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[S8] Week #5: New Model, Who Dis?

Topic » [S8] Week #5: New Model, Who..

2765 days 1 hour ago
Previously on Ozzy and Kira’s Next Top Model…
Last week the girls were challenged to be a fierce and sexy femme fatale. At the photo shoot, Allison and Allie brought the deadly attitude that the judges were looking for. While Kylie, Re, and Cayla struggled to bring the high fashion edge to their looks. The top two models battled it out to a femme fatale inspired song “You Don’t Own Me” by Grace ft. G-Eazy, and it was Allie who out on top. When Re and Cayla went up for elimination, Allie chose to send Cayla home. Only 10 models remain! WHO will be eliminated tonight?

-Photo Shoot-
Welcome top 10 ladies! Congrats are making it this far but we have farther yet still to go. The competition is heating up and you need to bring you A-game every single week if you want to impress the judges and survive.

Here it is ladies, the week you’ve all been waiting for- MAKE OVERS! For this week’s photo shoot, Kira and I want to see how you handle the ever-changing trends of the model industry. Please submit a HIGH FASHION photo that has a new drastic look for you/

Kira and I would recommend STAYING AWAY from hair ads and instead would advocate for high fashion photos that really use their unique look and hair to their advantage.

Also please submit 1-2 sentences about your new makeover and how you are working it, in your high fashion photo.

Also, the winner of the FMOTW poll will win a special prize, so go out and get those votes. The prize is an advantage in the next week’s photoshoot which could be critical at this stage of the game.

This is a week to really push the envelope! So have fun but stay high fashion! Good luck!

Photos Due: November 15th at 12:30pm PST
2765 days 1 hour ago

I've definitely struggled in the competition up to this point, so I decided to do a complete overall. I've chopped my hair and truned it honey blonde, I'm going for a more feminine image this time around and I definitely think it translates in the photo.
2765 days ago

here is my photo. I wanted to give a HF photo and showcase a different type of hair that u have seen till now. Also I want to apologise to the judges since I didnt know PYAO is still panel and sorry if I ofended Allie or the judges, it wasnt my purpose and it was out of place. I was just kinda bad yesterday and I apologise to everyone who got ofended.
2764 days 23 hours ago

i cut my long locks off and with the new sexy color and cut i found my dark and edgy side of myself i feel hot and a need to be bad very very bad :)
2764 days 22 hours ago

I dyed my hair a bright orange and puffed it out a lot. (extensions may or may not be in there too ;) ) This photo is more scaled back and less than what I've been doing lately. I hope my risk pays off.
2764 days 21 hours ago

This week for my makeover I have to decided to cut my hair into a wavy bob and go bleach blonde. I feel like my hair was such a huge part of me and honestly felt nervous cutting it. Bleach blonde is a very bold colour yet I'm proud of the turnout! Thank You!!
2764 days 21 hours ago
Hahaha its funny cause all this time my models got crazy hairstyles like ice blonde, white, cotton pink... and the most drastic one for me its kinda the normal length/colour xDD I dont know if anyone can see how ironic this is to me hahaha Btw this is gonna be haaaard :x good luck girls <3
2764 days 20 hours ago
This week i decided to take a risk with retro concept clothes and hairstyle, a completely different direction of the previous weeks, where i always brought modern looks to the runway.
2764 days 19 hours ago
Generally, my pictures are of a conceptual black girl with a corset, huge wig and loud clothing. Why not reverse that for this challenge; white girl, no corset, natural hair and...sans clothing~?
2764 days 19 hours ago
So Far in this competition my photos have been soft: soft facial expressions to convey beauty and emotion. This week I'm going hard, striking, and bringing more intensity.
2764 days 7 hours ago
I decided to take a risk with this one! Buzzing it all off! #AndrogynyForDays
2764 days 1 hour ago
TIME IS UP! The judges will now post our critiques.
2764 days 1 hour ago
Who are these new models? You makeovers were a complete success! Let’s see how you all did!

SUJIN: I think this is a really beautiful photo. I think your eyes are stunning, your face is so soft, and you are working that head piece. Sadly though, I cannot really see your hair in this photo. I feel like I am missing it because of the giant headpiece. In a photoshoot all about your hair transformation, this was kind of the wrong direction overall. Beautiful photo though.

LALISA: I really love your hair in this photo. I think this was a great choice for you and I think you look gorgeous. The rest of the photo is kind of blah for me, I think your pose looks like of stiff and uncomfortable. I think you went for a softer side than normal which is good to shows versatility but I wanted this photo to leap off the page for me.

ALLISON: I mean WOAH! What a drastic change, and I LOVE IT! I think this photo is perfectly capturing your new look and I love the dark outfit and dark background echoing your new fresh hair. I find this photo very strong and it captures your new look in an exciting way. This is the type of photos I love seeing from you so keep up the great work!

RE: I love the bold and exciting look! However, I think this was the wrong choice for you. Your hair looks more like a wig to me rather than a fresh new look. I also think your pose and your face are so kind of blah and not really standing out for me. I think this competition has been tough for you and I don’t want to constantly put you down. I want you to not be afraid to mix it up! Use a new model!

KYLIE: I am glad to see you are stepping it back up from last week’s performance. I really love your hair in this and I think this is the change that we needed from you! I think your dress is kind of a mess and you pulling it out to the side like that makes you look really wide. But overall, I like the new hair and I like the young fresh vibe of this photo.

SONG HANA: I love the freshness of this photo. It just seems like you have a simple ease about yourself compared to your naturally striking photos. This was a very impressive switch for you and I like your new hair. Again, the hair piece is a little distracting but I see what you were going for here with the look as a whole. I like this photograph, not much else I can say.

YAJA: So sexy and so dangerous! I love it. I think this is a great new look for you! You look powerful and soft all at once. I like how you are closing your eyes and I am still connected to your fierceness in this shot. I think this was a great new choice for you and I am excited to see you mixing it up every now and again! This was an important week for you and you brought it.

ALLIE: I mean GORGEOUS!!! I love this photo! This is the softness and the boldness I have been waiting for. I think you look incredible, and your hair is totally working your new look. This is a fierce new change for you and I am glad to see you growing in this competition. I am dazzled by your photos week after week and I am so glad to see you working the house down.

OLIVIA: I totally love the androgyny of this photograph and I love the bold new look. However, I find the photo to be kind of boring as a whole. I think if your pose and your face were different and a little stronger, I think this could have been a great photograph. However right now, I would just turn the page in the magazine if I had seen this shot.

CINNAMON: Not complete. In this industry, time is money and your tardiness has cost the client a lot of money. As one of our growing beauties in the competition, I saw you as a serious contender and now your fate remains uncertain.
2764 days 1 hour ago
And after a TIE!!! We had to consult Random.Org to calculate the results.
Afterwards...Tengaged and Random.Org said...
YAJA!!! Congrats girl! You have been voted Fiercest Model of the Week. I will private message you about your prize shortly.
2764 days ago
Sujin- I like this photo, don’t get me wrong, it’s a good photo. However youre hiding your new look! The flower headdress covers almost all your hair and is blocking a large part of your face! I like what I can see but I wish I could see more.

Lalisa- I love that youre working your new look and the hair is really an integral  part of the look. But you cant forget about your face! Your face looks awkward here and I think its lacking a fierce energy.  But good work with the challenge this week. 

Allison- I. LOVE. THIS. Its edgy its fierce and your new look really complements that! Normally I wouldn’t care for this pose but with the dress and background it really works and show me youre aware of your surroundings. Great work.

Re- You know I think this is your best photo yet by far! It totally meets the challenge, but be careful of overcompensating. The hair might be the star of this picture. Your pose is awkward and your face is forgettable. I still see the potential and with just a few tweeks this could be a photo fighting for the top!

Kylie- Gosh I am not a fan of this picture. Youre not finding your light and the dress is totally wearing you! I love the hair which is a plus and your pose isn’t horrible but with the dress I just don’t think it’s a homerun. I know you can do better, keep pushing!

Song Hana- I LOVE THIS! So elegant yet fierce! Your face is working it! Im am not a huge fan of the way your legs look here, theyre kind of awkward, but the rest of the photo makes up for it! Good work!

Yaja- I really enjoy this photo, it might be your best yet! Youre working it in a sexy way that is still elegant! I love the energy and the inhale of your face and the general tension in your body- its great! I do think the light is focused on your ribs instead of your face, but so watch out for that! But good job this week!

Allie- This is STUNNING! Your eyes PIERCE! Your hair is fresh! Im not a huge fan of this hand position but for whatever reason I think it works here. A nice, clean, elegant, fierce headshot, that lets your hair competent your modeling.

Olivia- I like it… Im not in love with it. Your new look certainly complements you in all the right ways, and I am always a fan of androgyny because it makes you more versatile as a model. However I think this is just basic. It’s a fine picture, but its just missing that UNMPH that would push it from good to great.

Cinnamon- So you couldn’t muster up the trust or courage to cut off your hair? Really? You’ll never make it in this industry with attitude like that. Watch out.
2764 days ago
I will say good job this week to all the ladies! I think everyone stepped it up this week.

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