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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

some ppl take game to seriously

Jul 16, 2010 by unicornangel_32
i put someone up for eviction in my rookies game and he got voted out. he had over 600 bet and didnt like being voted out. he sent me a mail and i think everyone should know what a sore loser he is. if he is in a game with u and u vote him out u will probably get mail like i did...i ihave posted t so everyone knows he does not like to lose. he had tried to make a final 2 alliance with everyone and was a threat - i put him up but others voted him out. just want everyone to know who this is so if he is in a game with u and u vote him out he is a sore loser

andy154          U R GOING TO PAYSO U BETTER WATCH OUT ..          Jul 16, 2010 11:29:40          delete mail


U do for blogging.  Ur such a bitch come on.
Sent by LemonLime,Jul 16, 2010
+3 aww :(
Sent by Jeff17,Jul 16, 2010
wow, took the game too far.
Sent by yankees14456,Jul 16, 2010
andy154 = LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sent by KayKay,Jul 16, 2010
and she can blog whatever the hell she wants to stfu!
Sent by KayKay,Jul 16, 2010
The first eviction was highly dramatic. Highly fancied Mr 10 was nominated by the first HoH. Hearing that he had been attempting to make alliances with many people, she felt he was a threat and decided to nominate him. With a total of T$606 at stake, the punters were naturally worried, and their fears were confirmed when the results were announced.

"It wasn't my fault. I put him up but others voted him out," said the HoH. An anonymous expert Rookies analyst rated it as a prudent move to nominate Mr 10 and a sensible decision to evict him. "With so much money wagered on him, the temptation to vote him out must have been irresistable," she said. "As a neutral observer, I have not been allowed to communicate with the Royal Bank of Tengaged, who obviously had a vested interest in protecting their funds, and who conspiracy theorists suggest had influenced the decision."
Sent by Philomena,Jul 16, 2010
LOL Philomena.. *claps*
Sent by funnylookinkid,Jul 16, 2010
* joins elegant clapping *
Sent by jenani,Jul 16, 2010
wow what a loser andy is
Sent by turney1805,Jul 16, 2010

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