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[Week 5] - Panel & Eliminations!

Topic » [Week 5] - Panel &..

1422 days 3 hours ago
Welcome Models to Panel & Eliminations!

Tonight 9 will become 8 as another one of you will be eliminated from this Competition.

This Week you had to work with Brands at the Challenge and took to the Streets at the Photoshoot!

Please Welcome to the Panel, KayLee & Turkey!

As the Challenge Winners Manu and Sasha had the Advantage to post TWO Photos. HOWEVER....Sasha failed to post within the 24 hour mark therefore THREE points will be removed from your Total score as a Penalty.

With that being said let's begin Panel!
1422 days 3 hours ago
:::::::::: PANEL ::::::::::

First up to get their Critique is Lupita!

Ray - I think this is a BEAUTIFUL photo of you and not only do you look stunning but your pose seems natural and your legs are really elongated making you look much taller. However, this is not the Street Wear I was looking for as this is more elegant rather than Street but the shot as a whole works so I have to give you that!

KayLee - This is a nice photo. That’s all I can really say about it. At this point in the game, I feel as if you could’ve performed better. I feel like you’re very over posed in my opinion. It just looks really stiff & unnatural to me. Your skin is GORGEOUS and so radiant. But, I don’t know… I really tried to love this photo & I couldn’t. It’s a solid shot, just not one I really loved this week.

Turkey - I actually really like this photo. It has a very girly gorgeous cute vibe and I love it. You’re modeling the shoes really well which is great from a campaign aspect. Your facial expression is almost there for me. It seems a little off. I do wish it was a little more happy and/or soft to really match the vibe. But good job this week.


Next is Taylor!

Ray - This outfit is perfect and it is exactly what I was expecting from you guys this week! However, I do think that this shot is a little boring. You are just sitting there on top of the car and not really doing much. I am underwhelmed to be honest and I was expecting much more from you Taylor.

KayLee - Taylor, this was quite the opposite for me from Lupita. I feel like this photo is a bit under posed. It’s a nice photo, but it almost looks too relaxed & not like a model should be. I’m being a bit tough on you guys this week because it’s top 9 & I’m expecting more out of you all. I do like your background & the idea to be on a car, it was one of the more different surroundings this week, but I think your facial expression is a bit dull & lifeless. I do see the sort of innocence in the shot, which I can appreciate. I wish there was something more there. You’ve got to tighten the reins a bit, Taylor the competition is getting slim.

Turkey - I really like your pose. Especially the broken down leg and the pointed foot. It’s so good. My only issue with this photo is your facial expression. Like with Lupita, it’s almost there for me. I think if your eyes were looking into the camera, the photo would be a serve.


It's your turn Megan!

Ray - Did you not read the Critique I gave you at the Challenge? I don't think so because you have not listened AT ALL! Again this looks like a Photo taken by the Paparazzi and this is not a Model shot. Yes you look happy and you look pretty but that DOES NOT make a Model Megan.

KayLee - I’m really really not impressed with this Megan. This was a very lack luster shot. It looks as if someone snapped this of you, like a paparazzi shot. You submitted a similar shot for your challenge this week as well. At a point like this in the game, you need to be giving your all & giving us all your best shots. I know you can do better as we’ve seen in the previous weeks, but it seems like this week you sort of gave up? I expect to see more out of you if you get another week here, Megan.

Turkey - Last week, you showed a lot of improvement for me, but this photo is a step back for me. The angle of the photo is not flattering for your body at all. It just doesn’t feel modelly to me. I know you do better. So, if you’re here next week, step it up.

1422 days 3 hours ago
Garrett it is you next!

Ray - You took a risk and shot on the Streets at the most busiest hour and for that I have to give it to you. My problem is that we are seeing the same thing from you Week after Week. Apart from the Photo you look walking up steps it is always the same face, same pose and same simple Modeling. Not wowed at all!

KayLee - This is a overall nice photo, a bit stiff, but nice. I like the boldness of it & it’s very daring in my opinion. It looks like the better version of what Megan’s photo tried to do. Like a “caught in the act” photo, but more high fashion/high quality. I do feel like you could’ve used a better shot as I feel like this one is a bit boring & dull compared to some of the others, but good job.

Turkey - This photo isn’t bad, it’s just not wowing. I do really like the bright yellow against your dark clothes because that makes you really pop. But this photo is just safe for me. I really want you to start wowing because I do think you can get to the end.


Next up is one of the Challenge Winners, Manu!

::::: PHOTO 1 ::::::

Ray - Your facial features are good, from your eyebrows to your lips and bone structure but I can see too much of the White part of your eyes so I would have centered them a little more. I appreciate that the Background is blurred as it makes you stand out but it is a pretty simple shot even though you look great!

KayLee - You were one of the lucky challenge winners & was able to submit two posts. Now, I have to say I thought you’d use this more to your advantage & to be honest, I don’t feel like you did it as much justice as you could’ve. I do personally prefer your first shot as it’s the one that appeals more “model” to me. I like your facial expression to a certain degree, although you look rather highly annoyed & peeved off.

Turkey - The photo looks like a sunglasses advertisement and I like that. It reminds me of the carnival episode of Euphoria with the colors and the attitude you’re giving off. I think this is your best photo you’ve submitted thus far. Keep it up.

::::: PHOTO 2 :::::

Ray - I personally think this Photo is better than the first. Although I would have brought your chin down and this would have made this an even better shot. Your body is positioned perfectly and I really love the Background. The outfit is Street Wear to a tee and better than what I have seen tonight! Well done!

KayLee - The second one looks like an Instagram shot & I’m just not impressed with it. You’ve continued to throw me for a loop this entire competition. One week you’re submitting wonderful & jaw dropping shots and then the next, it’s like you play it safe. I want you to give it to us every week. You’re one of the models I’m rooting for. Nonetheless, good job Manu.

Turkey - I don’t think this photo is as good as your first photo. This is just kind of meh. This feels too Instagram. I mean, the Eiffel tower is outshining you. However, I do think this photo would work as a photo for a shoe advertisement.


Next is Mia!

Ray - I love the Jacket and I appreciate that you at least have an expression even though it is Angry. I am however underwhelmed by this shot Mia, I was also expecting something much bigger and better from you. This is very safe and you should know by now that this is not something that will make you a TOP Model.

KayLee - You really absolutely cannot submit a terrible shot. All of your shots to me have been super high fashion & just completely different & you stand out from the rest. You’re quirky & very high fashion. This shot is no exception! It’s a very relaxed vibe, but you somehow made it high fashion. At first, I was taken aback at the fact your eyebrows are shaved off, but… that adds to your quirkiness. I’m really impressed Mia. I like it, I don’t have anything negative to say.

Turkey - I love your styling in the photo. It kind of gives me a 70’s vibe which makes you stand out from the others. I just wish you were doing more in the photo. You usually bring a creepy vibe to your photo and I think you would have benefited from that here. This photo is just a little bland.

1422 days 3 hours ago
Please come down Grace!

Ray - Yes this is the perfect Street Wear outfit and I think you hit the nail on the head with that....BUT AGAIN, another Blank Expression. A Model just standing there and looking at the Camera with no life behind the look. The Man behind you is also a bit distracting and I know for a fact you can do so much better!

KayLee - This is a DIVINE shot. It’s one of my favorites of the week. It gives off a very 90’s vibe & I love the 90’s, although I was only born for the last 3 years of it. Everything from your outfit to your hair is just giving me old school, 90’s teen movie/teen TV show vibes. I’m seeing teen angst in this photo & I can really appreciate it. I really really enjoyed this shot, Grace. Nice work!

Turkey - Like, Garrett and Mia, this photo isn’t bad. But it’s not wowing. Your past photos have been so strong and interesting, but this is bland compared to that. I just wish you were doing something other than standing there. I mean, the guy running behind you seems a little more interesting in this photo.


Next up is Natalia!

Ray - I love the whole concept on the Photo and the Street Wear you have gone for but really you posed on top of a Building and not so much in the Street as the rest of the Model's have done before you. Therefore for that I can not score you as high as I would have wanted. Fair is fair and you need to be careful with what you do. However this is a SMASHING shot and I would not be surprised if this is the Best Shot of the Week.

KayLee - You’re definitely one of our models who LOVES to give us high fashion & I can’t fault you for that. High fashion sells. I love this shot. I don’t know what else to say, but I LOVE THIS SHOT. It’s very glamorous, very cover of a magazine. I like the styling choice of your outfit. The only thing I really don’t like is your shoes, it looks like socks, but that’s nitpicking. I love your posing, facial expression all of it. Great, great job Natalia. You’re proving to be a contender in this competition & the others need to watch out. You’re like a silent ninja ready to swoop in & take the W from everyone. Great job.

Turkey - Oh, this is a great photo. I really love the pose. This photo is just so fierce. It’s relaxed but modelly at the same time. I do wish you extended your neck a little more but that’s a really minor detail. Great job this week!


Last but not least is the other Challenge Winner Sasha!

::::: PHOTO 1 ::::::

Ray - This is something very stripped down from what we normally see from you and that shows variety. Do I love this shot? To be honest no. Yes I love your smile and your positive look but I think the outfit is eating you up and this does not scream Model to me but maybe a Business Shot for a Fashion Company.

KayLee - The first shot, I’m not really liking or connecting with it. It just seems like an average photo. Not a photo a model would submit.

Turkey - I’m not a huge fan of this photo. I do like the out of drag element to the photo. But nothing else about this photo works for me. The outfit is wearing you. This lacks the professional quality that all of your past photos have had. Also, the quality seems a little off.

::::: PHOTO 2 :::::

Ray - This is better than your first shot but you went from a Casual shot to a High Fashion shot and really I was looking for something in between. I also think other Model's went more for the Street rather than on some Steps but your Advantage came in handy this week because I was not too impressed with the first shot.

KayLee - The second shot however, I really really do enjoy! It’s very high fashion & unique. I do wish you were a bit closer to the camera or the quality of the shot was better so I could see your face more, but you look beautiful from a distance & I like it. Nice job

Turkey - I do really like the dramatic pose. But that’s kind of it. This photo also lacks the professional quality your other photos have. There’s also too much sky in the photo. It makes you look small. And the quality is a little poor. You can do better.

1422 days 3 hours ago
Okay Model's, we have seen what all of you can do in the Streets and now its time for you to step backstage.

The Judges will deliberate and add up your total scores.

Thank you!
1422 days 3 hours ago
:::::::::: ELIMINATIONS ::::::::::

Welcome back Model's!

Deliberations were quite quick tonight.

To be honest as a whole we were not too Impressed with the Photos this Week. We think you all can do so much better!

I have 9 Model's standing in front of me BUT I only have 8 Photo's in my hands...

These Photo's represent the Model's that are still in the running towards becoming Tengaged's Next Top Model!
1422 days 3 hours ago
The first name I am going to call is Best Photo and Highest Score...
Natalia! (35.5)

Congratulations! Although your Photo was not 100% in the Street this was the Best of what we had this week!

You are still in the running towards becoming Tengaged's Next Top Model!
1422 days 3 hours ago
Runner-Up for Best Photo and Highest Score is
Manu! (34.3) Photo 1!

As a whole you did very well this week although I preferred your Second Photo.
You are still in the running towards becoming Tengaged's Next Top Model!
1422 days 3 hours ago
The next name I am going to call is
Mia! (31.5)
Lupita! (31.1)

You are still in the running towards becoming Tengaged's Next Top Model!
1422 days 3 hours ago
Taylor! (30.3)
Grace! (29)

You are still in the running towards becoming Tengaged's Next Top Model!
1422 days 3 hours ago
3 Model's left, only 2 Photo's in my hands.....

The Model just missing out on Bottom 2 is
Sasha! (31 - 3 = 28) Photo 2!

You would have scored higher if you didn't have a Penalty!
Make sure to post on time!

You are still in the running towards becoming Tengaged's Next Top Model!
1422 days 3 hours ago
Can Megan and Garrett please step forward....
1422 days 2 hours ago
Megan - Second time you are in the Bottom 2 and this week you are here with every reason. I gave you a Critique at the Challenge and did the exact opposite at the Photoshoot. Last week you produced an Amazing Photo and this week you haven't taken one, but five steps back.

Garrett - Second time you are here in a ROW! The Judges are seeing the same thing from you week after week and we are getting bored. We need to see versatility and not just a pretty face and a pretty body standing in front of the Camera. You aren't giving your full potential!

So who stays?
1422 days 2 hours ago
The name I do not call must immediately return to the House, pack up their stuff and go home....

The Last name I am going to call is
Garrett! (27.5)

You have been saved for having a higher score once again but this is not going to happen again if you do not improve! Pull up your socks!

You are still in the running towards becoming Tengaged's Next Top Model!
1422 days 2 hours ago
Megan! (19.5)

I am sorry my dear but you have been eliminated!

I was rooting for you as I wanted you to prove that not only can you be an Actress but also a Model and unfortunately you did not listen to Critiques and the advice we gave you and that has ultimately sent you home.

Good Luck in the future!
1422 days 2 hours ago
:::::::::: FINAL SCORES :::::::::::

1st - Natalia: 35.5
2nd - Manu: 34.3
3rd - Mia: 31.5
4th - Lupita: 31.1
5th - Taylor: 30.3
6th - Grace: 29
7th - Sasha: 28
::::: BOTTOM 2 :::::
8th - Garrett: 27.5
9th - Megan: 19.5

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Tengaged's Next Top Model Cycle 11!

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