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894 days 6 hours ago
Ranking 6/11 with Friday by Riton x Nightcrawlers ft. Mufasa & Hyperman...MAXI1234!

Another song I feel is nowhere near the theme. It’s sorta catchy? Idk really what to say Rebecca black did Friday much better than this song. (9/11)

LMFAO this song is sometimes so annoying to me, but it does fit the theme and it is something I could see myself actually listening to before a game. I could also see the guys jamming to the chorus in the locker room LMFAO. Solid choice. (5/11)

Honestly, even though it sounds “clubby”, I do think it’s a good song choice for this round. It is a hell of a lot better than some of the other songs and very catchy. Won’t be right at the top but somewhere in the middle. Nice safe choice. (4/11)

Average: 6.00
894 days 6 hours ago
Holds Insanity and prays for her success
894 days 6 hours ago
Ranking 7/11 with Lose My Breath by Destiny's Child...DORKISHBARBI!

From the first SECOND this really went off with that pump you up for a game with the beat? I’m not quite sure the lyrics are as strong but the beat makes up for it. Great pick! (2/11)

Oh the drumming at the beginning really hyped me up I can’t lie. The drumming and beat throughout is something I could definitely see myself bobbing my head to in the locker room before one of my soccer games. However, most of the song isn’t something that would ENERGIZE me. Like it’s a good song and parts of it hit the theme, but overall the song doesn’t always hit. (7/11)

Lmao well idk if I would listen to this in a locker room setting. Maybe if I was about to go out on stage for drag but definitely not for a sporting event. It is catchy and it’s a good song. The BEAT is good to energize but the lyrics definitely aren’t LOL. My straight teammates would absolutely give me hell if I was listening to this nor would I before a game. This will do average towards the bottom. (10/11)

Average: 6.33 (you tied for 7th but two of three judges had you higher ranked)
894 days 6 hours ago
Ranking 8/11 with And So It Went by The Pretty Reckless ft. Tom Morello...JAXON!

Beat and her voice is amazing for this theme, lyrics not so much. The slower parts especially I feel drag this alrdy good song down because I’m a huge fan of this band, but I mean it’ll probably do well in my rankings just because so many songs…did not (4/11)

I understand the submission, but I can’t lie I just can’t see myself sitting there or standing there listening to this ahead of a game. The screaming part maybe but like the rest of the song is just very meh to me. (10/11)

It’s ok… I don’t like screamo type music but for this round, I sorta wish it had a bit more especially in the non-chorus parts? Idk not a horrible submission by any means but somewhere in the middle for me. Might end up doing a bit better because some of these other submissions sucked ass. (5/11)

Average: 6.33 (you tied for 7th but only one judge had you higher ranked)
894 days 6 hours ago
Ranking 9/11 with Woman by Kesha...INSANITY!

??? Okay well let’s pretend the lyrics are not a thing and just the beat…yeah I can sorta see it. The lyrics and her singing dragged this song down so much, in what world would this ever get people hyped up for a game unless you were just listening to the instrumental? You tried star. (10/11)

This song really makes you feel like you can do whatever you put your mind to. It’s catchy, powerful and honestly not what I’d expect from Kesha, I’ve never heard this bop before, thanks for submitting! I wasn’t expecting to have this ranked so high but it hits the mark and many did not. (3/11)

Grrrr. I love this song of hers but like would this be what im listening to before a game? It seems more like what a group of girls would sing in a car when they are pissed at a boy and want to go enjoy themselves. I’m all for the songs message but like idk about a locker room anthem… This is another song that didn’t hit the mark for me. (8/11)

Average: 7.00
894 days 6 hours ago
894 days 6 hours ago
Will our bottom two...ILOVETOSING and HISOKA please step forward...

One of you is leaving us tonight and the other will make our top 10!

Your departure has been delayed but is not unwarranted because one of your submissions really flopped compared to the other.
894 days 6 hours ago
Oh that is misogynistic boo Like
894 days 6 hours ago
Ranking 10/11 with Raise Your Glass by P!nk...HISOKA!
Blinks…I’m not sure what locker room this would be played in…maybe a bunch of limp wrists…? I guess this could SORTA amp you up? I’m not rly getting that vibe though…you tried. (8/11)

LOL? Honestly, at first I laughed at P!nk being submitted for this round. But honestly, I pretended to get in the zone with my headphones in and this song does get me moving my head and pumped up? But compared to a lot of the other songs it just mildly gets me amped up and doesn’t completely fit the theme in my opinion. (9/11)

I LOVE Pink. She’s one of my favorite artists of all time and I have listened to almost every song of hers 10000 times; however, does this even fit the theme? Idk tbh. It’s upbeat more than some others but I have to judge based on the theme and this really wasn’t it. It’s going to be in the group of songs that I like but don’t necessarily think is a locker room jam. (6/11)

Average: 7.67
894 days 6 hours ago
Which means unfortunately going home and...

Ranking 11/11 with Proud by Heather Small...ILOVETOSING!

Okay this is like one of my favorite songs of all time but for THIS THEME??? A LOCKER ROOM SONG MEANT TO ENERGIZE YOU AND PUMP YOU UP? Like I’m sorry but we aren’t in the same book let alone the same page. They would play this song before you took like the SAT, not anything physical. (11/11)

GIRL??? I would hit skip so quick on this song so quick the build-up is so slow. The chorus I could see why you submitted this song but it’s just not hitting the mark for me. The song itself is actually pretty good, but it just doesn’t fit the theme for me at all which is why I have it ranked last. (11/11)

This should have been posted in a different round. This song is a bop, why have I never heard of it before? I love this song but good god I would not listen to it before a game to fire me up. I would definitely listen if I was depressed and needed a pick me up song to lift my spirits. I know what you were trying to go for but didn’t hit the mark for me. You fumbled :( Idk if it’ll be at the very bottom but it’ll be nearer last for me. (11/11)

Average: 11.00
894 days 6 hours ago

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