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Suitman's Big Brother 3 Confessionals

Topic » Suitman's Big Brother 3..

2475 days 10 hours ago
The confessionals from the third Suitman's Big Brother season from March/April 2017.
2475 days 9 hours ago
Austin confesh

Well since the game technically started, I technically have my first officially ally. Chris, or stoner, I call him Chris because that's his irl name so when I talk about Chris just know that's Stoner, stupid ass name. Anyway we started  talking today and he wanted a final 2 alliance, well he said time to be fake and then asked for a final 2, anyway. So that's pretty much it for right now. I talked to Stuart,Azri, and Christian.
I'm talking game right now with Chris(Stoner),
Stuart brought up an idea of an alliance with me and him and a few others, but it isn't official. Stoner and Brendon are talking.
Learned Dakota and Mel don't like each other.
Potential allaince of stuart,azri,christian,stoner,brendon, and me might form.
Honestly I'm mainly gonna focus on my social game and get in good with people and then cut them when i get the chance. I'm good at playing a social game as long as I have time too.
all over the place confessional
2475 days 9 hours ago
Brendon confesh

I am very excited to start the game! In BB, I feel it is of utmost importance to lay low and not get any blood on your hands throughout the first phase of the game!

I have talked to Jeremy and Stoner, and tbh, that is about it!

I am going to take this game one step at a time and hopefully can slide safe until jury.
2475 days 9 hours ago
Stuart confesh

So walking into this game looking at the houseguests I recognize alot of the like Gaiaphage and Icebeast so I know you never want to be that guy to try so hard so quickly but honestly im here to play hard and fast if it gets me out than it wasnt a good strategy. So I'm like lets make an alliance with Will, Gaiaphage, Christian, Rabbaj, Em000, and Myself. I think if were not like the Bomb Squad and blow up the first week and actually not flop and keep it a secret we could go far in this game and hopefully be the brigade and all 6 of us are at the final 6 but you never know if it does I'm gunna try to figure out my back-up plan and I think its getting close with Austin and he looks like a social maniac that could get me far in this game.
2475 days 9 hours ago
Will confesh

Just starting the game, I have already found myself in an alliance with Christian, Chris, Stuart, Eric, and Rabbaj. I trust most of them a lot already. Having just played with Christian, I need to talk to him and make sure we're good with each other.

There are some other players that I like and want to work with. I hope I win the first HoH so I can solidify those relationships and my own alliance. BUT I PROBS WON'T WIN. :(
2475 days 9 hours ago
Mel confesh

#premadecity. Nothing on this site ever changes, the same groups of friends always join games together, Tbh if I had seen the apps I probably wouldn't have bothered to apply.
2475 days 9 hours ago
Brendon confesh

So luckily one of the two people I have talked to in this game won HOH week one! How ironic that my two friends Jeremy and Stoner were the final 2 and I was the first one out. Also funny how the two that did not compete are the ones on the block! Which is very fitting. Overall, I think I should just lay low this week and when the vote comes around see what other people are doing. Next week I am going to try for HOH!
2475 days 9 hours ago
Stoner confesh

TBH perfect week. First HOH is luck so me winning doesn't make me a threat.

I nommed Maddie and Jacob by random. Ironically, NEITHER submitted LOL. So i nommed 2 inactives. Made no enemies, am not a threat. Things are alright.

I have a lot of alliances.. more on that later
2475 days 9 hours ago
Austin confesh

This games boring like OMG. The only alliance I technically have is with Chris who won HoH, besides that I haven't really been talking to people about strategy or alliances, I've been talking to them on a personal level more so then anything else, which developing a strong social game isn't bad, but I just feel left out, I wanted to form an alliance with Chris,Stuart, and Will potentially, but realizing I don't have a strong connection with Stuart like I thought. I like Chris and Will though. I like Dakota and Azri too, I like a lot of people, but I can't form alliances with them all, but IDK, I want a solid alliance of 4 strong, but nothings happening, I brought it up to people, but nothing.. ugh. I know there's other alliances already which I'm not apart of which sucks so fucken much not to be included. Stuart little alliance he has with Nick,Chris,Will, and whoever fucken else. I really don't know, I'm just gonna continue being social and nice to people and talk about personal life with people because that's obviously not hurting me at all, so why stop. Just irritated I'm not officially apart of any alliances besides the one with Chris and me. Maybe things will start kicking up a bit later, that's how it usually goes for me when I play Big Brother group games, early on I'm just floating, no allies being social, then mid to late is when I actually get involved and have allies and start winning because at this point I don't want to win any competitions unless I need too.
2475 days 9 hours ago
Dakota confesh

so I told Chris I'd work with him as long as that didn't mean working with Mel, who everybody seems to like. I know that if I want to get my way at any point, I need to convince some random to win hoh and nominate Mel, or win hoh myself and put her up against Chris. because the only way that annoying cuntasaur is leaving is if she's up against Chris.
2475 days 9 hours ago
Nick confesh

So I guess I should do one of these now

Right now, my game is simple. I wanna lay low (shocker right?). I've been talking quite a bit with Dak, Stoner, and Eric and I think I've got some good things going on with all of them, which is nice. Mel and I are friends, so she is also someone I can work with.

This week, I'm glad I didn't win HoH, as to me that woulda put a target on my back, and even though the first HoH of the season won the whole season both times so far, I still don't believe winning first HoH is EVER a good idea - especially in a completely non-live season because that complicates the game dramatically, which I will talk about later. It all worked out though cuz Stoner won, and he is a strong ally for me, so I was able to pretty easily avoid the block this week, so no first boot status for me yet!

As far as the eviction goes, I was gonna nom both James/Maddie anyways if I won because I don't know either of them, neither seems to be doing anything really socially, and it's easy for me to evict/nominate them (Jacob is included in this group but he's social at least sometimes, and clearly decent at comps since he just KILLED it in the PoV). I'm leaning more towards James at this point because Maddie appears to be literally doing NOTHING, which would be smart for me to keep around, again for easy nominating purposes when I do win HoH (I plan to win one eventually, maybe even this next one but idk cuz that comp sucks ass), and I know James has to be somewhat of a good player since he won Bingo vs. Suitman which was a big season, where as Maddie FLOPPED in Indonesia and will most likely flop here as well.

Anyways, that's about all I got going on game wise right now. Again, just working on laying low, but being active on skype so people don't think I'm inactive completely. Hoping that will help me out a lot in this game early on.

I'll do another confessional here in a second about my thoughts on the whole pandora wheel twist and the season being non-live completely.
2475 days 9 hours ago
Nick confesh

So, the Pandora's Wheel twist is fun....not. I personally think it's a nice concept and will cause some entertainment value to the season (humor if nothing else, see Gaia's spin). I doubt I'll ever spin the wheel if I win HoH unless the reward is really worth the risk of getting a horrible prize (which for a really good reward, will equal a really bad prize potentially as well, no doubt). But who knows. My mind might change later on, just skeptical right now because Chatzy and I don't have the greatest relationship i.e. Rejects vs. Royals.

The season being all non-live is really the reason I applied. If this was a live season, I'd be screwed because more Suit-vivor people woulda applied and most Suit-vivor people do not really like me. But non-live works tremendously for me because I can have an easier time competition wise, and the season overall will be much more lax.

The biggest effect I'm noticing already about being all non-live, is with the whole nominating/veto deciding at the same time as competing. It removes the ability for you to kinda kiss up to the HoH/Veto winners after they win because their choices are having to be made at the same moment of their win, meaning you really have to be nice to everyone in a way, and want to be on good terms with as many people as possible. I think that will definitely turn people into targets later for being to socially acceptable to a jury, but what's really going to be a turning point is it will probably allow for a Finale of all strong physical players, because if you can control the competitions this season, especially late game, you can just fucking CRUISE to the Final 2, which for me, is not a bad strategy because I'm good at challenges for the most part, and I could make an argument for a win depending on who I'm against in Final 2 and how the end game goes (praying I don't fuck it up again like RvR and Polynesia by overthinking literally everything yet not thinking through all scenarios at the same time, if I'm fortunate enough to get that far, which knowing me, I probably won't)
2475 days 9 hours ago
Brendon confesh

So James is the #1 target I want to go home, and he is on the block week 1, so now is the prime opportunity to take him out. Jeremy, Stoner, and myself are in the midst of setting up a strong alliance of 3 which I think could potentially work. Right now I just need to ride Stoner's coattails because he has connections with  a lot of these people and can definitely set me up in a good position in this game.
2475 days 9 hours ago
Brendon confesh

On a positive note, James is gone. On a negative note, Maddie is up again. Maddie needs to stay in this game because in here, if Maddie goes, I become the next Maddie. I am the outsider loser who doesn't really hang with these people when I don't have to, therefore I would become an easy nom. I could also be a replacement nominee so I beg that the veto is not used this week!
2475 days 9 hours ago
Dakota confesh

Mels trying to call it bullying. Im sorry I don't like you because you were an awful person to me???????? Im not gonna say anything more to her about it but're a grown woman...stop acting like the victim and stop acting like you have never spoken to me before. I'm painting a target on myself early so that when I stop being a force and I lay back people will forget about me until jury. Once jury hits I can start up again. If I make it that far anyway. I dont wanna get cocky about anything yet though.
2475 days 9 hours ago
Brendon confesh

So the veto is not used, thank god, because I very likely could have been the third option to put up.What is really annoying though is that now Maddie is a target to keep Mel and Dakota at war with each other? Though I think this could be good to keep the target on someone else, Maddie is my pawn shield in this game. Once Maddie is gone, I become the new #2 nominee each cycle :/. For this reason I need to somehow make sure Maddie stays in the game. I have to light a fire under her that we haven't seen yet. Also I need to chat with people to get into their good graces pre double eviction bc I could def find myself in the crosshairs tomorrow.

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