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Episode 1 ~ Colby Lliveau (Judging Panel)

Topic » Episode 1 ~ Colby Lliveau..

4597 days ago
Hello our fabulous thirteen, and welcome to Tengaged's Next Top Model Cycle 6 - The High Fashion Cycle!

This season we are expecting the best of the best, and to help you achieve that we have some fabulous judges AND prizes, but first I will start with the Prizes!

- The first prize is a $1,000,000 contract with leading modelling agency, T-Models
- A cover, and 6-page spread in Tengaged Vogue
- An International campaign for Dior, which will be shown in over 120 countries around the globe
- And an Ad Campaign for one of the Top 8 Designers in the world!

Now over to our Judges :D

- First we have International Model and Designer (in her free time), Tengaged's Next Top Model Cycle 3 Winner, Lily Mincey!
- Secondly, Most recent girl to appear on Tengaged Vogue AND Tengaged's Next Top Model Cycle 5 winner, Suzanna Watson!
- And our guest judge for this week is none other than first class designer, Colby Lliveau (The girls gasp and clap). Colby has designer for many a model and his designs have been featured all over the globe.

So without further ado, let's start!
4597 days ago
Up first we have..............Angel!

Angel: Hi judges! :)

Millie: Okay Angel, let's see your best Shot ~~~

Millie: WOW I really love this shot! It is dynamic, it is sexy it is everything a model should be! You look amazingly tall and elegant and you exude that really high fashion edge which we are looking for this cycle! The fire in the background adds a WOW factor to it which means it could be in any top magazine.

Suzanna: This is hot!!! I love this spread so much! It is so fiery and fierce! I think this is a good photo to prove you have potential! Your word I think should be dynamic because I feel you can bring a lot of variety to the table! Keep it up!

Lily: Just before I say my piece, I would like to say this to all the girls. I'm excited to see some of your first photos. I favor photos with a high production value. Everything meshes well and does what it's supposed to. I also judge your efforts in the side challenge so my opinions WILL be affected by how you describe yourselves and the photo this round.

One of the best photo shoots out there, it's a good thing you grabbed it when you did. A dramatic background for sure, yet the model is so fierce that we can't keep our eyes off you! Interesting pose, great face. Top notch!

Colby: I agree with the others, this shot is absolutely stunning! You are modelling the outfit perfectly which is what a model is hired to do. I love what you are doing here and I would be proud if this was my spread. Great job!
4597 days ago
Millie: Okay thankyou Angel, next we have Callie, who is looking very good this evening! (The judges nod)

Callie: Awww Thankyou!

Millie: Well, lets see if your photo is as good as your outfit! ~~~

Lily: First off, my focus is on the sand dune and not the model. If you find the composition lacking. Crop the model. Next the face is blurry (choose pics with better resolution or go in and sharpen your photo) and is cast downward making her face indistinguishable and dull. The pose and the dress have some interest in them, but are not strong enough to carry the pic. I don't get a unique vibe from this. You know I appreciate a good risk girl, but this was more of a flop!

Colby: I completely disagree, I like this shot. This could be a spread in any magazine and it totally works. You look very professional in both the photo and in front of me which is very important as a model.

Millie: I agree, I LOVE this photo Callie. It looks very exotic yet elegant at the same time. The other thing I like about this shot is that you could be selling anything; The shoes, the dress, the hair, the makeup, everything looks great. However I do see what Lily says about the sand-dune, just make sure next week that YOU are the center of attention and nothing else.

Suzanna: Hmm.....This is a good photo but I’m not crazy about it. The background is amazing, the garment is astounding, the pose is nice but the face is pretty blah. However I feel this photo does showcase your potential as a model! I want to see a stronger face next round!
4597 days ago
Millie: Thankyou Callie! Our next girl up is Vera! Come on up here!

Vera: *walks up*

Millie: Someone seems very shy and innocent tonight! Well lets see your best shot, shall we? ~~~

Millie: WOW this little shy girl standing in front of us, is certainly not anywhere to be seen in this photo! This is a sexy girl! I think that you managed to go to the borderline of Sexy and Slutty and not cross over, which is a good thing in the modelling world. You are working the garment , however I feel that the face is slightly dead.

Colby: Oh I disagree, I feel that the eyes in this shot tell a story of a girl who wants her man back and is trying to seduce him! (Some of the girls laugh). The shoes in this photo are to die for, but that may be because I designed them. Great work Vera!

Suzanna:  I like this photograph a lot actually! Where was this girl in Ozzy’s Modeling game? Lol I think this is a good photo, the pose is sexy and the face is spot on. I caution you with your word being sexy because that’s one step away from slutty. Lol Keep it hot, and keep it clean.

Lily: I'm very ambivalent about this photo. I feel like the face is not strong AT ALL. The pose is weak, and VERY casual. If this challenge were more gritty than high fashion, I'd view it more positively, but it's not. It's not horrible, but it's very bland. Also, you didn't seem to choose a specific word for the challenge. Plus, the three words your alluded to, I didn't get from the photo. You need to work harder at taking STUNNING photos, as well as connect the challenge with the photo shoot properly
4597 days ago
Millie: Okay you can go back now Vera! Up next is our challenge winner.........Annaliesse!

Annaliesse: Yay, thankyou so much judges!

Millie: You're welcome, you did an excellent job this week let's see if your photshoot went well as well! ~~~

Lily: Honestly, you're the first person to really connect their "word" with their photo. I can totally see the glamour and the sex appeal here. She's showing off, without being hoochy. I sort of wish she had eyebrows, because it's really off-putting. Sans-eyebrows can be a very intriguing look, however, when one wants to be expressive and alluring, I feel that the eyebrows should be present, because they convey emotion so well. Other than that, I love the pose, the look, the styling, and the production values. Very well done, just missed the mark slightly.

Suzanna:  I don’t know how I feel about this photo. Everything about this photo is working except the face! The mouth is really  big a turn off for me. However I think this is a strong shot. If your word you chose was “glamourous” I want to see that translated more on the next shot.

Millie: Oh don't listen to them! I think this shot is WONDERFUL. The pose although not over the top, is very striking and your eye goes all around the photo which is always good in a magazine. I like the bleached eye-brows as they bring the attention to the make-up and not distract you. This is a great first shot Annaliesse and I hope you keep it up!

Colby: I agree with Millie, posing in a photograph is a very risky move, and pulling it off is even harder but you managed to work it to the tee. Also, this is your first ever shoot and to pull that off as a rookies is very impressive and if this is the standard of girls in this competition then you should all be signed to T-Models! (chuckle)
4597 days ago
Annaliesse: Thankyou again judges!

Millie: You're welcome, now lets see Rose's best shot! ~~~

Suzanna: What was your word Rose?

Rose: My word was 'Expressive'.

Suzanna: Well,  I think this photo is a little fun and playful but it goes well with your word. I don’t find this photo to be amazingly high fashion but I mends well with your word so I am satisfied. Next week I want to see a bolder photograph for you!

Millie: I think expressive is a VERY hard work to ,ironically, express. However you pulled it off. However, I would of chosen the word 'expensive' as in this shot you look like a very rich woman is posing and saying 'look at me with all my amazing clothes' and 'look how amazing I look'. The pose is very zig-zaggy which I like and keeps your eyes moving.

Rose: Aww thankyou Millie!

Colby: I could really see this on the front cover of Tengaged Vogue for real! Like Millie said, you definitely look EXPENSIVE and make me want to go out and buy every single little thing you are wearing JUST so I can look like you. You remind me of the rich girl in school that everyone wants to be like, and I really want to be like you!

Lily: What a fun photo! The colors are vibrant, the pose is interesting, and the face is fierce! It's a bit comical, in that she looks slightly pregnant and her butt juts out like a ski slope. The spine and pose are still interesting, and I just love her fun flirty gaze. I guess what I'm saying is I like this photo from the arms upward! Good job relating it to your word!
4596 days 23 hours ago
Millie: Up next we have Kassi! Who is giving a very Montana Cox vibe tonight!

Kassi: Oh really? I LOVE her she is my idol!!

The Judges: 0.0

Millie: Ummmmm lets see your best shot!

Millie: As much as I love you Kassi, I'm not particularly fond of this shot. The photo is quite small compared to the other girls' and I feel like had this been a full body shot it would of been great. I feel that the face is missing something which I quite can't put my finger on. On the other hand, you DO look a bit like Montana Cox, which I guess is a good thing........if you want?

Kassi: YES YES YES! (Montana Love <3)

Colby: You know what? I love Montana, and I LOVE YOU! This shot is gorgeous and you really emitted your word 'gracefulness' as it looks like you could be floating. Although I do agree with Millie about it being a full-body shot. I also feel that this photo is a better version of Callie's photo as it has the right 'feel' to it.

Lily: A stunningly beautiful photo! I can definitely see how "graceful" you are through this! A beautiful look and face, the dress positioned perfectly for maximum flair. She's the center of attention without being self involved. The pose is good. I just wish we could see more of her legs in the photo. Fantastic!

Suzanna:  I think this photo would be a homerun IF we saw the legs. This cut off of the photo is in an awkward spot and it doesn’t quite work. The rest of the shot works however. I think graceful is a good word for you because it embodies a wide range of photographs.
4596 days 23 hours ago
Millie: Thankyou Montana! *she skips back to her place* Up Next is Sarah!

Sarah: Hey pretty ladies, and Colby ;)

Millie: Thankyou Sarah you seem very sweet and lovable which I heard were your words this week. Let's see your photo then! ~~~

Colby: This shot is lovable and it IS sweet, but to be honest that is about it. When I saw you just now, I saw a pretty girl who is quite attractive but a high fashion model didn't necessarily scream out at me which I got with most of the other girls. And that is exactly what I got in the photograph, a nice girl but just that.

Lily: If this was the "stand boringly in my underwear looking like I'm constipated" challenge, you'd win. however it's not.

You said your word was "lovable". I'm not seeing the love here.

Millie: Oh come on! It's not THAT bad.

Suzanna: I think “loveable” is a difficult word to use because it doesn’t work for high fashion. Your photo is week I feel is really safe. It looks commercial to me; I see no high fashion edge here. I think you need to change your word for next week.

Millie: Exactly Suzanna! Sarah, this week you played it too safe and this is the high fashion cycle. We aren't looking for a safe girl, we are looking for someone that stands out and makes us go WOW she cold be on the cover of Vogue or Harper's Bazaar. You could of done a lot better. If you survive this week, you really need to step up your game.

Sarah: Oh, I will judges!
4596 days 23 hours ago
Millie: Come on up here Kyung! Now I heard that you didn't do to well at the challenge this week?

Kyung: Yeah.....I found this week very emotional as it is the anniversary of when My rabbit died </3

Millie: Awww Kyung *Hugs* Well lets see if you managed to work it! ~~~

Lily: Please do the challenge portions, not just the photo shoots. This is one of my favorite photos this week, (I can really feel the unique) but no paragraph explaining the connection? Not so happy with you....

Suzanna: The garment in this photo is incredible, but I feel like the face is kind of dead. I want to see a stronger face next week because this one is just kind of 50/50. Overall though I think this photo proves to the judges that you have potential.

Millie: What are these girls on? 'Mean Pills'? Kyung, I feel that this photo is INCREDIBLE it speaks volumes about you and you are working from H to T (Head to Toe'. I love the over the top styling and it really DOES make you 'unique'. When you were all standing in line, my eye went directly to you and not because you were 'the most pretty' but because you stood out.

Colby: Sorry Millie, but I am gonna take a 'Mean Pill'. In this industry Kyung you need to be strong, and you can't not perform due to a personal matter, this is a profession. I once knew a girl who kept on modelling through a photoshoot despite finding out that her father passed away of a heart attack halfway through. Good Photo - Bad Challenge.
4596 days 23 hours ago
Millie: Okay, our next girl is...............Aurora! Now is someone suffering from cute syndrome like Sarah is? Well lets see ~~~


Suzanna: Hmm. This photo is just alright in my opinion. It’s not bad but it’s not that good either. I feel like you could have pushed yourself a bit more to a high fashion edge. I think “caring” is a tough word maybe you could try “soft” or “elegant”?

Millie: This photo is SO disappointing for me Aurora. You could of done so much with this task but you failed. You look dazed and confused not only in the photo, but right in front of me to. You look.....

Aurora: *buts in* BUT I tried my best Millie! *tears up*

Millie: Frankly Aurora, the fashion industry doesn't care if you tried your best or not, all they are concerned about is whether they got the shot or not, and this week you didn't.

Lily: This photo is rather amateur. I can't see a lot of the model, which is fine. I love beauty shots a lot, but even if this was, it's not done very well. Where is the personality? What is she even trying to sell to us? What is this supposed to convey? All I get is 30% of visible model who looks like she is dying.

Colby: I agree with everyone, this photo is just a huge disappointment. You are a girl who has SO much modelling potential but I feel doesn't know how to use it. This photo isn't even pretty, it is just plain old bad and I don't particularly want to look at it any longer!

Angel: *whispers to Callie* wow

Millie: Thankyou Aurora.
4596 days 23 hours ago
*who looks like she is dying to get a glance at a passing plane

(sorry, my comment got cut off when I sent the mail Millz. I felt I should clear up what I was tryign to say in my critique
4596 days 23 hours ago
Millie: Can Rihanna come forward please?

Rihanna: Hey how are you guys?

The Judges good! ~ Suzanna: I love your accent by the way! Where are you from?

Rihanna: I'm originally from Barbados.

Millie: Ahh, let's see if you are as fierce as the singer 'Rihanna' ~~~

Millie: Sorry Rihanna, but I don't like it! There is something about your face which is so attractive but I feel that you can only really use it from certain angles and you need to learn them as you can't be looking like this all the time. I love the styling and the pose, but I feel that you could of done a lot better.

Colby: I agree, this just isn't doing it for me. I LOVE the outfit that you are wearing, but sadly I don't think that you are pulling it off. It looks very amateur to me and not something that I could see in Vogue or any other fashion magazine for that matter. To me it looks like you got caught up in a bird's nest and then going for a pee. Not Good.

Lily: I'm worried that the clothes and styling are carrying this picture a little too much, but I definitely see the vibrance (even if you don't really seem to know what the word means). This is just good, not great.

Suzanna: What the hell guys?  This photo is quite a risky shot but I think it works! The garment in so colorful and it definitely exudes the “vibrant” feel. The face is kind of scary but as a whole I think it works for this shot! Overall I am impressed by your risk.
4596 days 23 hours ago
Millie: Next up we have Gisela!

Gisela: Hi :)

Millie: Let's see your bets photo then! ~~~

Suzanna: Umm... I don’t like this shot! =[ Both the pose and the face a really bland here, nothing is popping out at me. I think you need to focus your search next week to more Vouge shots because this one isn’t that good!

Colby: I'm not sure about this shot or you for that matter! I'm not sure if you are able to pull off high fashion and this photo is a perfect example of that. It looks as if you are TRYING to be high fashion but there is something not quite right about it which isn't working. If you stay, you need to step up your game.

Millie: Sorry Gisela, but I agree. I do not find you interesting or amazing, I find you a bit bland and in the middle. While laying in bed last night I was thinking about all of you girls, and there was one girl who I couldn't remember, and it was you! I want to see more personality rather than just any old striking girl.

Lily: I love a good plus sized model, but I'm not seeing the discreet. The funny thing is, on their own, the face, the pose, the styling.... all great. But they don't seem to mesh well in this photo. A fine attempt, but lackluster.

Gisela: Sorry to disappoint judges!

Millie: (dull)
4596 days 23 hours ago
Millie: Up next is Paulina the princess of power!

Paulina: *saunters forward* Hey.

Millie: Now Paulina, I heard from a little birdy that you weren't sure that you wanted to be here. Is this true?

Paulina: I'm not sure. I don't know if this is the best career move on my part, you know?

Millie: Well let's see your photo and see if it could be a good career for you ~~~

Lily: You didn't choose a word, so I have no clue WHAT you're supposed to convey in this photo. PLUS we said NO RUNWAY shots. We need you to listen if you want to get far.

Suzanna: What happened here? I think Millz made it clear that there were no runway shots? You could have done a lot better here. I am not a big fan of this photo!

Colby: This photo is even worse than Aurora's, in fact I'm going to say nothing more on this as it doesn't deserve my breath.

Millie: Calm down Colby 0.0 You know what Paulina? You remind me of Becca form last season.

Suzanna: Oh yes!

Millie: Becca started off as a girl who wasn't sure if she wanted to be here and submitted a terrible photo, however we gave her a chance to blossom and in the end she transformed into this beautiful butterfly and is now a huge working model. That is because we gave her a chance as she really wanted this, however we aren't sure if you even want that chance to blossom and maybe modelling isn't the bets option for you.

Paulina: Okay judges....
4596 days 23 hours ago
Millie: Our final girl to evaluate is Miss Kandi, who I understand wasn't feeling well on the day, is this true?

Kandi: Yes, I had a terrible stomach ache which left me in pain for about...4 days? But I tried my hardest and hopefully I pulled out a good photo! :D

Millie: Well lets see it ~~~

Colby: Kandi, this shot is stellar! You look magnificent and I would of never of thought you were ill on the day. FINALLY we have another good photo that is worthy of a fashion magazine. You look like a true model, and a true model is able to overcome any barriers that appear in front of them and you did just that. Well done!

Millie: I agree, this photo is amazing however, I also heard that you made a bit of a fuss on the day about it and asked to be shot last. I understand you are ill, but a professional model would never do that and you lose points in my book for that. However, this photo still is brilliant and I don't want to ruin it for you.

Kandi: I understand, and I am so sorry!

Paulina: *under her breath* fake biatch.

Suzanna: This photo is just alright for me. The pose is kind of blah and the face is kind of safe. I understand this was a last minute shot but I feel like you could have done better. I want to see that High Fashion I know you can deliver next week girl.

Lily: A good photo, but not a fabulous one. I wish you conveyed your message in written form better. I can see the strong angles you're catching in your photo, but I think a nice paragraph explaining it would compliment it better.
4596 days 23 hours ago
Lily:  So disappointed in this batch of photos. After the first elimination I will be sure to give you girls some pep talk and a bit of coaching to get you on the right track!

Millie: I agree, some of this weeks photos were good, and some were bad and this shoot kind of separated the good from the bad, from the plain old boring.

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