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[Week 3] - Panel & Eliminations!

Topic » [Week 3] - Panel &..

1433 days 10 hours ago
Welcome Models to the second Panel & Eliminations!

Tonight 12 will become 11 as one of you will be eliminated from this Competition.

This Week you were given Makeovers at the Challenge and had to Battle each other for the Photoshoot!

Please Welcome to the Panel, KayLee & Turkey!

As the Challenge Winner Grace will have TWO points added to her total score at the end of Panel!

So without any further or do let's get the Battle's underway!
1433 days 10 hours ago
:::::::::: PANEL ::::::::::

::::: BATTLE 1 :::::

Manu as Aries!

Ray - WELCOME BACK MANU!!!!! This is what I expect from you EVERY SINGLE WEEK! Taking risks! Making moves and it paying off! I love the whole pose and I really get the Aries/Ram vibes with the color choices and weird pose. Your face looks absolutely stunning and you have kept it on the focus even with the difficulty of being on top of that hill. Well done Manu!

KayLee - This is a great photo but i personally don’t feel as if it goes along with Aries well. I personally know a lot of Aries & all of them are very bold, blunt, in your face, over the top type of personalities. Aries is a fire sign & i’m really not getting any FIRE from this photo. It’s a risky photo, yes, but it’s not one of my favorites tonight. I like the posing & the thought though, so it’s still a good photo overall.

Turkey - I’m seeing improvement from you week after week so far, so keep that up! I do like this photo! I think the face is strong. But the pose could be a little stronger. I see your take on an Aries. I think you nailed the theme this week. My only complaint is that you kind of blend into the mountain a little bit.


Lupita as Libra!

Ray - Your body looks really strong and FINALLY a shot we can see more than just your face. However, I think you went too literal with your pose and to be honest your face is not as strong as it has been in past weeks where your face was the main focus. I like the dress and the whole idea of the shot but the actual excecution for me is not too strong.

KayLee - My sister’s a libra, so I know this one well too. This is a really nice photo. I’m really impressed, I like how you’re using your body & posing as a symbol of balance. The facial expression is also really quite nice. Not to mention, you’re killing it! You’re balancing on a surfboard with ease. Great job, Lupita!

Turkey - I think this pose is amazing. Like, so amazing. It’s like a yoga pose and yoga kind of brings that peacefulness and harmony. And you’re literally balancing. I love it. But, then I look at your facial expression and it ruins the photo. You look like you’re focusing on not falling over. It needs to be softer. You have some of the most stunning features in this competition. Use them to your advantage.


::::: BATTLE 2 :::::

Mew as Taurus!

Ray - I do get the whole laid back and stubborn look from you but that's just about it Mew. You have been coasting these past Two Weeks and I was expecting you to take more of a risk. I am getting bored and I am still waiting to see something out of the box from you. I dont have much else to say.

KayLee - This is REALLY an improvement of performance from you, Mew. Taurus’s are very confident people, usually “about their money” and like you said, stubborn. I’m getting “successful entrepreneur” vibes from this shot, I really like this one. Keep up the good work!

Turkey - Mew, I don’t really like this photo. It’s too relaxed and you lose the model. It also looks like you have tension in your mouth which makes your facial expression awkward. It even aged you a little bit. I also don’t see your connection to your sign. I don’t see the stubbornness or the “I do whatever I want to” look. And that’s unfortunate because you have so much potential. I’m just not sure if you’re living up to it. If you’re here next week, start living up to it.


Soo Joo as Scorpio!

Ray - You seem to do better in the Photoshoot's than the Challenges. This Photo is SPOT ON! I do feel the Scorpion vibes ready to pounce on its prey and take them home for Dinner! I do wish you would have been looking straight to camera to capture us a little more but as an overall shot I think it fits perfectly with the Sign you were given.

KayLee - I’m quite familiar with Scorpios & I think this photo pretty much hits the nail on the head. It’s got a sense of “angriness” about it, but it still manages to be model-esque. I really don’t have anything negative to say except, I think the eyes look just a little too aggressive. If it was a tad bit softer, I think i’d like it a bit more. Nonetheless, great job.

Turkey - This has a soap drama feel to it but it’s still model esque and I love it. I can see the passion and power. You look like you're overhearing some dramatic conversation. I also can see the intuitive and clairvoyant in it. I just really like this photo. But I do wish your face angled to the camera a little more. But good job this week!

1433 days 10 hours ago
::::: BATTLE 3 :::::

Sasha as Gemini!

Ray - I like the whole theme that you have gone for by using yourself twice as different Characters. My problem is that I haven't got much more to say about this. Is it a good shot? Yes. Does it excite me? No, not really and that is what worries. You've done good but you haven't surprised me if that makes sense.

KayLee - This photo hits the nail on the head, again. It matches the theme quite nicely & I like the direction you went with this photo with the evil twin vs the good twin, very creative. I’m impressed. Nice job, Sasha. This is a step up from your challenge photo for sure. The only thing is, the photo quality is just a tad bit bad, but that’s me being nitpicky.

Turkey - I like your take on your zodiac sign. And I can see Gemini in this. I love the bad twin in this photo. I think it’s fierce. And it kind of has this wild energy to it. But it completely steals the spotlight. Your good twin looks kind of scared and shocked. And stiff. I think this photo should’ve been more dramatic and over the top. And once again, the quality of the photo seems a little low.


Taylor as Sagittarius!

Ray - You really went for it with the description didn't you? HAHA! I do get what you are trying to portray and I really like the fact you focused on the little details like the Birthstone and the Archer. You took a risk with this shot but I enjoyed it and you did not play it safe. Well done Taylor!

KayLee - Taylor… wow, this is just… wow. A breathtaking photo in my honest opinion. It’s a beautiful shot. I like the flowy-ness of your outfit. It was smart of you to do something similar to Lupita & instead of using a prop, you used your body as the “archer” instead of something else. Very intuitive and I'm really impressed. This is another one of the best ones for me this week. Nice job.

Turke - Finally you modeled with your body. I think this pose is fabulous. And I love the movement. I can see the connection to the Sagittarius. My only problem with this photo is your facial expression. You look like you’re uncomfortable. But, like I said, I love the pose.


::::: BATTLE 4 :::::

Grace as Cancer!

Ray - You went for it and for me it payed off! Yes it is weird but your hands resemble the Pinsers as you said, your clothes and helmet resemble the Crab shell and it is out of the box! This is what taking a risk looks like and not relying on the safe option to pass by the Weeks! Well done Grace! Super impressed!

KayLee - You definitely are shaping up to be a front running, Ms. Grace. This photo is everything I wanted it to be! It’s sleek, it’s edgy, it’s high fashion. It’s really really wonderful. You’re definitely giving off “Cancer, the crab” vibes with this one. I really can’t pinpoint a single negative thing to say about it. This really is one of my favorites out of the bunch this week.

Turkey - I think this photo is so good. I love the crab-like pose. I can definitely see the artistic and imaginative traits in this photo. But I just don’t see sensitiveness and moodiness. I just don’t see why you needed to mention them. But, I still like this photo! I do think you’re one of the strongest models here so keep it up.


Megan as Capricorn!

Ray - I get what you wanted to go for and use something subtle to represent Capricorns characteristics but this is Week 3 now Megan! You should know by now that Safe is not something I take lightly and this is a VERY SAFE shot. Yes you look beautiful but I am sure that there are going to be better Photos tonight and that worries me.

KayLee - I’m really at odds with shot. On one hand, I really think this is an overall great photo… but on the other hand, I think otherwise. It does match the theme to a certain degree, but I just think the photo quite honestly makes you look much older than your age, which makes the photo unflattering. It’s not a horrible photo, I just don’t love it as much as I wanted to.

Turkey - I’m a capricorn and they definitely outsell the other zodiac signs! Megan, I want to like this picture but it’s just so meh. I feel like going for a subtle photo worked against you. It allowed you to be outshined. Which is what I told you last week. I’m not seeing a love for your job. Maybe if you were in a suit of some sort. And this photo needed a cocky vibe to really show off that confidence. This photo is just not at the level it needed to be. Please start wowing if you’re here next week.

1433 days 10 hours ago
::::: BATTLE 5 :::::

Garrett as Leo!

Ray - This is my sign so I was expecting nothing but the best for this! I like the idea you have gone for my interpreting the Lion through the colors of your outfit and the surrounding areas. I do wish you would have done something else with your body but your Facial Expression is FIERCEE!! You look determined and strong, two qualities I think I can relate with as a Leo.

KayLee - This is a great shot. I’m not getting as MUCH Leo in this as i’d like, but I do see Leo in it, which meets the requirements. It’s an overall good shot. It was smart to instead of having a Lion in the photo, you posed outside in an African like background. I definitely get passionate vibes from this shot with your eyes. You do have amazing, stunning eyes. Nice job.

Turkey - This photo reminds me of a lion in a field and I like it. I just wish you showed a little cheerfulness with your facial expression because you look a little confused. And it would’ve helped show off some of the traits of a Leo. I also wish you did a little more with your body because you’re just kind of just standing there.


Natalia as Aquarius!

Ray - I think you have ABSOLUTELY KILLED IT!! I love every inch of this Photo! You body looks FANTASTIC, your pose is perfect for what you are trying to portray and I think this emobies Aquarius to a TEE! I see this as a Cover of a Magazine! AMAZING! You have stepped it up Natalia, Well done!

KayLee - Now, Ms. Natalia… you like Grace and Mia are what some would say the “Front Runners” of this competition. This photo is OUT of this world. It’s very cosmic and futuristic. I’m an Aquarius, myself! I definitely see the shy & meek vibes in the photo that you were going for as well as I see a modern day water bearer in the form of you. Good job.

Turkey - Natalia, I love this photo. I think it’s so elegant. You did an incredible job connecting to your sign to this photo. You look like a water nymph of some sort. I’m so impressed. This is my favorite photo of the week. I have no complaints. Keep it up!


::::: BATTLE 6 :::::

Mia as Virgo!

Ray - I was confused at first with all the fabric but then I saw your hands. I do think your facial expression is ON POINT and Fierce but that's just about it for me. I do feel like I am missing that UMPH to take this to the next level but it is much stronger than what I have seen tonight!

KayLee - This is perfect. It’s amazing. When I think of Virgo, I immediately think of a virgin or the word “pure”. Virgo also is known for it being “The Maiden” & i definitely feel like this photo matches all the right things. My only negative thing to say is that the way you’re posing & the angle of it make you look almost pregnant in a way, which was weird to me.

Turkey - This photo is a little bit on the simpler side and I wouldn't really expect that from you. I like this photo though. I can see you calculating and observing in this photo. And the symbol of a Virgo. But I’m just not a  fan of the hands placed like that on your chest. It looks like you’re in a coffin to me. And I find it a little distracting.


Chad as Pisces!

Ray - I am confused because you have used two shots so I dont know which I should be Judging but both are equally as Safe as the other. I dont see a Model I see exactly what you have described an Actor taking a picture while on set. To be honest this is not at the level of this Competition and I am saddened.

KayLee - I’m pretty well knowledgeable with this sign, my mother is one. This photo is kind of… eh, I honestly am trying to like it, but i just can’t. It’s just very boring and plain to me. Pieces are known to be very sensitive, shy, emotional, etc. I don’t get none of that from this honestly. It’s a very safe & lackluster photo & at this point you should know safe won’t get you far, Chad

Turkey - I think you missed the mark this week. You focused on a character rather than the traits. I have no idea who Lucas Scott is and I’m not seeing the description of him in the photos. I do kind of see the moodiness but I don’t see the friendliness or the likableness. And this is two photos and neither of them nailed it. Speaking of your photos, They’re just okay. I think they’re stronger than your photo last week though. You seem to be showing slight improvement but that’s not enough to win. If you’re here next week, step it up.

1433 days 10 hours ago
Some AMAZING Photos tonight Model's I am very impressed!

Please step Backstage while we add your scores and determine who will be going home.
1433 days 10 hours ago
:::::::::: ELIMINATIONS ::::::::::

Welcome back Models....

12 of you stand in front of me BUT I only have 11 Photos in my hands...

These Photos represent the 11 of you that are still in the running towards becoming Tengaged's Next Top Model.

Eliminations will be different tonight, we will go Battle by Battle and I will announce the Winner of each Battle.

Winners please step to the side of the stage, Losers please step to the back of the stage.
1433 days 10 hours ago
::::: BATTLE 1 :::::

Manu VS Lupita, please step forward.....

The Winner of this Battle is....
Manu! Well done! Please step to the side!

Lupita, please step back!
1433 days 10 hours ago
::::: BATTLE 2 :::::

Mew VS Soo Joo, please come forward....

The Winner of this second Battle is....
Soo Joo! Congrats! Please join Manu.

Mew, please step back!
1433 days 10 hours ago
*Manu thanks the judges and collects his pic*

*He gives Lupita a reassuring squeeze on her shoulder*
1433 days 10 hours ago
::::: BATTLE 3 ::::::

Taylor VS Sasha, please step forward...

The Winner of this Battle is....
Taylor! Good job! Please step to the side!

Sasha, please step back!
1433 days 10 hours ago
*Taylor walks up to get her photo*

Taylor: Thank you so much <33

Gl Sasha <33
1433 days 10 hours ago
::::: BATTLE 4 :::::

Grace VS Megan, please come on down....

The Winner of this Battle is....
Grace! Well done! Please step to the side!

Megan, please step back!
1433 days 10 hours ago
*Taylor claps for Grace*

Taylor: Great Job!!! <33
1433 days 10 hours ago
Gl Megan <3
1433 days 10 hours ago
::::: BATTLE 5 :::::

Garrett VS Natalia, please step down.....

The Winner of the Battle is....
Natalia! Congrats! Please step to the side of the stage!

Garrett, please step back!
1433 days 10 hours ago
Congrats to everyone else who made it as well <3

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Tengaged's Next Top Model Cycle 11!

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