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S40 Ragnarok Confessionals

Topic » S40 Ragnarok Confessionals

2445 days ago
Alex confesh

God why can't I just get out James or Tim or Sagar. They're this tight trio that's just relying on idols and shit to win.

Sagar has been annoying. Talking about how our games just don't align and that's literally his fault. I'm not the one who turned on him, and he talks about his game being fluid. His game is as fluid as fucking slab of concrete. He's stuck with the same people for the last three rounds, going into a fourth round.

I'd like to think I can actually win against like, John and Nolan. But I need those exact people in the Finale and that'll be a tad hard to accomplish. And even then Nolan says he'll beat me since Kelly's tainting the Jury against me. Which they should be able to form their own opinions.

My game's been overall solid. Like, despite being in the minority for a lot of the vote? I'm starting to come out as this king pin for the struggling alliance I guess? Though I can see why people don't like me. I'm a bit abrasive when it comes to trust and loyalty. I don't like it being broken, especially for stupid reasons imo.
2445 days ago
Tim confesh

Basically it's 4 vs 4. Christian & Alex will tie, the rest will pull rocks. John/Nolan/Alex/Rhys vs Me/Chris/Sagar/James.

lol @ those idiots thinking Me/Sagar/james will vote out Christian. JABYE. I'm not scared of rocks. I've gone home in 8th due to rocks before and I was just fine. I'd much rather go home this way than to get voted out by a bunch of scrubs in the near future. A John/Nolan/Alex final 3 would be the worst way for this series to finish so I hope they don't make it.

It is what it is. It got fun towards the end and i'm happy I had the best alliance ever. If I go I hope James/Sagar can go on an immunity run to the end because they're more capable of that than Me or Chrissy.
2445 days ago
John confesh

From the start of this game, I have done my best to appease the majority. I've played a heavy hand in deciding which targets should go when involved. Unfortunately, a lot of the allies I wanted to work with went before the merge so I made it my mission to see to it that they were avenged. You'd expect in a season like this that a lot of people would be willing to make moves but it turns out this isn't Conqueror's Crusade, it's Pussy Crusade. I was ok with appeasing the majority to watch Nick and Trey go but when it came time to make a move, Patrick and Jeremy were nervous about how the other side would feel about it. And look where that got them. Now I'm in an interesting boat because the two allies I wanted to go the distance with just got picked off. I think I have done well enough socially that I seem to be out of a lot of people's crosshairs despite being a pretty heavy-handed decision maker. Tonight, I need James/Sagar/Tim to go DESPERATELY. Whichever side comes out of tonight, will make it to the end. That's just how it's gonna go.
2445 days ago
Christian confesh

Okay, so like I don't want to rant for too long because I feel a little tired, but basically after having a great plan to take out Patrick because he was TARGETING ME for some reason, I then decided to fuck everything up, and accidentally spilled the James vote to Sagar, which caused JB to go home, and honestly I see what Wyatt means now because I am a trashy ally. Like I try to do so much good, but by doing that good, I just end up being bad and exploding my allies games so like...ugh fuck me.

Anyways, this vote is very INTERESTING because basically, Alex is upset that I threw his name out there (like if you don't want me to target you then actually speak more than two sentences to me...) and he basically threw a fit and tried playing the victim card, which everyone in the entire game agrees is the only thing he ever does. Like this is legit a season of blackjack, and he keeps on playing the same old "woe is me" card, like get the fuck over it already. But yeah, he basically was like "how dare you target me!!" and then when I brought up how HE was targeting me, he started going on this whole rant about how my side agreed to get me out, which is the stupidest thing I've ever heard of. Than he basically went on a whole speech about how I expect him to "grovel for my vote" which isn't even the case, I just don't want to be treated like shit to the alliance I'm supposedly flipping to, because what does that say about my chances?

So honestly, based on Alex's behavior, and a comment Nolan made about me "sheeping people who'd beat me" (the irony), I've decided I'm sticking with the RSF crew. They may be the bigger threats, but at least they seemingly respect me, and I mean it'd just be flipping to the bottom of another alliance anyway, and if I'm going to be a bottom bitch, I'd like to at least to like the people pumping me.

After thinking about it, I've decided that tonight is officially #ChristianPowerMoveParty
It could go very very wrong, but honestly, I'm not likely to win this anyway since the only people I could likely beat in a jury vote are the people I'd rather choke on razor blades covered in nail polish than be with so....let's make some fucking chaos reign eh? I already got my Shawn win, I don't need another one, and I don't want the winner of this season to be someone that has made it clear they don't respect me so... :) :) :)

Let's do this shit Shawny
2445 days ago
Tim confesh

Well this is it, final 7.

Pretty much everyone is fighting for Christian's vote.

James & I had to make a fake f3 deal w/ him in hopes that he sticks w/ our side.

I get that it's tempting to take Nolan & John who didn't do shit all season to the end but imo John will easily snatch up jury votes from his whole alliance because he chose to stay loyal to them unlike Christian. Against James & I he has a fair shot becaouse our votes will split, on top of that we aren't jury favorites either. Nick, Trey, & Kelly were mad @ me as they exited. It's well known that I flopped all game and didn't do much until the Patrick vote. James isn't really favored either.

Honestly i'm probably going to the end w/ James/Sagar if I have the chance and pulling a Last Leap because i'm #loyal. On top of that I just came out of winning the best season ever, so i'm not DESPERATE to get cutthroat @ f4 again.. but who knows? I'm 98% sure Sagar is winning against James & I. He played a PHENOMENAL game. He played both sides from DAY 1 AND COMPLETELY avoided getting the blame and still has 0 votes against him. He deserves to win this, he played so much better than he did in Last Leap. HE saved my alliance so many times and I respect him so much as a friend that i'd be more than happy to see him take home the W.

I don't think I stand a chance in hell w/ this jury so I don't really care either way. We'll see what happens, either James or our target is going lmao. Rhys is my new Evan and we're protecting each other from being targeted so if I lose majority  I guess i'm getting 5th! Unless Sagar wins immunity. Then RIP me unless we get Chrstian to flip again which is likely because I can tell he's thinking really hard about who he wants to go to the end with and I don't see why he'd vote me out over Rhys who has on his fuckin profile that people forget he's in the game and then next thing they know he wins. He should've been out SO long ago but we always keep saving him for some reason. But also he's not great @ comps so it's easy to get him @ any time but we'll see.

GL me is all I can say. It was a wild ride. I honestly hated the fuck out of this season until mid merge where people finally gave me a chance to make moves. There were so many RATS this season. Sagar & James leaked EVERYTHING to me. That's why I completely stopped talking to people like John because you say 1 thing to them and then they'd run to Pat. It was so stupid.

But regardless i'm so proud of myself. If I make it to finale night I would've made it to finale night 3 times in a row. If I make finals, i'll be one of the first (if not the first?) to make FTC 3 times in a row. I would have played 55 days IN A ROW WITHOUT EVER BEING VOTED OUT. FIFTY FIVE SUITMAN SURVIVOR DAYS OF NOT BEING VOTED OUT. If i'm not voted out tonight & if I made FTC I would've survived 44 tribal councils over the course of the past 3 seasons of not being voted out WITHOUT GETTING VOTED OUT MYSELF. 44 FUCKIN TRIBAL COUNCILS WHERE I WAS ONLY IMMUNE IN 3 OF THEM (assuming I don't win immunities in the finale).

I have quite the stats. I know my game wasn't the best this season. I flopped like hell premerge. I was the outcast on DAY 1. But i'm still here, and i've road the power position for a little now. I worked my way up the social ladder and nobody cannot doubt me overall as a player.

I AM A SUITMAN LEGEND!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i'm so grateful to have been picked to participate in such a WONDERFUL group game series. There will never be another Survivor game like this series. This is truly the real deal, and i'm so happy to have participated.
2445 days ago
Christian confesh


Honestly what a good fucking week. People may be wondering what the fuck I'm doing, but like usual, people think I act erratic when most of my actions are actually founded in logic! I had an idol that to be quite honest, I doubt I'll ever need for myself, at least in the near future. And in a game where 1/8 people are targeting me, why on earth would I not take that shot at the one person if I have the chance? Voting out James would be stupid since it'd just piss off Sagar/Tim, and this move puts me exactly where I wanted to be. The middle. And I ride the middle like a horse, and I think as long as I can play this right, I can lock myself up for Final 3. Winning is a whole nother story, seeing as Alex went on a whole rant about how I was stupid or whatever, but like he had SUCH an easy job, and he somehow managed to fuck that up, so he can enjoy 8th =]

Not really sure what I'm going to do to be perfectly honest. The logical thing is to take out James as an immunity threat, but the counterpoint is that Sagar IS really good at this game, and it may be best for me personally if he went out in 7th instead. I'll just have to convince them that James isn't as beastly as we think he is, but honestly, they should be listening to me since I believe I hold the power, and if they somehow manage to flip this around on me, well 7 is my favorite number anyway :D

I'm not quite sure how I feel about my game this season. I went from apathetic sheep to explosive flipper, and honestly it's pretty fun and a whole lot less stressful than Canary Islands was LOL because instead of being a bottom bitch, i'm the top of the cherry pie! I'm that slice that looks oh so good and everyone wants, but can only have some of the time, and idk I really like it! I have made tons of mistakes tho (looks at JB) but honestly, I'm proud of the game I've played this season and even if I don't win, I think this is a good finish for my hiatus from Survivor games

Finale being tomorrow is so weird, considering it feels like merge just started yesterday. I'm ready for whatever happens, seeing as last time it was win or go home, it's slightly odd going into a final with actual options. No more throwing challenges though, I gotta compete, and if I want to be the best of the best, I'ma have to beat the best of the best, and that's exactly what I plan on doing >:)
2445 days ago
Tim confesh

HOLY HELL let me explain what went on in the F7 vote.

Christian was the deciding vote all round. In the last THREE MINUTES he tells me/James that he decided to vote out James because he's scared we will take Sagar to the end.

So me and James turn up our gears and JUMP CHRISTIAN. We slam him w/ all the info we can to get him to flip back and PROMISE him we are taking him to the end. I scream "VOTE NOLAN QUICK!" and he decides to flip his vote in the LAST SECOND to save James. James was supposed to survivor 4-3 but SAGAR DIDN'T VOTE.

So we think Sagar was trying to get James out and try to pretend it was an accident so during the revote James & I were so paranoid. Christian was solidified on our side but it wasn't enough. We needed 3 votes to secure his safety. So I used my connection w/ Rhys and convinced him to flip and vote out Nolan because if he does we will vote out John before him on finale night and at first wasn't sure but with enough push he budged & flipped and voted out Nolan.

I expected Sagar to flip on us but be surprised that James still stayed not realizing Rhys flipped too. But turns out Sagar was saving James all this time <333.

LMAO we took all the stops we could to make sure he stayed. I'm proud of myself. I'm proud of James. We DID THAT. The most DYNAMIC DUO OF ALL TIME.

2445 days ago
Tim confesh

Basically i'm guaranteed final 4.

Sagar thinks me/him/james are f3.
Christian thinks me/him/ james are f3.
Rhys is targeting Sagar next and I have the best connection w/ him out of everyone besides John.

John is the true wild card.

I truly don't know what to do besides the fact that James is my #1 and my entire goal @ the start of this was to go to the end w/ him. I HATE having to decide between Chris/Sagar. Sagar really saved our games from premerge to late merge w/ his social connections. He was very shady @ times but proved time and time again he was LOYAL and I have no legit reason to vote him off besides being a threat to win obv.

Christian on the other hand didn't join us until late game but I love him so much and I'd hate to see him be the laughing stalk in jury after aligning w/ the obvious f3 and getting 4th after we PROMISED him we weren't giving him 4th. It would really hurt my heart to see that happen. I'm hoping 1 of them gets taken out w/o me & James deciding to do it.

Either James wins F6 immunity & we tell John we're voting him out and Rhys/John idol John and they send home Sagar/Christian.

Then after that we skip to the finish line LMAO.

It's risky but I know i'm not getting 6th or 5th. At worst i'm getting 4th if someone flips on me in F4 and I wouldn't be shocked if Sagar did so but who knows.

Yeah GL me.
2445 days ago
Rhys confesh

dear adam,

this journey was meant to be ours, but circumstance made it not so. my journey is likely to come to an end tonight, and if it does i'm sorry for that. i did my darndest to honour your name, and i've found strength and courage every step of the way through the memory of you. you taught me in this game a lesson that i had forgotten along my journey in japan, CC1 and worlds collide... you taught me about love. you taught me about honour. you taught me about respect and trust. i've been kicked down to my knees. my every ally, yourself included, has been snatched away from me in the night, and still i've done my best to stay true and to stay tempered. whatever happens adam, this game was the story of us. it was the story of what two friends could achieve. who killed adam bongo? we may never know. but what saved rhys? it was you. it was you all along.

i love you,

i miss you,

i will see you soon

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