted you a lot and would of definitely went to the final 4 with you. Oh well peace man."

Patricia- (voted: Ryne) "AJ i am so sorry that you got evicted. We tried to save you, and when I keep my word to save you. I did, no doubt about it."

Ryne- "BYE GIRL! Glad we got over our differences. We made TV gold."

Sami- (voted: Ryne) "Hey AJ! I really enjoyed playing the game with you and you are one of the few people that I genuinely enjoyed talking to in this game. If you get evicted I will be very sad and I hope this isn't the case."

Skyler- "AJ, if you're seeing this that means my HOH went to complete & utter shit, & I'll probably be seeing you in jury next week. I am truthfully sorry, bcos this is not what I wanted, & I think you know that. But I have to take full responsibility for it bcos these were my decisions. I was almost certain it would be Ryne leaving this week. I promised you that you were 100% safe, & I failed you. But this is the game, I'm going to have to live w/ it I guess. Just want you to know this wasn't my intentions & I am sorry."

~~~***~~~**Big Brother: Optical Illusions**~~~***~~~
The 2nd season in the series of Big Brother games that I will be hosting is entitled Big Brother: Optical Illusions. 

Applications are now available on the Game's webpage: ( ) Tell your friends about it!! You could end up in the Stars edition together!!

Join the group on Tengaged to follow this season:

**Note: You are NOT eligible to play in BB:OI if you played in BB:GT. You will be eligible to join the Stars edition after the 3rd game in my series. The winner of each Season will gain auto-admission to Stars and I will select 3 more people from each season as Stars. There will also be 2 Wild-Card spots competed for by other Star-aspirants.**


oh wow a lot to take in this week!!!!
keep up the good work zach!!!!
Sent by KBeastW,Jul 22, 2013
Damn, I forgot how busy this week was. Not looking forward to seeing the next two weeks D:
Sent by Lakewood,Jul 22, 2013
Me sucking up to AJ hoping to gain a jury vote outta him, lmao.

After AJ went home I realised how much better it was that he was evicted. I didn't regret it at all then (:
Sent by Skyler_TW,Jul 22, 2013
nice read, zach!! & hope i get accepted into bb:oi! :)
Sent by k4r4k,Jul 22, 2013
Not looking foward to the next blog...
Sent by Rain2222,Jul 22, 2013

;_ ;
Sent by SamSam14,Jul 22, 2013

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