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Character Roles

Topic » Character Roles

3769 days 23 hours ago

So I have around 30 characters in this group (thank you all so much for applying by the way, it's amazing I have such a big cast). Unfortunately, that means that roles were going to be a lot harder to write. Because of this, I decided to only do the roles of the Witches and the Witch Hunters, since their back-stories have more of an effect on the group. I also did this to conserve time, because I literally cannot write 30 roles. To the humans, do not worry. This doesn't mean you are not important, since you will all have your own roles to play in this. I merely did this to contribute more to the story of the group, since the humans have not yet been involved with the witches, so they don't really have an effect on the Witches (yet) (also that would take way too much time to do 30 roles).

I apologize that all of your roles are not super detailed and amazing, but I figured that I just needed to get the basics down because the rest can be explained during the actual episodes. Some of you are mentioned in other people's roles so just F3 and search for your name so you don't have to read all of the roles if you don't want to.
3769 days 23 hours ago
3769 days 23 hours ago
Lindsay Caine [played by Awesome2210] - Lindsay recently moved into town due to the death of her mother and her step-dad. When she was young, her father died in a mysterious car accident, and shortly thereafter, her mother remarried, bringing Vanessa Highland (iGoddess) into the family as Lindsay’s step-sister. Ever since then, they all had been pretty close, up until Lindsay and Vanessa’s parents died in what is supposed to be an accidental house fire. Since then, Lindsay, Vanessa, and Lindsay’s grandmother moved to town to start a new life and forget about the tragedies of their past. However, what Lindsay doesn’t know is that she harbors a secret -- She’s a full-blooded witch, and the granddaughter of one of the most powerful witches to exist. Lindsay was hoping to begin a new chapter in her life, one without drama and tragedy. However, with a coven of witches gathering and seeking her out as their newest member, will she get the peaceful life she so desperately wishes for?
3769 days 23 hours ago
Kylie Blue [played by SummerRae101] - Kylie is perhaps the kindest person one will ever meet. She’s very down to earth and sincere, but she often doesn’t manage to get that across because she doesn’t have many friends. Ever since her parents died a year ago, shortly after they told her about her witch powers, Kylie has had to live on her own and has become a very independent girl, doing whatever it takes to survive and learning not to trust others. However, Kylie got the chance to connect to people like her when she was invited to join the local secret coven by Annabeth Wilson (Amylou8251). Since then, she has gotten the opportunity to have a safe-haven to practice her powers and develop them alongside a few of her fellow witches. Kylie is part of the makeshift coven of witches.
3769 days 23 hours ago
Jamie Yinslow [played by Bands5656] - Jamie may seem like a sweet, gentle guy at first, but once you get to know him, you’ll learn that Jamie is very sassy and clever. He’s flew by school with great grades, making him the #1 ranked senior student. He uses his innocent looks to get what he wants, whether it’s something as simple as getting the latest gossip, or as extreme as the answers to next week’s test. He is a nice person to everyone around him, but if you get on his bad side, he always gets revenge. Despite this, Jamie is a helpful person not only to his fellow witch, but to all students who need his help either with schoolwork or just life in general. Because of his heightened intelligence and his aptitude to learning, he is the second most powerful witch in the small makeshift coven of witches.
3769 days 23 hours ago
Kassie Star [played by Kaylee21] - Kassie is the girl everyone loves to hate. She’s very intrigued in the magical world and was more than thrilled when she found out she had powers. Despite most of her coven agreeing that they should only use their magic when necessary, Kassie uses her magic in any given opportunity, even something as basic as opening her locker. Kassie knows that hardly anybody likes her, and she embraces it. She uses her looks to get what she wants, often managing to seduce someone just to get her way. Despite her bullying and bitchy ways, Kassie is a nice person deep at heart, but she only shows it to select people. Kassie is the one who has been aware of her magic for the longest amount of time, and therefore she has had more time to train. Because of this, she’s the strongest witch in the small coven.
3769 days 23 hours ago
Chase Moores [played by Benner_2304] - Chase never had the most fortunate of lives. After his father mysteriously disappeared, Chase’s mother broke down and left Chase and his younger brother to fend for themselves. They were both put into foster care, but after Dylan was adopted, Chase was left all alone. He was often made fun of because people noticed that he was different from others due to his powers. Finally, after having become fed up of the foster care system, Chase recently decided to run away and eventually made his way to Vilwec. Chase, although he had a bad history, is a kind and lovable person, one who always puts everyone before himself. He has no friends and nowhere to stay, but that will all change once he discovers there are other witches in town..
3769 days 23 hours ago
Annabeth Wilson [played by Amylou8251] - Annabeth is the resident girl-next-door. She’s feisty yet sweet, rebellious yet lovable. Annabeth has a problem with authority, but often doesn’t have to deal with it since the Uncle she is living with is usually away on business trips. She is always thinking of new ways to test her magic, but she so strongly desires to lead a normal life. When she sees normal girls worrying about making the cheerleading squad or getting asked to the dance by that cute boy, she feels miserable when she realizes her problems are more severe, like having people discover that she’s actually a witch. Annabeth is a member of the makeshift coven of witches.
3769 days 23 hours ago
Vanessa Highland [played by iGoddess] - Vanessa recently moved into town due to the death of her father and her step-mother. When she was only 10, her mother died completely vanished, never to be seen again. Shortly thereafter, her father remarried, bringing Lindsay Caine (Awesome2210) into the family as Vanessa’s step-sister. Her new family had been pretty close, despite the fact that they had a tendency to get on Vanessa’s nerves. Then one day, Lindsay and Vanessa’s parents died in what is supposed to be an accidental house fire. Since then, Vanessa, Lindsay, and Lindsay’s grandmother moved to town to start a new life. Vanessa has always been interested in the supernatural, but preferably in the books and movies. She can show some affection to those closest to her, but it's rare. Despite her bitchy nature, she is able to look ever so sweet and innocent to who she wants to. Vanessa is unaware of her powers, just like Lindsay, but when the two move into town and are sought after by the rag-tag gang of witches, what will she decide to do?
3769 days 23 hours ago
Alyxander Luna [played by Leonine_Divine] - Alyxander is tough shit and he knows it. He’s very violent and aggressive, going to whatever means he needs to to get what he wants. Alyxander was born far away in an area that was tremendously strong in magic. Because of this, Alyxander grew up accustomed to his powers with the knowledge on how to use them correctly, making him an extremely strong witch. However, after witch hunters came to his town and started a killing spree on the witches, Alyxander had no choice but to flee. He ran away all the way to the town of Vilwec, positive that the witch hunters wouldn’t be able to find him there. He recently moved into town, and therefore has no idea that there are other witches near. When he’s not in school, he spends his free time practicing his magic, determined to be one of the strongest witches ever to exist.
3769 days 23 hours ago
Ash Quinn [played by Leolion365] - Ash is one who could be considered the class clown. He’s charming, but he’s also very cunning and rude. His parents recently died due to an unknown work accident, causing him to move into town with his grandfather. He has a raised ego due to his powers as a witch, and often thinks of himself as better than regular humans. As of now, he’s unaware that there are other witches in town, which makes him think that he’s the most special guy around. However, will his ego be deflated when he finds out there are other witches, ones who want him to join their ranks?
3769 days 23 hours ago
Alex Rocco [played by DeshonBANNEDISBACK] - At first glance, Alex seems like a sweet, cute, innocent girl. That’s wrong. After both of her parents died, she started becoming a rebel child, manipulating others into doing what she wanted and using her magic to do whatever she wanted. Because of this, she often aggravates the other members of her small coven, causing them to think that she is irresponsible with her powers. Alex never really takes anything seriously and loves to solve all of her problems with magic. However, once she realizes that her and the lives of everyone around her may be threatened, will she learn to get her act together?
3769 days 23 hours ago
Tobias Smith [played by Bigbrothermaniac] - Growing up wasn’t the most pleasant thing in Tobias’ life. He lived in a very religious household, forced to go to church four times a week. Once his parents found out that he was a witch, they kicked him out of the house and banned him from ever returning, convinced that he was worshipping Satan in order to receive these powers. Tobias was left all alone and had no one to rely on, and had to resort from house-hopping and receiving handouts from friends and strangers. He eventually took up the habit of stealing, often using his magic to assist him in his theft. Because of his hard life, Tobias toughened up and became a very distant person, trusting nobody but himself. He stumbled upon Vilwec on his house-hopping journey, but will the possibility of other witches living in town keep him from leaving?
3769 days 23 hours ago
3769 days 23 hours ago
Rebecca Woodley [played by Beccajo16] - Rebecca Woodley grew up being taught to think that witches were evil and needed to be exterminated. She’s an intelligent and beautiful girl, but don’t let her outside looks fool you. On the inside, Rebecca is clever, brave, and deadly. She’s the most trained hunter in her squad, due to her parents being some of the best witch hunters to live within the past 100 years. Despite being the only female on her witch hunting squad, she has proved herself worthy and has been deemed the leader of her squad, and honor that any witch hunter would love to have. She isn’t a demanding leader, since she believes that everyone she works with is great at what they do and knows that a dysfunctional squad will lead to no witches being killed. Her and her squad rolled into town a few years ago with news that a coven had formed. What will happen once she begins to suspect that coven is growing?
3769 days 23 hours ago
Blake Johnson [played by Kkoster001] - Blake, like Rebecca, was taught to hate witches ever since he was born. His parents were hunters and are close friends of Rebecca’s parents, so naturally, they all became involved in witch hunting together. Blake is courageous, loyal to his team, smart, and a hard-worker, often being referred to as the “brains” of his squad. However, Blake has grown up and matured, and with this, he has began to doubt his duties as a witch hunter. He never personally had a witch try and attack him first, and he doesn’t see the point in harming witches who aren’t doing harm to others. Even though he is doubting his job, he knows better than to tell the rest of his squad that he doesn’t think what they’re doing is necessarily right. Will he up and quit his job, or will he stick through and do something that he may not think is correct?

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