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842 days 14 hours ago
Hey all! Again like Prom Night, both parts will take over the course of ONE night (Part 1 on Friday and Part 2 on Sunday). Keep in mind that this part is set in 1984, so just take that in consideration when making your app. Also this roleplay takes place in a very small mining town so your characters should all know each other!

If you're applying as an adult, it is recommended you apply as a MINER or a BARISTA as those will be two prominent locations in the RP. You can still apply with any other occupation tho but like yes you know what I mean slay SLAYY

Below is the application form! You can apply as two characters tops! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to mail me!

Age (16-30):
Small Bio:
Face Claim:
842 days 14 hours ago
Name: Tom "T.J." Hanniger
Age (16-30): 18
Gender/Pronouns: Male, he/him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Student
Small Bio: An all star student and quarterback at Valentine Bluffs, T.J. is the most sought out bachelor and the perfect Valentine's date everyone wants to have in this small town. Though he's been in a long term relationship with cheerleader Sarah Mercer for the last six years, he has recently broken up with her and is now a single man. Between studying, soccer practices and driving to the mines with his total budpud Axel Palmer for some... alone time, T.J. just has a lot on his place. But the question remains: who is T-man taking to the Valentine's Day party?
Face Claim: Elias Kacavas

Name: Sarah Mercer
Age (16-30): 18
Gender/Pronouns: Female, she/her
Sexuality: Straight
Occupation: Student, part-time barista AND full-time jazzercise specialist
Small Bio: Sarah loves strawberry milkshakes, long walks on the Valentine Bluffs heart-shaped pavement and Stacey Q, but not as much as she loves her boyfriend of six years Tom Hanniger. And the rumors of him breaking up with her to focus on his friend Axel Palmer is totally unfounded! Though the rumors are not on her side, Sarah's control freak nature is getting the best of her as she's trying to get back her Valentine just in time for Valentine's Day! Ain't that something?
Face Claim: Jessica Rothe

Name: Axel Palmer
Age (15-30): 19
Gender/Pronouns: Male, he/him
Sexuality: Gay
Occupation: Miner
Small Bio: Axel dropped out of high school to pursue his family's steps in working at the mines! Even though he has dreams of becoming a total real rockstar like Billy Idol or something, he likes to work at the mines! Word around the street is he's even taking his bro T.J. Hanniger to show him the ropes. Easygoing and smart-witted, Axel is hellbent on taking his sweet fella to the Valentine's Day party, regardless of one Sarah Mercer's antics.
Face Claim: Matt Dillon
842 days 13 hours ago
Name: Dolce Sloan
Age (16-30): 17
Gender/Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Student Head Cheerleader, Retail Worker
Small Bio: Dolce is the oldest of the Sloan Sisters and one of the most popular girls in school. She is the bitchy friend to Sarah Mercer and always tells it like it is. That’s why she is head cheerleader. Also a scrapper soooo don’t mess with her.
Face Claim: Iggy Azalea

Name: Gabonna Sloan
Age (16-30): 16
Gender/Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Sexuality: Pansexual
Occupation: Student, Waitress
Small Bio: Gabonna Sloan is Dolce younger sister and rebellious one of the group, she is carefree and super down to earth and super friendly but often over looked by others because of her sis. So she mostly works, smokes pot and saves up for college. Rides the waves of life.
Face Claim: Chloe Grace Moretz
842 days 13 hours ago
Name: Twerkey Lover
Age (16-30): Unknown
Gender/Pronouns: It/It's
Sexuality: Will fuck anyone
Occupation: Stripper
Small Bio: Does nothing but twerks all day and night
Face Claim: PennyTrationStan
842 days 12 hours ago
Name: Mia Moore
Age (16-30): 18
Gender/Pronouns: Female, She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual!
Occupation: Part Time Student and Full Time Janet Jackson Enthusiast 
Small Bio: Bold and confident, Mia Moore is a star on the rise! Determined to be a megahit star like her idol, Janet Jackson, Mia will stop at nothing to make it. Others may call her crazy, especially her bestie 4 life Sarah Mercer, but she knows this is her destiny! She has a bus ticket to New York sitting her in dresser, as soon as she graduates she out of here. Unfortunately, she may not survive this valentines day </3
Face Claim: Ashleigh Murray

Name: Tika Thompson
Age (16-30): 18
Gender/Pronouns: Female, She/Her
Sexuality: The only thing she opens is her books!!
Occupation: Full time student. Like literally.
Small Bio: An awkward and gawky nerd, Tika Thompson is the valedictorian ! She never really went to dances but after receiving a letter from her secret admirer, that asked her to go…. she can close her books for one night and be a regular teen !!! Unfortunately, tonight wasn’t that night.
Face Claim: Beanie Feldstien
842 days 12 hours ago
Name: Mary Sue Washington
Age (16-30): 17
Gender/Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Mormon
Occupation: Mormon
Small Bio: Mary Sue spent her whole life living under her Mormon family's rules. She was extremely sheltered and doesn't know much about sex, drugs, etc. However, since she is nearing her marital age, her family has sent her out into the world to find a suitable husband. What they don't know is that Mary Sue is planning on finding a suitor all right... but not one of the opposite gender.

Face Claim: Mia Goth

Name: Jewel Martinez
Age (16-30): 18
Gender/Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: She has very high standards
Occupation: Student but not in like a nerdy way
Small Bio: Jewel has always been the prized possession of her rich family. She passes all her classes, participates in extracurricular activities and is super popular despite being a smarty pants. She hangs out with the cool crowd and loves to bully all goody-two shoes. Speaking of, she has hated Tika Thompson ever since that bitch snatched her valedictorian spot and she will stop at nothing to fuck that bitch up!

Face Claim: Ester Expósito
842 days 12 hours ago
Name: Emily Krowicki
Age (16-30): 18
Gender/Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: Straight
Occupation: Student
Small Bio: Emily is known as the Straight A Student cause she is very smart and she is also a talented student too. Emily and her boyfriend, Tommy have been together for two years.
Face Claim: Maddie Ziegler

Name: Tommy Connolly
Age (16-30): 18
Gender/Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: Straight
Occupation: Student
Small Bio: Tommy lives with his mom, dad, grandmother, and his sister, Allie. Tommy is a talented guy who is 6'7. Tommy and his girlfriend, Emily are the famous couple around school cause they did alot of the Musicals there
Face Claim: Tom Holland
842 days 12 hours ago
Name: Vicki Rhodes
Age (16-30): 18
Gender/Pronouns: Female She/Her
Sexuality: Lesbian
Occupation: Shes simply just a student
Small Bio: Vicki is nothing special. She’s just a normal average jo with a scandalous secret…. She’s a lesbian!! She also has dreams of being a model but she’s too ugly for that… right guys??? You guys totally agree that she’s ugly right??
Face Claim:  Chloe Bennet
842 days 11 hours ago
Name: Connor Connieson
Age (16-30): 18
Gender/Pronouns: Male He/Him
Sexuality: He’s trying out a new thing he heard on the radio. It’s called being gay, but it’s apparently ‘killing the children’ and he hates children.
Occupation:Student/ Miner/ Aspiring Actor
Small Bio: Connor Connieson was voted most likely to be on broadway as an extra who was a tree in the mock-up of the superlatives. To which he had a mental breakdown over but he’s totally fine now! He’s existing still so he can prove all his haters wrong and that he won’t be a tree nor an extra. He’s going to be a star! He also sings literally all the time to prove he’s an amazing singer!
Face Claim: Jonathan Groff
842 days 7 hours ago
Name: Esmee Sanders
Age (16-30): 19
Gender/Pronouns: she

Sexuality: straight
Occupation: Part time barista  student
Small Bio: She moved into the town with her parents last year, there was a shortage on miners and her father took the chance. She's made friends with most people, but doesn't stick to one group of people.
Face Claim: Sabrina Carpenter
842 days 4 hours ago
Name: Ludwig Klein
Age (16-30): 18
Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/him/his
Sexuality: Straight
Occupation: Student
Small Bio: Ludwig is a carefree class clown who loves to cause mischief. From "kick me" signs to TP-ing the boy's locker room, he sure is a real trouble maker. If he payed as much attention to his books as his pranks, he might be on track to graduate high school.
Face Claim: Jeremy Allen White
842 days 3 hours ago
Name: Alyssa Connors
Age (16-30): 21
Gender/Pronouns: Female/She
Sexuality: Straight
Occupation: College Student
Small Bio: An only child who is smart, resilient, and kind.
Face Claim: Laurel Castillo (How to get away with Murder)
841 days 23 hours ago
Name: Vanessa "Ness" Monsteur
Age (16-30): 16
Gender/Pronouns: Female (She/Her)
Sexuality: No, creep.
Occupation: Part time student, part time drug dealer
Small Bio: Ness might be all of 5 inches tall and look like Natalie Portman at age 11, but she's been training in ass kicking since birth. Her all-consuming rage will never end ever since she lost the spelling bee to some twerp named Carter in second grade.
Face Claim: Natalie Portman at age 11
841 days 23 hours ago
Name: Kristopher "Kris" Monsteur
Age (16-30): 21
Gender/Pronouns: Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Bisexual, but trust me he hates all of you.
Occupation: Barista (Mining is for ugly people)
Small Bio: Kris has never really been one for violence...unless of course it was training his angry little sister how to kick ass since she was born. He might look like Johnny Depp but that hasn't stopped him. He's pretty sure his sister is a drug dealer but he likes to mind his own business.
Face Claim: 1980s Johnny Depp
841 days 16 hours ago
Name: Cheryl "Cher" Monsteur
Age (16-30): Good question
Gender/Pronouns: Good question (She/Her)
Sexuality: Good question
Occupation: Good question
Small Bio: Cher is the oldest Monsteur sibling... or maybe the youngest... or maybe the middle child...? It doesn't really matter either way, because despite having two (2) siblings and living in the smallest town on the planet, people forget she exists half the time. She's a very forgettable person. Also she drinks blood, mmm.
Face Claim: Ally Sheedy, but specifically as the goth girl from The Breakfast Club
841 days 10 hours ago
name Terry Brogan
Age (16-30): 20
Gender/Pronouns: Male
Sexuality: Good qwestion
Occupation: Ex athlete
Small Bio:  Terry Brogan  is an ex football player past his prime, but he is now stranded on a desert island with a stranger that he has to become a friend to the stranger in Oder to survive 
Face Jeff Bridges

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