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522 days 16 hours ago
Question🖕🏾: compare Each Jury member with a Survivor or BB castmate?

ok so I want to preface my opinions by saying that I don't know most of you so I will be judging from my in-game perspective.

Robz- Hali Ford (World's Apart) I believe that you were playing a solid pre merge game, but you did not get to showcase your game because of early merge circumstances of you being a target.

Nick- Bryce(Cagayan) I believe that you had amazing sass and were a sweetheart. I also believe that on our starting tribe and swapped tribe, you were very perceptive and had a great eye for the game as well. Unfortunately, others did not want to play ball with you.

Yung- Frosti(China) So China is my favorite season and instantly thought of him when I was thinking of you. All around, you are a really cool dude who tried to play hard, but unfortunately for you the game was going in opposite directions than where you wanted it to go.

Tyler- Stephen Fishbach (2nd Chances) You were in a seemingly good position for most of the game, and tried to make a big play, but then it was intercepted by 2 different voting blocks of people. I think that had this round not happened the way it did, you would've made a deep run into the season

Absol- Shane powers (Panama) Chaotic as hell and was willing to pop off on anyone at any time. However, I think that behind that, you had an agenda that should've worked on paper had C&A followed through with it for a little longer. You caused drama at times but you also wanted to keep your people in the people in the game.

Alfie- Abi Maria (s25) I really enjoyed her and I think that her reads on the game in the end game was amazing, and she was right, the others should not have taken Denise! I started to see you as a "villainous, yet perceptive character" in the final 10 and 9 rounds based on your treatment of the Tyler information, along with the high score in touchy subjects. This coupled with the fact that people always wanted to vote you out, despite it not necessarily being in every1's best interest makes you a perfect candidate to be Abi Maria

Rob- Ok so this is something I was saying in the game, but I'd say Sandra at different phases of her game (minus the villany behavior I guess). I think that your premerge gameplay very much gamechangers and waw Sandra because you were aggressive and decided alot of votes at tribals you attended. At the merge, I noticed that you were alot more reserved and able to gel in with the tribe, and even though people knew you were a threat, you weren't a real option to go home until you left

Willy- Another person in game I was already comparing to someone. I thought of Michele Fitzgerald (specifically Winners at War) for you because of 2 outstanding qualities: 1.) You never stopped fighting for your agenda or for people to see the light, even when you seemed to be in the minority or out of the loop and 2.) even when people around you were getting picked off that you did not agree with, you continuously survived.

Chris- Dan (BB14 specifically) Coming back as a winner you picked up where you left off, and some of your same tricks worked this time around as well. Subtly manipulating situations and people's minds, being willing to vote anyone of, regardless of your relationship with them, and then making another deep run with antics.

X- Definitely Tony (Cagayan) You held a stronghold on the majority alliance at merge, but what made your game amazing was your ability and willingness to connect with the minority alliances as well. This is why you were able to flip from your alliance and make blindsides happen (and then flip back) and then work with your alliance to turn on one of your own and be perfectly fine with each other the next round
522 days 16 hours ago
My second section of questions is for Garrett not Ethan sorry
522 days 15 hours ago
Question 🖕🏾🖕🏾: Rank the players (overall)from least deserving to Most deserving to win... (Minus the final 🥉)

Ok so Least deserving-Most deserving: 17-11 will be prejury no shade

10.) Robz- He did not get to show his true abilities in this merge

9.) Tyler- We did not work together at all really so it would be difficult for me to assess his game as equally as others

8.) Nick- We communicated a lot prejury and he was a force in my opinion. However, he wasn't around at merge and unfortunately people did not feel comfortable keeping him

7.) Yung- I think Yung is only placed here because of other people not wanting to work with Yung long term, rather than my perception of his game. Yung was playing solid, but experiences from outside of this game made people feel like they were walking on eggshells with him, and so he got cut too early to show his true potential.

6.) Willy- Willy falls in the middle because Willy had great intentions and good reads on who should go for him to progress in the game. The problem with willy's threat level is that other players didn't value his input as much as their other allies, which causd his plans to fall through a few times.

5.) Alfie- Alfie falls in the middle also because in my opinion, Alfie was playing a textbook game of getting to the end. He was not as big of a perceived threat as Chris and I, so he should have stayed a lot longer. He also had good reads on the game, and his exploitation of Tyler's info was masterful. I think that his problem was the opposite of Willy's, where I think that he just didn't have enough allies that would be willy to support his plays.

4.) Absol- I think you had pure intentions for your allies and I think you were the right amount of aggressive and chaotic with your plans. You were a contender to get my vote if the roles were reversed, and you never underestimated me. I think that you are a late game threat if C&A stays together and specifically picks me off

3.) Chris- Now I have never been so happy and mad at an ally at the same time. You were taking bullets by putting yourself out there as a target, but your subtle manipulation tactics were also complex to see. If you win f5 immunity, I think you could win f4 immunity as well, which makes my game looks bad, and thus securing a win for yourself

2.) Robert- I explained your win equity in My assessment of comparing you to Sandra, however I will reiterate that the way that you were able to integrate yourself with the "C&A" side was masterful. Noone ever had bad things to say about you, and even when Willy tried to get the target on you at the f8, it was pretty much shut down by everyone besides Chris and Alfie. If it wasn't for the 15 minute window of me begging X to reconsider voting for you, I think that you become an even bigger threat.

1.) FireX- tbh I am not going to stroke your ego any more than I have all season LOL. I will say that you know how I feel about you and your game play. You ATE
522 days 15 hours ago
Thanks for answering my Question Jabbar!
522 days 15 hours ago
Jabbar- some people are raving about the game you played. From my perspective it seemed you kinda flew under the radar behind Chris. But I wanna be convinced, so what was the biggest move you did individually to change the game?

I am actually glad that you specifically asked this since we did not work together unfortunately. I think that I'm going to use my biggest move as a way to rebuttal your image of my game.

My biggest move that I am taking credit for is the willy vote, because I knew who Chris and X wanted and those were the 2 people who I had just made the Robert move with. I wanted to separate myself from them in the next vote for this specific question. Chris wanted to blindside garret with an idol and X wanted to vote out one of his biggest threats in Chris meant that if I did either of those things, you all would continue to not give me credit for any of my contributions, so I took the initiative to expose my game to Ethan and Garrett and get them to trust me as a competent 3rd, and while doing so, putting the target on willy. From my logic, willy had to go so that I could neutralize any1 having thoughts of taking him to the end, and thus hoping that Ethan/X/Chris would focus on each other as targets from 5-4. Admittedly, I worked closer with X and Chris than Ethan, so I saw those 2 as my bigger adversaries, and so I was willing to go to the end with Ethan, despite him winning comps because comp wins mean nothing to me, and I knew that if he could win comps, then he could beat X at the f4 which is who I truly needed out in my mind. Why am I claiming the Willy move as my own individual thing? Well I think that my vote is the most pivotal because Garret and Ethan were clearly working closely together (and have made that clear tonight) and so those 2 voting for Willy was fine, but me choosing to not blindside garrett voting for Willy worked for me personally for several individual reasons:

1.) it separated me from the 2 people who I worked with last round to make a big blindside with
2.) it gained me 2 allied who I genuinely thought would take me to 3 (and they did)
3.) it kept Chris in the game who 100% would go home before me if he didnt win immunity (as opposed to me and willy being the 2 options, I would probably go)
4.) it took out someone more favorable for people to go to the end with and instead locked me into that position
5.) Stoner and X considered doing Ethan if he didnt win immunity, so that meant that I'd be covered even if Stoner won

Also, not so much me but some people believed you made people feel too comfortable before voting them. Was this part of your strategy and how do you feel about this?

Unfortunately, this was 100% the case. I found it difficult to switch from game mode to personal mode at times in this game and calling with people, despite knowing that they were my target was tough, but if I started to act out of the ordinary of my behavior then it could've tipped people off that I was after them, which could've resulted in me not getting here at all. I will take this time to apologize to any1 who I hurt with my actions, because it was not meant to be malicious. I am remorseful of my actions, but in the context of the game I did think they were necessary at the time.
522 days 15 hours ago
To Robzilla's question

Rob- Desi from HvHvH. You were strong, kind, loyal, nonproblematic, and it was unfortunate circumstances that had you leaving the game.
Nick- Woo. People said good things about you. You were loyal to your people and were a very pleasant presence.
Yung- Drea from 42. Her mind was always running in this game. She was building social relationships, playing hard, was not afraid of changing the game up when she needed to.
Tyler- Danni Boatwright- A loyal, under the radar, and trustworthy player and was someone you could always count on. However, paranoia ended up getting the better at the end of the day.
Absol- I kinda wanna put Chelsea Walker since that’s who I envision Absol as (first time I met Absol they had the Chelsea photo) but I am weirdly in between BBCan Sabrina and Wardog. I think of that gif with Absol “DOES EVERYBODY WANT GOOD FCKING TV” and how Absol was very combative but in a way, there was a method to his madness.
Alfie- Courtney Yates/Shonee (AU Survivor)- Witty is the first thing that comes to mind. This player was hilariously funny and their commentary on the game made everyone laugh. I put Shonee down also because she knew how to fight from the bottom and wasn’t afraid to throw whomever under the bus.  I’m saying Alfie-Maria for the meme also. 
Robert- Robert Diaz Twine. Robert is not anything if not methodical in how he approaches thing. He seemed to be in the mindset “as long as it ain’t me” and wasn’t afraid to make waves when he needed himself to further his positioning in the game.
Willy- Ciera from BvW and 2nd chances. Ciera was always saying “Let’s make a big move”. They still had really strong relationships with the witches and survived through many tribals and we got to see very genuine moments from her.
Chris- Ika Wong from BBCan5. Never afraid to call shit out how she saw it and when there was back up against the wall, knew how to worm themselves out. Players can at first be like wtf when they get a dose of Ika’s calling-out but once mulling it over, can see the purpose and force behind it. 
X- Tony Vlachos. This was the 2-time winner who plays aggressive, crazy, knew when to cut people, and is strategically a beast. I wouldn’t be surprised if he spoke llama at one point to someone here. Tony kinda sucked at immunities his earlier seasons but then came back and kinda slayed at them also. There’s no other fitting comparison.

Least to Most Deserving
10) Nick: Though people said good things about you, I never got to see your game or strategy. I do think having the wedding made it so you were not as available on the day you were booted.
9) Robzilla: I think had you made it farther you would have a better opportunity to win but the circumstances did not line up for you at merge
8) Yung: I have mad respect for how you play Yung because you are always “balls to the wall” for lack of a better term. I think the opportunity to make a move should’ve been down the line.
7) Robert: I think being a legend, you had a huge target on your back and your road to the end was admittedly much harder than about anyone. Your move pre-merge was bold and helped you get further, but it made it harder for you to find your footing again with the BK tribe, while some of those on the C&A tribe were still sussing you out.
6) Tbart: You were never even a name even mentioned until the whole idol leaking plan. I thought you were fully on lock to go to the finale but the paranoia got to you at the end of the day. Had I think you survived that round, you would be sitting here no doubt.
5) Alfie: People don’t give you enough credit for how you played on the bottom. You were unapologetically yourself, was kind of a scapegoat, but you knew how to work your magic (which was seen during the Tbart vote).
4) Absol: Absol was a character throughout the season. The way they presented themselves was you would always know where they would stand… until you wouldn’t. Absol talked and people listened.
3) Willy: Will you had such an incredible social game. I remember Brian and I comparing notes at one point where we both found out you told we had the best sensation for you in this game. You played mediator to me and Absol but I think a strong part of your game was you were always ready to make a move, albeit I was not sure on the timing.
2) Chris: My first conversation with you, oh my god, I was impressed. The way you speak is brazen but you do it with such finesse that I was intimidated. Besides being naturally anxious, I found myself flustered when we talked about tribal lines. I kind of realized the method to your madness even when you called me out. It was impressive and I saw you as one of my biggest competitions.
1) X: You were a domineering force this game. You were my partner and together, we were able to practically lead a lot together. You found idols and advantages, knew how to separate the sides, and had yourself well insulated that you never received a vote till you went home. Player of the season hands down.
522 days 15 hours ago
Hey y’all I wanted to say congrats to the each of you for making it to the end. I’m sure you all did what you could to get there and I respect that there’s no doubt.

I’m sure you all know how much playing this game means to me. I am passionate, I play hard and I never give up no matter the odds, I try to hold myself to a high standard because I want to inspire others. I like to show that I’m not afraid to stand up for what I believe is right.

What I would like to know is what do the three of you get out of the games ? Why do you play them ? Is it about winning or is there something more to it than that ? Please explain.

I also have individual questions

Jabbar- I’d like to hear your end game and why willy was voted out when Ethan was a potential option to go?

Ethan- do you think that winning all the immunity challenges was necessary for you to get to the end ? Do you think you would be there if say you didn’t win final immunity. Honest answer

Garrrett- honestly bro idk where to begin. It doesn’t seem like you really branched out as opposed to Ethan and Garrett who talked to basically the whole cast. Why should you be rewarded when some  people felt you didn’t put in the time like the others?
522 days 15 hours ago
If any of those were answer before I’m sorry I haven’t had much time to read answers
522 days 15 hours ago
Thanks for the answer Ethan! 🧡
522 days 15 hours ago
So im less deserving and I played worse game than tyler and alfie from your viewpoint cause I would never win after making my choices ethan? And Brian is first even tho he didnt idol out Chris who would have given him chances to reach ftc and made as many bad decisions as me? I agree Brian should be first but the reasoning just looks weird, its nothing personal against tyler or alfie just game
522 days 15 hours ago

Ethan- I think you played a great game, many jurors however only seeing you as a challenge beast and not believing you did much socially. I wanna know what the most game changing social move or strategy you had?
Also, in all honesty, who was your ideal final 3? Why did you go leak what I had said about to Garrett’s idol to garrett instead to me so we could try to fix things?

Thank you for giving me the chance to speak on it. I know it's an easy argument to say that I had immunity wins but that doesn't change the fact that I had people trust me throughout merge. There WERE opportunities to take me out like when Alfie went home. Logically, I should've gone home the Alfie vote because I was a bigger threat without immunity but my relationships saw the value in me. I had alliances with practically everyone that kept me safe to the point that I have not received a single vote since Tim got booted. People I talked about finals with were you, Garrett, Brian, Willy, Robert, I was tight with Jabbar, Robzilla, and Alfie, and even Absol and I had built our relationship somewhat.

My game changing social move though was the fruition of marketing myself as a reliable ally (ex. the Sane chat of you, me, and Garrett) and telling people I had the idol as a sign of trust. For example, people trusted me to the point that Robert even leaked X's idol to me though I had already known about it. Establishing myself as reliable let people see me in the longevity of their game. Yung's plan to vote me involved 6 people and 3 of them immediately told me about that plan. That becomes my move because all of them saw the value in keeping me and I was able to flip that vote and get Yung out.

To the second part, my final 3 changed a lot throughout this game and I had to be adaptable. But at the start of merge, you were who I always envisioned in my final 3 plans.
It was either me, you, and Willy or me, you, and Garrett. The reason I went to Garrett about the idol leak was because it was already leaked that you went to Alfie. As Alfie was telling me on call, X made a groupchat with the rest of C&A and Absol had thrown you out in that chat. My only play at that point was to tell Garrett people knew about his idol and to convince him not to play it so we would still keep it down the road. I didn't see another option that round, especially amidst the chaos and had I tried something, people would've surely turned on me soon.
522 days 14 hours ago
So im less deserving and I played worse game than tyler and alfie from your viewpoint cause I would never win after making my choices ethan? And Brian is first even tho he didnt idol out Chris who would have given him chances to reach ftc and made as many bad decisions as me? I agree Brian should be first but the reasoning just looks weird, its nothing personal against tyler or alfie just game

No, sorry I was not clear on that. I am literally typing this in between meetings so let me try to explain better. I kind of struggle with the word deserving in the context because it implies for me, a clear road to the end. I think circumstances made it hard for you to get footing and navigate throughout this. Coming in as a legend, you already had a massive target on your back and than getting on a swapped tribe where you flipped ended up putting you more on the outs with them and in a rough spot.

Idk if I am explaining this well so I am sorry. This wasn't meant to be a black or white bad or better game. I meant to say it more as because of the circumstances being stacked against you, it inhibited you and people from wanting to take you very far.
522 days 14 hours ago
What I would like to know is what do the three of you get out of the games ? Why do you play them ? Is it about winning or is there something more to it than that ? Please explain.

This is actually a great question and its why I left the group game community to play orgs. I played games to meet people from different parts of the world and try to understand where they come from. I am not the most social person in my everyday life so this feels like a breakaway. However, I felt like with group games (when I played them) that the personal aspect is not important and its all about the strategy. So coming into this game I played it for the strategy, and if there was a chance to make personal connections with people, I'd take it (but I didn't want to force it if it wasn't there)

Jabbar- I’d like to hear your end game and why willy was voted out when Ethan was a potential option to go?

Several reasons actually: (I'll divide my reasons into Ethan staying being a benefit and Willy leaving being a benefit)

1.) My perception of Ethan's game was not as high as my perceptions game of Chris's or X's, and because of this, I knew I'd need Ethan in the game to help me take them out
2.) Ethan's comp wins at the end were not a curse for me, but rather a blessing because me and Ethan discussed him comping out so that we could take out Chris and X, and this was not a situation that happens if Willy stays and Ethan goes, and I think that having this strategic savyness should be looked at as a benefit to my game
3.) Keeping Ethan in over willy guarantees leaves another perceived threat that doesn't have an idol in the game (since there was still 2 of them out there) and thus maximizes my chances of staying

4.) Willy leaving proves that I can make consecutive blindsides with opposing sides of the fence, and making the only person to know the vote at every tribal I attended (without ever being blindsided by who was voted out)
5.) Willy leaving pushes people into my corner because the bigger threats of X and Stoner still know that they are each others biggest threat to win and gives me more wiggle room
6.) If willy stays over ethan and stoner wins immunity, the only options to be voted out are myself and willy, and I believe I go home there, which is why I was not willing to risk
7.) Willy leaving at f6 makes my decision to blindside Robert at f7 and Stoner leaving at f5 look completely better for me because it shows that I am able to flip through the game and make big moves with multiple groups of people and to be the only person to survive the final 5 tribal without some sort of immunity, because of the way I positioned the last 2 rounds
522 days 14 hours ago
Ethan- do you think that winning all the immunity challenges was necessary for you to get to the end ? Do you think you would be there if say you didn’t win final immunity. Honest answer

Honestly, I think they were necessary at the start of merge when I knew people would come after me sooner or later. I used those early wins to strengthen and solidify the relationships that would get me to the endgame. I would say once mid-merge came, I believed I had a good chance of making it to the end, which is shown as I never got voted against me even when I was unsafe. Though I won the last couple of immunities, I used the strategy of saying, hey I have a good chance of winning immunities, this will allow us to take other threats and that was a selling point I used to turn what was previously used against me into an asset.

I think I am still here if I don't win final immunity. As sad as it was, I knew that X had to go at 4, especially since you saw how I gave him my game in C&A All-Stars taking him to the end. One of my biggest problems playing Survivor on Tg is that by endgame, I never choose myself. BK Szn 4, I took Destiney knowing I'd lose. C&A AS, I took Brian knowing I'd lose. This time, I chose myself.

Jabbar and X had known each other before hand and I knew that throughout the game but Jabbar and I finally came together the night before to compare notes, and finally talked about being endgame with one another. The final 3 group of Jabbar, Garret, and I was my perfect setup. Had I not won final immunity, I still think X goes and had X won, I think Jabbar goes or at worst, Garrett saves me and sends me to fire. Having Duo Lipa of Garrett and I was dangerous for anyone to let get together in the finals, but we hid ourselves well enough to do it.
522 days 14 hours ago
What I would like to know is what do the three of you get out of the games ? Why do you play them ? Is it about winning or is there something more to it than that ? Please explain.

I had the realization in BK All-Stars that everyone who plays in this game plays out of passion. A love for the show, a love for the game, and a love to just be competitive and duke it out. I feel like for me, I had the realization after Scotty Survivor (everyone watch season 2 on Youtube lmao) that I play to meet other people but also to just have fun. I think there's always this tension between that desire to win but that desire to get to meet other people. Of course I want to win but I think what I love the most is getting to meet other people, hear about their lives, what drives them, what they do, spending 3 hours on call to talk about jack shit related to the game, that makes it worth it. Seeing other people's passion for this game is inspiring for me and I love and respect it.

Kirsten for example, we met in C&A All-Stars and we've kept such a tight friendship ever since and that's been something I've valued so much and probably one of the best parts that came from a gg.

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